SEOUL HERO'S OH DAREUN. (no, literally pls kill me e e e)

NAME. oh, dareun. [ 오다른  ]
“   DARUDARU 다루다루 — it was one day bestowed upon her by the old fart of a pd-nim. dareun isn't really sure where it came from - it was literally out of nowhere - and insung doesn't have an explanation for it either. she'd only have been fine if it hadn't spread wildly across twitter bc now #darudaru is pretty unavoidable.
“   GARI-HEAD ガリ ヘッド — it's the pink ginger stuff that gets served with your sushi, and if it wasn't already obvious the nickname has a lot to do with dareun's hair color; she's graced upon this by junko sensei bc it's one of the first things that came to mind when the two first met.
BIRTHDAY. 011393 (23)
BIRTHPLACE. yongsan-gu, seoul, south korea.
RESIDENCES. yongsan-gu, seoul, south korea.
ETHNICITY.full korean.
NATIONALITY. south korean.
“   그래 너 나는 싫어   — since she was born and raised in south korea, korean becomes dareun's native language. yes, we know, it doesn't always seem like it (because dareun's always mumbling away in a corner and pd-nim suspects WITCH CRAFT), but it's korean, i can assure you.
“   YES, HOW CAN HELP YOU?   — although english isn't one of dareun's worst subjects, it's certainly not one of her strongest. her english is just as basic as her as any other korean citizen. in fact, it may be even worse. although safe for a couple profanities that dareun's too embarrassed to use in real life.
  可愛いくないけど   — very poor japanese that's exceptionally sustainable for a weeaboo. a handul of animes from minjae has given dareun enough knowledge to understand what a "baka" is, but it's certainly not enough to ask junko how she got such a nice .
APPEARANCE. the orgin of the astounding height's a mystery and like the way she towers, dareun's arms and legs are rather long. perhaps it's the short torso causing the allusion, but she's pretty tall nonetheless. other notable features to dareun include the long pink locks, tall soft nose, plump lips, faint freckles over cheekbones and her over-all slender appearance. dareun is not often approached because of this, though. she's this over-whelming walking tower that carries a lack of facial expression; she's even been called a vampire before !!! being compared to edward.. and/or bella.. bc rbf. it's not too far from the truth either (in comparison to a expressionless bella, not vampires orz). she does have a nice set of teeth though, so when she laughs or smiles she looks more human. oh, and as far tattoos and peircings go, dareun sports neither because needles. [ lmfao kill me this is always my w orst partt  t : // ]
“   WITHOUT CARE   —  dareun's style is generally very feminine. it leans somewhere towards something simplistic, vintage and casual. she collects and wears a lot of peter-pan collars, floral patterns, pencil skirts, laces, and etc. she also favors a lot of high-waisted bottoms and, although a lot of men hate it, all assortments of heels because they make her feel fierce. on other days, when she has to practice especially, her fashion is dialed down to shorts, simple jeans, loose wool sweaters, turtle necks and cardigans. also, her preference on make-up is rather or not normally wearing make-up at all.
“   BUT OUT THERE   — if dareun had her way she'd be wearing skirts and dresses on stage all the time, but because the coordinators don't want to risk her.. well, flashing anyone on live television, dareun's style has resorted to ripped jeans/shorts, converse sneakers, combat boots, loose tees, occasional flannels, leather jackets and chokers?? ? what? a majority of her on-stage style currently consists of being semi-punk, which includes more eyeliner !!! it's not really her, but.. she'll cope.
STRUCTURE. 173cm (w/ heels, around 176-177) & 72kg
FACECLAIM. fernanda ly (warukatta).
( + ) pragmatic, benevolent, ambitious ( + )
( – ) nonchalant, naive, docile ( - )
  ( ? ) 51% kuudere, 49% dandere, gentle giant, uncutest cute, little miss stoic ( ? ) 
JANUARY 13TH, 1993 / AGE 00   — she is born !!1! welcome to the world, dareun.
OH RESIDENCE / AGES 1 - 4   — her father is an imperious piano instructor who is determind to create a wonderous daugher prodigy. dareun is smashing a toy keyboard moments before she is able to walk, peaking papa oh's proper initiation in dareun's piano lessons by the age of four. during her first attempted year, it is said that dareun showed many sparks of potential! or perhaps that was just rhythimic smashing... papa oh refuses to believe in the latter
A SWEET YOUNGIN / AGE 5   — and so begins kindergarten. during her small class of 20, dareun is well-behaved and diligent. at the time, she is very small in size, causing other little girls to disregard her for being too puny to play with. little dareun tries her best to make friends however using her double-jointed fingers to impress everyone at the playground. she only comes home in tears one day because apparently being small and oddly flexable is strange in child society. after a while, dareun begins to accepts her unfortunate fate and busies herself with coloring books, sticking crayons in her hair and pocketing insects to take home for later.
ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE / AGE 10   — she prospers excellently with piano, and does as equally with her studies during school. due to piano practices at home, dareun carries very little time for friend-making, which causes her to fall more distant from others. and when given the oppurituniy, she tries to emit conversation.. only discovering that girls don't normally talk about topics such as life after death. dareun also has her first piano recital; she realizes mid-way that stages are a terrifying place to be. she chokes up in the middle of her first score after picturing all those girls at school watching and judging her. like she wasn't good enough for them. dareun later finds herself wheezing back-stage in her mother's loving arms. her father comes to reassure her that she will definitely do better next time. with more practice and extra dedicated hours.
THEN CAME HE / AGE 12   — dareun's mother takes it upon herself to drag dareun around wherever she goes. leaving her daughter alone causes mama oh to feel sad, so she takes dareun to her friend's house and there, dareun meets kim minjae. a crooked-smiling boy who's a year older than she; she hastily requests to tag along ever since then because for the first time ever someone actually sits down to talk with her (and he's cute so it's even better!!) through the many visits, minjae and dareun eventually become friends. and good ones at that bc dareun wonders if she can talk to ghosts and minjae finds that charming. thing just worked out. minjae introduces rock music to dareun for the first time, and she immediately becomes infatuated with the loud, mechanism in the background. after borrowing several more cd's from minjae and analyzing the wonderous heartbeats, dareun grows a terrible leg-shaking, pen-tapping habit that may or may not have driven the world insane.
PRE-TEENLY A TEEN / AGE 13   — middle-school life. piano at this point has become a bit of a bore, and dareun would much rather be whacking away at cylinders !!!! she learns later that they are called drums and she most definitely needs a set of those in her life. her father definitely doesn't approve of the idea when it first comes around (he considers it all to be too loud; barbaric) and so, dareun creates a plan. find a job, save the money, buy a drum-set. and maybe slide in becoming a star. also, don't forget to insert dareun's phenominal growth spurt here because ta-dah, now she's even harder to approach than ever.
TO THE BEAT OF THE HEART / AGE 15   — her plan finally commences! after working part-time at her aunt's resturant (washing dishes, cutting up chicken, blahblah), she gets her hands on a drum-set for the first time. it's glorious. she hides the set at minjae's house because father probably wouldn't allow such a thing in the house; she hires minjae's older brother to train her (he's in a ty garage band that no one cares about but he's decent like, aren't connections great???). she practices almost every day under her mother's approval and behind her father's back, usually after practices or whenever she claims to have a "study date" with minjae. she works just as diligently as she did way back with piano, except this time, actually enjoys herself.
SAME YEAR, BUT SOMETHING NEW / AGE 15   —  after eight months of drumming interactions, and a sufficent amount of piano-excluding, dareun finally comes out to her father that she wants to drop being a pianst bc that was never her intention. of course, papa oh is absolutely furious. after all this hard work and she's throwing the talent away??? none-sense! blasphemy!!! papa oh takes it to heart and becomes a bitter old grump for a while.. but, after some time, like a LONG LONG TIME and a LOT LOT LOT of talking it out with his daughter, he gives her an ounce of apporval. under the condition that dareun attends an up-coming piano competition, and wins at least 2nd place at most (AND YES, SHE KICKED AT BEING 2ND PLACE. IN YOUR FACE STAGE-FRIGHT, HOPE U RUN AWAY  H OME YA LAME bUT EVEN IF IT WASNT FIRST SHE STILL GOT IT). for the sake of her father's acceptance, dareun promises him to keep at piano ever-so-often, just so she doesn't forget the knowledge.
HIGHSCHOOL??? / AGES 16 - 18   — pretty much a blur. too many hang-outs with minjae, not being able to form a band of her own,  scaring away her short-heighted crushes, prosperous amounts of drums, and possible depleting grades because slacking off becomes a trend. the only thing she can remember out of these years is that she dated minjae- but then broke up mutually with him because they realize it's weird to date someone like a sibling to you lol. by her third year she decides that she's going pull her together in order to graduate and get into an proper school - thankfully she does.
