내 친구의 남자친구 ✕  [CHARACTER NAME]

username. nickname. activity. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
character name
"character quote / catch phrase"
FULL NAMElast, first (if you know, then you can also add the hangul characters)
• name + explanation
DOB + AGEmm • dd (#)
BIRTHPLACEwhere did they grow up fam
HOMETOWN — also where did they grow up yo. if it's just the same, then you can delete this
ETHNICITY??? tbh . at least half asian okay!

• language + explanation

OCCUPATION/MAJOR — if your character already working/if your character is still studying, starte her major. could be anything rilly.
FACE CLAIMwho is ur facial representative. anyone is acceptable. remember that lee mijoo is taken !
BACKUPqween midyu is mine
• what tf does your face look like . could be long and short. as long as you think i can actually understand it, then go ahead
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — healthy would be cool 
• pictures would be ok but pictures and description would make me swoon
• mainly casual outfit, school attires [if they are college student] and formal attire [if they are already has a job]
PERSONALITY TRAITS — include an equal balance of both positive and negative . at least 6 traits okay?
• oh yes writing that's my favorite thing. i lied and i know it. at least two paragraphs is fine. if you make it short, please take note that you have to fill the trivia part with things that i can actually work with. not things like - she has a pet and it's name is Mickey.
• i definitely need to know their life's story. just basic or some events that makes her act like this or that only. and the current events, you can also start after they finished high school. did they live with their parents? or did they live alone or like that. at least two paragraphs okay?. make it specific as her current events is pretty important.
RELATIONSHIPS — only describe those relevant to the story bc istg i do not want you doing extra work for my story
• relation - name (age) - occupation - personality[it's not really important, but please make their interaction longer if you didn't put the persoanlity traits] - interactions w/ your character
• gimme something to work with fam like yo i need some important details about your character
• also i would like to be entertained
• write things that i can work with jsy

tumblr_nw4xqdEG981u4k9sao8_250.png  tumblr_nw4xqdEG981u4k9sao6_250.png  tumblr_nw4xqdEG981u4k9sao3_250.png  tumblr_nw4xqdEG981u4k9sao4_250.png



• okay, why why .. wHY did your character fall in love with Seungcheol? just anything really. i luv like all ideas e u e
RELATIONSHIP — here .. urm, are they having a good relationship? like maybe you are damn awkward with him. something like that???
STATUS — are you and seungcheol secretly having another relationship behind yebin? /yebin will lowkey slapped ya
just anything again. it could be seungcheol secretly flirt with you --
RELATIONSHIP STATEMENT —  /optional. if you don't have any idea, then just delete dis
LOVE INTERESTlast, first if you please. please remember once again that mark tuan is taken alright?
BACKUP — mark tuan is mine too
GENDER — m / f
PERSONALITY — tbh it's up to you whether you wanna write traits or paragraphs, but i actually know every girl group, especially rookies and nugus one ;;;
• start here jsy
• here is where you actually have to do some writing!! yay!! just tell me what their relationship is, how it started, interactions, all that cute sappy .
RELATIONSHIPare they friends? together? what??!?!?? also add what type— like if it's all skinshippy or like super awkward
STATUS — are they single or taken or always on n off with a gf or like? ? ??w ht
RELATIONSHIP STATEMENT basically just describe to me their kind of love in a phrase of yours, or like a qoute or a song??? it can be anything really /optional. if you don't have any idea, then just delete dis
questions? comments? concerns? anything at all?
• i mean i won't get them all done but i'll attempt it. and i actually luv it
ooooh what could it be??!?!
replace with l/ireplace with l/ireplace with l/i


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here we go. hope you like her~
Finally done with her! Hope u like her^^