Good news bad news and some inbetween

Hi guys. I know that everyone is waiting for my ocassional 'am gonna quit aff bye' blog but I decided to skip the thing this year. It's not that I'm losing interest in foolign people or anything, it's just that I'm not in the mood to craft another story. Ugh. Life is hectic lol. So... first of all I gonna address a current issue and idc if you guys end up bashing on me. Whether it was an April's fool joke or not (probably not I think but idk), the whole Kaistal drama is WAYYY over-dramad. Every second post is people weeping about it and here I am just wondering WHY. Like, okay, you write / read stories with them being with someone else. DOES this really change what you like? I highly doubt so. I won't go into much detail with my opinions on idols (this blog is not for that, so.) but..yea, what I wanted to say here is that seeing this everywhere like someone died or idk is kinda..yea. I get the fact that people are a bit upset but I don't at the same time. So what if someone dates someone lol. Will we perish? 

Okay, that minirant aside, I have good and bad news. Good news: am working steadily on my book's....ideas. Yea, I still only have poor little Chloe and the fact that there will be spiders in the thing. But..I'm proud lol. Also good news: I have a mini job, only went like twice yet for 1-1 hour but it pays okay and it's fun (I criticizestuff, mobile apps mainly, I think I'm the purrfect person for that tho I think I tore a poor guy's heart to shreds LOL). Good news: getting a new phone which may allow more updates (I'm out a lot, my phone is baaad when it comes to me typing on it but I'm getting something a bit better so yea.) Also good news: PROBABLY GETTING A NEW ROOM. And a comfy bed lol.

So.. bad news. I hurt my wrist It's not serious, I can still type I mean (after putting on some cooling cream that took away most of the pain for now, an hour ago I couldn't move it), but I'm scared that this is the typical infection or whatever I have every half a year or so, so I may not be able to write / make posters as much as I want (after writing this I'll let it rest lol, I have a writein tomorrow at my fave cafe so yea). Bad news: I got PISSED today. It's hard to make me really really mad but it happened lol. I AM overreacting and I know but it was eh -.-

So I went to Burger King and ordered a Red Velvet Cake (which has a unique name, for record!!!!) and two cheeseburges. As always, queue was long, service was slow, I could have hit any other actual restaurant for this price and 'quickness' but I was like ' it I'm craving some burgers' (going to the local hamburger-place 3 mins from there would have been too hard lol). So guy finally tells me the price and it's more than twice than the actual price. I blink at him dumbly and then he FINALLY realizes that he messed something up, says nothign (after stuttering when asking me if I want anything else and stuff) and totalles the thing, then somehow gets my order and ugh. Okay, so I know that they are overworked, I see the poor kid there every single time we go there (quickest place to grab lunch at when inbetween classes) so yea. But like... I don't know, I felt so..mad and sorry at / for him at the same time. Before that we had a fantastic writing class where we talked about words we took from other languages. I hate how we rewrite it, from email not we have ímél (hungarian people would understand this more lol). Makes no sense to me. And then..idk. I just felt all mad all day lol. But I'm fine, and I went to the gardern, even had fresh air so yea. 

Whatever, I wrote way more than I should have. Gonna hit the bed now lol. 

Oh, have an angry selfie from the Grumpette. aka me.

Love that top btw. Was cheap af but it looks ok lol

(I have more pics but fb won't lemme load them and I'm too lazy to get upload them from my phone so yea. Later I'll show off my new fave outfit :D) don't mind my face and hair, haven't been sleeping much. 


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rimyamm #1
About updating . It s true that we have been waiting but ur health is more importing ! And just dont overthink about ur wrist , u will get bettet :)