SOMEWHERE 2012, COLLEGE / AGE 19   — moves out to live closer to her school and gets herself a job at an old antique store. she's taking a general musicianship program. college life is boring though, because there's still no luck in human interaction and god when is anyone ever going to jam with her??? lacking something cool in her life, she decides to dye her hair and stick out like a sore thumb because why the hell not, she does so already.
TODAY, TOMORROW, TODAY / AGE 23   — it's been four years. she's ready to graduate and do something with her life already. like her determination, dareun's vibrant appearance still continues strong; she just wishes an opportunity would come along her way. then it hits her one day - no, i mean like, it actually hits her one day on her way to the super market. a wadded up ball of paper carelessly thrown her way (specifically in the face). smoothing down it's wrinkles, dareun frowns at it for a moment. she's failed three of other auditions before this one and isn't sure if she's ready to humiliate herself again, but, hey. fourth time's the charm right??? or was it third or- yeah, whatever. who cares! dareun turns around and thanks no one in particular, calls up minjae and demands a designated driver.
— the name "dareun" is translated to "different" in english.
— because she still gets nervous when performing (the main cause for some of her previously failed auditions), dareun performs a ritual for herself in order to get rid of the nerves. tbh it's not even a ritual, it's just writing "luck" on her wrist with a marker. she believe's that it works bc that's what she did when auditioning for seoul hero
— she has a habit of talking to herself; sometimes it's just low murmuring and people freak out because of it
— was once asked to be in track and field bc long legs = fast runner right?? ?? no lol dropped out bc can't sports for . .. . 
— uality?? ? pretty straight but kinda bi-curious bc girls are so pretty and fragile and dareun might wanna kiss one

— has no alcohol tolerance what-so-ever, but she lies to you when you ask and says she does
— can't sports for but she could hit u like a brutish man : - )) )) ) 

— sometimes pretty boys make her nervous, causing her to act stranger than normal
— she is afraid of hugs because she's used to being told that she's horrible at them
— (is brain dead and will come barreling down here if i can ever think of any)
at first, dareun used to make insung feel veeery uncomfortable. it was probably due to the fact that she constantly replied to him in stares, and she mumbled creepily to herself whenever he stood near; unkowingly bc dareun found insung to be quite attractive and she didn't know how to properly talk to him. but, pd-nim was a professional! one strange girl wasn't going to keep him from running for success (take junko for example!!! lol i kid junko i'm ur fan). long story short, dareun and pd-nim get along quite fine now. they don't usually have the time to talk to each other one-on-one, since they're often surrounded by the other members of seoul hero all the time, but when they do there's not much of a problem. they've become used to each other's presence. insung learns how to make small talk with dareun, and gains the habit of blowing in her face when she's spaced out. dareun learns that pd-nim is a lot lamer than she expected, but gets super cool when he means business. most of their conversations consist of, "how was your day" or "what was for lunch" or insung complaining about dareun's serious height and how if she ever started growing some more, he would definitely have to fight her.
junko thinks of dareun like the majority: she's a bit of an oddball. like, why the hell does she keep staring at me and f uckin what is with the hEELS WHO U TRYNA BE THE NAMSAN TOWER??? she doesn't really dislike dareun though, and visa-versa because dareun actually admires junko for her overall spunk, and junko likes the fact that the gari-head listens extraordinarily well to her commands (even when the korean is all wrong). dareun doesn't really mind it either. she thinks junko's kinda cute in her own fiery sort of way. perhaps it's the little accent she has or the way she grumbles in anger or something. it's hard for dareun to pin-point as to why that is, so she settles for just watching her super duper close until she figures it out. junko responds to this with looks of confusion. it's either that or fighting stances and dareun at that point will always ends up scuttling away. all dareun knows that she wants to be friends with junko somehow, because she reminds dareun of an anime character (nOt beCaUse she's japanese !!!!). like the really tsundere ones and like... . minjae has helped dareun grow a long-term affection for those types. junko senpai pls notice.
at first glance you think this guy is real suave and charismatic, right? HA WRONG. meet the biggest dweeb in the world. and dareun's only friend. the two have been at each other's sides for a long, long time now. they've reached essential "friendship goals" bc of all the weird telepathic thinking that goes along between them. dareun gives the look and minjae's all, "maxi-pad or what???". together, they are like a really good pair or siblings. the type that has each other's back and go through a series of diabolical plans in order to make it through life. really, sometimes dareun feels like if she hadn't met minjae at all, her life wouldn't be the same. she loves him LIKE A BROTHER THOUGH BC THEY'VE BEEN DOWN THAT ROAD AND GOD NO ALMOST KISSING HIM WAS JUST TOO STRANGE AND MINJAE ABSOLUTELY AGREES. being bestfriends is something they are very good at, and hope that it'll never change.
