So,the comeback date is comfirmed and now,we already get the teaser ~~~


     The album called 'Pink Ocean'. I don't know if they gonna promote the title song with pink outfit tho xD but i assume that the album cover gonna be epic.Just me opinion ---- As closer album is so freaking beautiful,I can't wait to see this one.


   So here is the track list :

  1.   Liar Liar  << The title song
  2.   B612
  3.   I Found Love
  4.   Knock Knock
  5.   One Step Two Step


   And the teaser image ::












  This is such a cute teaser! Being a cartoon and with all colourful image.I thought they would want to reveal the members teaser first tho but this is enough ><  I know they are different since they debuttt!!!! That's why I freaking stan them. Especially our doll YooA and cutie pie Arin.


   From what I see,the first teaser image seems like for their title song,Liar Liar.And the second is B612 and I Found Love after that.The fourth image is for Knock Knock and the last for One Step Two Step.


  I'm saying this because from the Knock Knock image,it has the word of the title if you noticed.One Step Two Step also seems suit with the image.But I'm kinda confused with the very first teasr.Why are all of them riding whales? Are they catching the guy? And whales in forest? Well,that's beyond my imagination 0_0

  Personally I like the third one or I Found Love teaser.It seems cute and maybe the song gonna be something like Hot Summer Night or Playground? I enjoyed both of the song well,so maybe I would enjoy it the best? Idk.

  And isn't B612 is the name of camera apps? Or am I wrong? I used to hear that name a lot tho.. Right?

   Plus,I heard that our rapper Mimi wrote something for songs in this album.Maybe her rap part? Could be also the prechorus.Well,Mimi is the best! And their sunbae,B1A4 leader Jinyoung also help composing One Step Two Step.What a great sunbae~

  I still hope the best for all of them and I want them to win something or at least nominated ;;; As many groups having comebacks in April including VIXX,Seventeen,BTOB,Block B,CNBLUE,Day6 and even History , I hope they can get that spot to shine.

  *Seventeen comeback with full album ? 0_0 But with many groups having comebacks next month,I'm quite worried*

   As much I love Got7,Red Velvet,Astro,Clc,BAP and all groups that have a comeback this month, I cared about Oh My Girl the most.

   Okay,I'm being biased but that's the truth.

     And now,waiting for many more teaser including VIXX's 



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b612 is a selfie app. lawl. i use it :)
omg~ i can't wait for their comeback~^-^
maybe for the first one, they are fed up with "swimming in an ocean of lies" that guys always seem to give so theyre gonna manipulate such falsities to their advantage and just beautifully ride off into the sunset~ or you know how fauna grows better after a fire? all the flowers and trees and whatnot (happiness) are growing better after they forget the bad guy. ahaha thats just my inner literature student coming out :P
though at least for sound, maybe not so much for image, to me the concept seemed like the closer album