I'm writing my first script.

I'm at the 1st episode.

But... I need to rewrite part of it, because I did some mistakes... 

I won't submit untill it will be no less than perfect. I know it can be good. 

Well, enough good for a cable channel at least. 

However, I have some insecurities...

1! I haven't studied in this field (and yes if it happens that my script gets chosen, I am going to ditch this job I going to be examined for, the exam is close, guys, very close. 2 weeks left)...

2! I am a foreigner. I don't know why this bugs me less than not having the background! Maybe because education is very important for me, but I did not have the chance to study what I felt calling for. I come from a family where education is important...

3! I'm a disabled person and my disabiliity affects my communication. I'm hearing impaired. Which makes it harder for me to learn foreign languages because it takes longer for me to catch and decode the message. This way, I have become used to express myself in by writing and less by talking. I would seem rude if I wouldn't talk, at least in english language. You know Cha Eun Sang's mother from Heirs? I'm too shy to let my voice out in a foreign language. I would end up writing. 

4! about being on my own. Because I'm disabled, it feels a bit harder. I've always been sustained by my parents and lived between four walls. I have gone in another city to study (still in Romania), but I haven't gone outside. I again stayed between four walls and studied. The outside world seems very strange to me. I never ventured on my own and this is why I am directionally challenged (a bit like Tae Yi from What's Up if you want a reference.).... I cannot remember routes unless I do them many times. 

I must have a strength enough to surpass all of these. A strength I do not know where to get from. But I know it should appear from my script. I sometimes want to lie down and cry. I have made the mistake in the script because I am directionally challenged.  Where can I find all this power I need? 

Also I decided I won't ask for payment in money. I want payment in education, meaning, a chance to study to be a script writer. And for me to get what I want, I must make sure my script is worthy. 




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I got a bit of writing done. Thank you! I'll try to think more positively.
Good luck - I wish you all the best! ^^
You can do it. <3