POSITION. drummer !!1
BACKUP POSITION. keyboardist !!!
8 YRS OF DRUMMING & ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT  — dareun began training unprofessionally after buying her own drum set at the age of 15. under the care of minjae's older brother, dareun learnt most of her skill in a garage. she hadn't taken any actual classes before. her only method of teaching was coming from a very un-successful young adult; because her father was not very open about dareun's passion at the time, un-successful young adults were dareun's only way of learning. this way later comes to halt when minjae's older brother decides to school abroad, and find success else-where. she begins taking proper private lessons, in which her father organizes after their agreement (bc if she's going to pursue something else she'd better do amazing at it). along-side private lessons, dareun also resorts to the internet to expand on overall skill and ability.
16 YRS-ISH OF PIANO  — it's funny how dareun has been playing the piano for longer than she has been drumming but it's not the thing she wanted. dareun trained with her father from several years to get to the point of near perfection, since she started fairly young, though she is far from that because now piano is like the side- that dareun occasionally pays visits to. she was taught to be perscicse with her work, because minor mistakes were something her father would not have. having a eagle-dad is always tough work because you were always under the pressure of high-expectations. not to mention the fact that her father IS a piano instructor, so being pushed into piano was the inevitable. 
VOCAL TWIN. yura, girls' day.
BACKUP TWIN. jia, miss a.
IDEAL PERSON. "mmn.. perhaps.. insung-ssi?"
IDEAL TYPE. anyone who's willing to see eye-to-eye with her (that also means height lmfao). to understand her and allow her to feel comfortable and secure bc who doesn't want that?? she's very into playful types, because dareun feels like they'd be able to show her a broad new world. however those types also make her hella nervous because oH g od am i even up to par with you like r u n ot embarrassed to be seen with me or what?? she is also pretty down for tsundere types tok ok lol. sure maybe it's a alright like she's kinda into the whole cold on the outside sweet on the inside thing.... basically every main kdrama lead ever. if you're that she's probably got her eyes on you.. . . like.. maybe a lot..
INTERACTIONS. l.i doesn't know how to feel about dareun because she's always just standing around and looking at them. then again she does that to everyone but l.i feels like she looks at them a certain way and l.i is unable to shake it off. dont get the wrong idea, l.i tells themselves. it's just dareun wanting to get to know them better - that's how she is. staring is what she does. l.i often reminds dareun that staring is rude and she needs to chill. l.i finds it hard to not stare back at dareun sometimes though. she's a damn cherry blossom tree and she goes around assisting others when nobooty even asked her to like w hat r u stupid don't do that. l.i even gets annoyed that dareun does nothing. just sits or practices or listens. so sometimes l.i tries to prank dareun to get some sort of a reaction. recently l.i learned that skinship is dareun's worst nightmare so l.i enjoys that a lot. not bc dareun get's squirmy and kinda.. weirdly.. c ute wtf no bc they like to bully dareun for being a dumb tree. u get??? dareun doesn't know how to feel about l.i either. she doesn't know if they enjoy her company or if they dislike it and honestly l.i gives dareun a hecka amount of mixed emotions. like y u gotta try to pat her head and poke her sides like bruh istg she would crush you if she could but you're also kind of sweet to her when no one is looking which makes it impossible.. fuc k.
STATUS. two awkward strangers that don't rly get each other > hi my name is and wow ur weird aren't ya.. . lol don't come near me > co-workers that are not-so-secretly meeting eyes on a basis > you know that thing where it's like, "if a boy bullies u that means he likes u", yeah it's that > ok but srsly do u even have emotions, let me try to get to know u > one-on-one practicing session w/ both band stuff and talking to each other > i suppose you're a human. i mean.. u get my jokes and ur laugh is kind of cute.. damn.. > buT YOURE STILL WEIRD I DONT WANNA LIKE YOU > let me say it with out loud to you so you think i'm joking > i'm not joking. i think i actually like you though. please fix that. 
ENDING. together, not together, ended with angst like i love a good surprise !!!!1! lol ;v;
dareun stared at him with a dead expression. "hello.
insung chuckled nervously, rubbing the nape of his neck. "yes, hello. aha.. anyways!"
