Just some thoughts on the matter.

There isn't much I want to say, just that I am really tired today. Should I spend the night up with them? I can't and I don't want to. It's already too hard to maintain a no-pimple face, spending the night up results in me having a lot of acne.

I have one more night to spend here and by morning the next day after tomorrow, I'll be going home. I miss my bed to be honest, I really do. What's worse is the fact that I get a really hard time sleeping when I am not on my own bed, it takes me days, sometimes weeks to get used to another bed.

Did I really get to rest? I am not relly sure. Sure I did not do any chores today but with all the things and actvities we did, I still feel really tired. In fact, I am more tired than usual.

I am not complaining or anything, I just really want to voice out, or in this case, write my thoughts. I just want to have a giid night's sleep, one that I haven't had in more than a couple of nights already.


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