One Year

It's been a year since I've been on asianfanfics and I have to admit, it has to be one of the best years.

It is here that I became more open to other groups, more members. It is here that I made new friends, dongsaengs, unnis, and oppas alike. And I want to thank them all for helping me.

It is here that I found a little community of KPop lovers who happened to like to write as well.

Most importantly, this site has helped to improve my writing.

I have 561 subscribers, and I want to thank each and every single one of you. WIthout your support, I may never have continued to write on this site. But now, I have reached one year.

Thank you to ifallelsefails unni ♥ Always, my many thanks, and you know why.

Thank you to all my other friends and dongsaengs and readers. Thank you ♥

In 2012, I hope to finish up a lot of stories, and start many more. Hwaiting and please anticipate. 




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Happy Anniversary, Dongsaeng! I hope you have a great year ahead of year.

This year is the most important in the lunar calendar since it's the celebration of the Golden Dragon.
Happy anniversary dear :)
Happy anniversary :-)
Happy anniversary unnie <3
imELF- #5
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! You deserve the best <3 Have a great year!!!
Happy Anniversary 8D
Happy anniversary dear~ ^^
lovesj #8
are you going...... HIATUS? or is just me thinking it?

anyways, Happy ANNIVERSARY to you!! You have a very good stories, and thank you for corrupting my mind.. hahah..
Happy one year unnie :)
