Dog on aff?

I've  been noticing  somhing, i hope it's  nit just me so someone can help me. But what the heck is this:


It's  friggen everywhere!!! Not on all pages but a few. I tried clicking it and nothing happened. If you are wondering i am on my samsung tablet... it still not doing  anything. I'm  not mad or anything, just what the heck is it? It always pops up when i click the little 3 bars in the corner, but it kinda creepy... kinda cute... look at that face... 

Wait... it might be a wolf... anyways, what is it?



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Me either...idek what's that for and so i ignored it.
BriannaHeart #2
I have that dog/wolf too. Honestly it creeps me out how it keeps popping up. It can't be an April fools thing because its April third and I still have it.but maybe its supposed to last a couple days.
It's spot, it's only for today, he'll be gone tomorrow.
It's an April Fools thing. You can control it with your arrow keys or your W,A,S and D keys.