Risky Operation

Risky Operation 101

You know, I have a habit of lying to get things done my way.

And once you start lying, you can't really stop entirely. People say it's human nature, well I don't know about that.

Lying is something pleasurable (Wth am I saying but YEAH HAHAH for me) but if your lie is exposed, it would be hard to build up that trust again.

When I first started doing all these 'lies' , 'gossips', 'covering ups', I was caught several times and the consequences I received was undesirable. I nearly lose a few friends back then.

And you must have thought that i learn my lesson right? YES I learn my lesson of being a better liar or maybe erm I forgotten what they call it. Silver tongue? HAHAH.

So kids, if you are still feeling guilty from all the lies you said, don't read on okay?


Recently, I made a few mistakes while I was trying to sugarcoat my words and to lie as well.

I nearly got caught. I was scared less.

But here I am, preparing for a risky operation.

I'm gonna make up an excuse to not stay overnight for a compulsory 4days 3 nights camp. And of course my 'excuse' would have to be complicated and rare but at the same time credible for it to pass. However, I have little background knowledge of the people whom I'm going to speak to. They sound fun and easy going but I know among them, there's this strict and smart dude.

I may not need to speak to that strict and smart dude but in order for everything to go smoothly, I have to make sure if I were to explain myself to the strict and smart dude, it would be flawless.

And yes I'm nervous. Not only because it would be risky but also from the recent mistakes I've made.

So why did I have to come up with an excuse and make life miserable?

Why not just stay overnight right?


1. The showering area is really.. unhygienic.

2. People don't sleep during camps and I have to sleep

3. It's too cold out there since they always turn on the AC and set it at 18degress celcius (My country's always warm so I'm not used to it being below 23 degree celcius)

4. There's a high chance of sleeping in classrooms, on the FLOOR. With all the big ants and hair and idk

Those are the reasons that I could think of for now.

So why is it risky?

Apart from the strict and smart dude I mentioned above, it's like a do or die mission. If my excuse is not accepted, I will not go for the camp which leads to several disadvantages that I don't really care much about. But, it will definitely make an impact on my reputation in school. Actually, now that i think about it, my excuse is not that fake. 50% of it is real while the rest is just to make sure its foolproof.  

Anyways back to my risky mission. I even planned for the date and time to explain myself already like gosh. I'm typing it here because I'm still pretty worried about it. It could backfire pretty badly and no way would I want that.


YES I'm going to share some tips. I definitely advice you to not lie but sometimes we need to.

1. Be general- Don't go straight into details when you are telling a lie. People often got caught when they mess up the details in their lies. Instead, your lie should be pretty general. For example if you were to lie about your dog being sick, just tell them your dog is sick, I need to bring it to the doctors. There's no need to explain what illness it has or when you need to bring the dog to the vet or the history of your dog.

2. Be prepared- This may seem to be in contrary with point 1 but you still need to prepare some details to backup your lie. You never know when people might just question you further or show that unconvinced face. Have the details but only explain it bit by bit when needed.

3. Avoid lying face to face - We tend to stutter and do unnecessary actions when we lie to a person face to face. Instead try to text them or speak over a phone call. It's way easier to think about what to say- oh I mean lie.

4. Be natural - There will deinitely be circumstances where we need to lie face to face. That is when you need to be natural. You have to remind yourself what you are saying is the truth not a lie. Mind your body language, don't do unnecessary gestures and don't stay still. Smile or frown when there's a need to.

5. Be Mysterious? - I'm not saying to keep a low profile when I ask you to be mysterious/secretive. You can be a popular person but people may still not know you well. Don't blindly tell everyone everything about yourself. Keep some privacy for your own use. If people don't know you that well, they have a higher tendency to believe in your lies.

Now that serves as a good reminder for myself too HAHAH

I really hope I don't screw it up!



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