"there was a flier," her eyes casted down slowly, and dareun smoothed her thumb along the inside of her wrist. the L in LUCK had smudged a little from what seemed to come from her clammy palms. suddenly LUCK was looking sorta.. UCK. "i.. happened to come across it."
dareun remembered that eye contact was sort of important, so her eyes shot back up to look at the two. "i would like to think positively and say that we will," unable to decide who to properly focus on, dareun stared at the wall behind them hoping that they wouldn't notice too much (but junko did and she curiously turned around to check what that was all about). "if we are able to stray away from scandal, strive and work hard to put our name out into the world and well, i don't know.. support one another as... possibly family, i'm sure we'll do just fine. and i mean, even if we don't.. if you're climbing a latter to success, and you know, you kind of happen to fall, you're still going somewhere.. aren't you?" dareun cringed slightly, staring back down at her wrist. ok. ugh. that sounded a lot cooler in her head.
"i'm not sure," dareun shrugged. "i haven't tried, but i'm double jointed. my hands can bend and tense in weird places. sometimes i'm even able to dislocate the sockets. did you want to-" "no! no, maybe another time, thankyou."
"i'm no ailee or celine dion. nor am i tone deaf, either. i suppose i sing well, but i prefer to just-" her lip jutted out into a small pout and she drummed her fingers against the table. "just... this."
"all kinds of music, really. though i feel closely connected to rock music. which is sort of why i'm here. i prefer that genre mainly because it differs from your standard pop songs. with rock music.." she shifted in her seat as she tried to figure out the words. "some people give it a bad rep. as if it's made for punks. for trouble-makers, but- no. that's not it at all. rock music involves a lot more than that. it sounds more emphasized to me-- by that i mean, you have a vocalist, a drummer, guitarist, bassist, etcetera. there's more.. soul into it, i guess. something deeper and meaningful about individually making your music rather than just singing. things like kpop- it's good visuals and dancing. and everyone sounds similar. i'm not saying that it isn't any good, it's just that.. rock is different. and i like different." oh shoot that answer went on for way too long. her hand went and rubbed against the UCK again, panicking loudly on the inside.
her answer felt stupid as hell, but phooey. she probably hecked up moments ago. it wouldn't matter now. "becoming seoul hero. to.. be part of it. and create it. make worth of it.. to uh, turn it into a name nobody's able to forget."
"i'm not good with words. i don't know how to use them. music helps me express that instead because it has no limitation. it's a connection. personally, to me, music is like a language. i'm sure someone's already said it before, but.. that's what it is to me. music to me means speaking without words. it's speaking with a feeling- with sound. with heart. and you don't need to understand it to- to get it. is.. that making sense to you guys?
COMMENTS. she's a mess and so am i, i made u wait too long didn't i. - a poem by dani. i don't know where i was going with this character. i changed her up like... four times and i'm still a little unsatisfied tbh. : (((( maybs you'll think differently from me and enjoy her a little but ajdknfksla WHATEVER I'M DONE I'M D ONE LOL orz yo can u even read the pink??? it works on some of my devices but not all and SPEAKING OF WHICH I'M ACTUALLY FINISHING THIS FRIGGIN APP ON MY PHONE BC LAGGY AF LAPTOP AND THE OTHER ONE IS UPSTAIRS AND I REALIZE IT'Z 8:13 AM IN THE MORNING AND... you're probably wondering why i put myself through all of this and i dont know i honestly  d ont  t k wnowow  anyrmoewrme. i speak incoherently. you have the right to not forgive meeee byeeee e  e e
QUESTIONS. do u have questions for me??? i feel like u would lol
SUGGESTIONS. don't be a dani.
+ that angsty tragic moment when a fellow seoul hero member is planning to retire early.
+ the oldie-line of seoul hero are having some drinks and dareun gets rly rly drunk and starts a useless argument, and idk punches someone LOL
+ seoul hero on a reality tv show or seoul hero working with other idols and dareun is trying to stay calm with all the handsome boys around
+ " im bored let's go play basketball or smthing" "ok" "NOT IT ON JUNKO (BC TURNS OUT EVERYBOOTY IS TALLISH LMFAO)" " WTF THAT AINT EVEN CLOSE TO FAIR"
+ let dareun try to use junko's head as an arm-rest once and see if she'll die lol
PASSWORD. "huh." she begins, a brow raised. "i pinned you as a d-cup.. but perhaps i was wrong.."


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