Living and Working in Korea - Day 3 Starting work

So... I started work today.

I was picked up by my coteacher (for today's school) outside my apartment and he gave me a quick tour to show me the bus stop and then we headed to the school. He spent the whole trip saying the school was the biggest one I'll be working at and they have a grand total of 70 students in the whole middle school. The school is also in the middle of a load of farms. It's basically the epitome of a rural school.

So we arrived and I had time to put down my stuff and be shown my desk before I had my first class with 3rd year middle school students (16 years old, I believe).

Luckily, I wasn't expected to teach first day, as I had nothing really prepared. Instead, my first lesson was a Q and A and the students were allowed to ask me whatever they wanted (within reason). Initially all questions were asked in English but the students were quite weak so, for the harder questions, my coteacher would translate.

There were a couple of really engaged students whose English was pretty good. One girl in particular was very good and very eager to improve.

Then we went on to do a listening exercise. It was pretty dry stuff. I'll have to work out a way to make that stuff more interesting because ugh. The students weren't engaged at all.

So that was my first class, then I had a break of an hour, which I used to study the textbooks in more depth and then it was right back in to the 2nd years.

This class was entertaining. There was a girl who was determined to be my new best friend and insisted I eat lunch with her which was funny.

The Q and A went basically the same as with the 3rd years but there were a couple more intrusive questions (which aren't rude in Korea, so I can't really get offended). They included 'what is your height?' and 'who is the most handsome boy in this class?' Haha

Then another hour break for textbook reading and then lunch. Lunch is actually provided to us, which is awesome. So I had bean rice, kimchi, some kind of spinach soup which seemed to have shellfish in it, japchae with mushrooms and some kind of pork meatball in a spicy sauce. It was really tasty.

After I finished eating with the teachers I was quickly tracked down by my new 2nd grade best friend and she dragged me off to give me a tour of the school. She was very chirpy and her English was pretty good so it was an entertaining time. She also fully embarrassed her friend by pointing out the boy she liked, haha.

Then it was back to the 1st years. The first year class was a lot weaker in English level but a lot more willing to ask questions (mostly through my coteacher). They were especially interested in Australia and everything about the country. I didn't notice any particularly strong or interested student in that class. I may have to work harder to make that class productive, especially in terms of focus, there were a couple of kids at the back who spent the entire time curling their hair :P

Then there was another hour break and then there was an after school class. Apparently this class will be a fun conversation class that's only for those who want to learn. So, I think I can play some cool games and get some cool discussions going in this one. Today they worked on introductions and wrote a paragraph about themselves. It was interesting if not the most exciting class. I learnt a lot, haha. Plus, the super interested girl from my 3rd year class was in there and spent the whole time chatting to me. 

So overall, it was a good day. I still haven't actually taught anything but I think I'll be good in that school. I hope. I'll see how I go in a week when I go back there, I guess.

As a final thing, I thought I'd list some funny Q and A questions I got from every single class:

  • Do you have a boyfriend? Plus shock whenever I said no.
  • What is your ideal man?
  • Do you play games? I answered yes, the next question was always: League of Legends? Cue shock when I say yes. Then the questions: What rank are you? and What character do you play? They were disappointed I was unranked.
  • How are you so thin and pretty? (So cute <3)

I also got told I have a small face more than once and that's still the weirdest compliment of all time :P

So yeah, my day was good. I have to experience another first day tomorrow though. So that's scary.


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Aww those questions! XD
They were refreshing though, a bit different from the questions we might get normally :P
Seriously curling hair in class?
All the best for the next day ^~^
All the best to you :) Haha they are so cute ^_^ and funny
They were curling their hair??? LOL! It sounds like the after school class is going to be fun. Small face? Biggest compliment ever XD