KaiStal or whatever their ship name is

Hello, my lovely friends! Ok, this is maybe for me easy to say because I'm not a Jongin stan, nor do I have an OTP with Jongin involved (well, apart from KaiSoo... they once were my OTP (lord I was crazy about them, but they weren't even my biases) but not anymore), but I'm... happy for Jongin and for Krystal (sry, don't know her real name).

It doesn't really... affect me... I mean, I love Jongin, I really do! I just hope he's happy and that Krystal is happy and that people won't be like... like, when BaekYeon was is? a thing. I support KaiStal, even though I don't ship hetero ships.

Don't hate on Jongin, don't hate on Krystal. Ok? It's okay if you feel hurt or sad, but... please, let them live.


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yen_xoxounicorn #1
It doesn't affect me bc I like her since the heirs
But omg don't get me started on baek(that woman)
Lol disappears/
Omg I hate you! How could you stan sojoung and jongin?! I hate you so much! Kai is my bias, how would you feel if yours started dating huh you little--

APRIL FOOLS LOVE-y'know I be joking with you right? RIGHT?! (FAIL)
But I feel sorry for people who feel that way. It's sad really.... I'm happy, it's their life! I have they have many babies
(even though I was secretly hoping taemin and Kai were real cut turns out Taemin is gay.)
IT doesn't affect me either. I'm happy for him and Krystal. If they're happy with each other, I 'm happy for them and will support them 100%! I hope no one hates on them too much like Baekyeons relationship. God that was a disaster and Exo should be able to date whoever they like without getting harassed by the public.
Thank you for this amazingly adult comment on the whole KaiStal thing. I feel the same.