i might quit

Before you get excited or get your in a twist, either one. 

Also ignore me.

Remember where I am coming from like on my side of the story Pls, thank you.


 I put a lot into my stories. My writing is still ty, but I do. When I don't update for god knows how long, it's because I'm trying my hardest to produce good quality content. Yet, I feel like I'm not doing anything. I write because I love to, but at the same time It's kinda hard to see ypur favourite stories you spend a lot of time on get like 14 subscribers and 0-2 upvotes with less than 5 view per chapter. I don't do writing for the subscriptions and upvotes, but it sure is nice to see. And those speical readers who leave comments, tysm. I want to quit bc i feel like nobody reads my writing, I can write for myself on my docs or something. If i wanna read fics then I don't HAVE to have an account. I only have an aff mainly because whatever my dark imagination comes up with i jot down. But if nobody enjoys reading it then what's the point of having it on here? I can write for myself and still get just as much satisfaction out of it. I come up with so many ideas, but no one seems to enjoy or find and liking towards it.

another ty things is i will come up with an idea, make a story, have at least 4 chapters or something then put the fanfic on draft or delete it. Then less than a month later on the front page/ M rated featured stories will have hundreds of subbers, hundreds of upvoters, thousands of views and it will be the same exact idea. Most of the time I've came up with the idea like a month befoee they started publishing so i know im not coping them. 


Its just kinda discouraging.


Alright ingore me sorry im just kinda sad lately and I've gained a poind from eating icecream a lot so....


Sorry for being so annoying♡



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You aren't annoying. I feel the same sometimes.