To all my subscribers! And friends too!

Wow! My first blog post! .....I've never done a blog before. *gulps*

Anyway! I just want to make an announcement to my subscribers and my friends who may or may not have read my SHINee summer vacation story. In my recent chapter, I said that I might double-run the sequel. And I have! It's up and ready to be read! So if you want a break from fluff and want to read some romantic, k-pop drama go ahead and try my new story, The SHINee World 2.0! (Not a Justin Beiber reference! There's a point to the title!) Or! If you want to read the sequel first and use the summer vacation story as a tension reliever, do that too! Whatever you do, enjoy them! And if not...well, even SHINee has haters (gasp!) Ahem, what I mean is "can't have all the fans!" So that's it for my first blog post!

Oh yeah! And EXO's Kai, Lu Han, Se Hun, Tao, Lay, and Chen are in it! (Sorry, I had to.)

So go try it! (Or not) And happy reading!



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You did a very good job on your first blog may I say!!! Your new story sounds awesome!!!!