my dream about my #mcm

Omg... where do I begin? My dream was about me and my crush (whom I used to go to high school with) dating. So in reality he is always walking the streets alone or with his friends or to the corner store right across the street from his house. By the way you guys I know where he lives at and I watch his area to see if I can spot him out. Seeing him makes my heart flutter and a smile grow on my face. Anyways in my dream I was walking to the corner store (since my neighborhood is like down the street from his) to buy an Arizona Sweet Tea and some candy. He shows up in the store, to buy a pack of cigarettes and he sees me. I saw him so I blushed. 

Oh and I mer him face to face too a month or so back... I was scared!

So then I go outside after paying to drink my tea. Today was the day I was going to tell him how I feel and if he rejects me then I can just cry when I get home. In reality I saw him walking with a girl and that broke my heart that I stayed inside the house for nearly three days. Until my grandma forced me out and told me maybe that wasn't his girlfriend and she gave me confidence to start liking him again. Back to dream, I went up to him after he came out. I was like, "Darrian." and he looks at me like he doesn't know who I am. I told him my name, the classes we had in high school, and he remembered. So then I said, "I just wanted a few minutes of your time to tell you that I really like you. I have a crush on you and I've had this ever since 10th grade so basically 2 years. I know it sounds crazy but whenever I see you, it just brightens up my day. I get genuinely happy and my heart throbs. If you don't feel the same way then I completely understand. I'll leave you alone too if you'd like." I was so serious at this point.

He stares at me, then grins, and laughs. I thought he was rejecting me so I started crying. Then he hugs me all of a sudden and says, "Stop crying I'm not rejecting you, I thought you were cute too."

Then it fast-forwards to when I bring him to my house. He's in my room, watching me straighten up my bed for us to chill out on. When I'm done he basically comes behind me and hugs me from behind then pulls me to the bed. I felt so ecstatic that we even kissed for a while... until my grandma barges in to tell me dinner is ready. So I go get food for me and him and then my brother shows up from work. He sees Darrian on the bed and starts to get into an argument with me. "Oh I don't like him, he's a bum, he smokes cigarettes, and he's just trying to have with you." I told him to leave me alone because he had the same relationship with his ex-girlfriend (but way more physical abuse).

So eventually my crush leaves before kissing me. My brother sees me outside and still nags me about having a boyfriend. I told him back, "Well at least he's not a female abuser like you. I am 18 years old, I don't have time for your bull about who and who I can't Date. You're not my dad, you're my brother, so stop acting like I'm an object and give me some independence." After that my dream just sort of ends.

I woke up because my grandma woke me up asking for a soda. 


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