shin seola



⟪ OTHER NAME(S) ⟫ n/a


Seol ⋮ shortened version of her name and commonly used by anyone that knows her

Seola Bear ⋮ she really enjoys hugging and being clingy with the members and because of her action,the fans think that she is just like koala bear that always huging the tree.So,they call her seola bear as seola is pretty same with koala.

Reddish Seolshe also really loves red colors but not that red blood or bright red.It's close to orange and a bit light.That's why she called as reddish seol by the fans and sometiems the girls

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ 22 October 1995 + 21 
⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫ Changwon,South Korea (12 years)
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ Seoul,South Korea (9 years till present)

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ Korean


Korean ⋮ fluent and it's her native language

⟪ FACE-CLAIM ⟫ Oh My Girl - Yooa
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Red Velvet - Wendy
⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 45 kg and 163 cm

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ Honestly,Seola is truly a fashion terrorist.Her style is usually ridicoulous.they stylist and her members often laugh when she watch her choosing an outfit.She always pick the ugliest one tho.Just don't ask her about her favourite style or what,she didn't know anything.That's why she cannot be in a fashion show.So,those outfits she wears until now,thanks to her stylist and the girls that always help her in fashion tips.

  Mostly,she'll wear baggy shirts and tights for casual wearing.Of course she's not the one that choosing them but she'll state what kind of outfit she want to wear.Since didn't know much about fashion,she just follow what other girls wear.If they wear something like jeans and normal tshirts,she'll join.Like that.For practise or sleeping wear,she normally wears shorts and plain shirt with sneaker.And she also often choose dark colours for her outfit as she kinda lazy to match this colur with that colour just like the girls said (fashion tips ;P).So she take the simplest way,using dark colours.

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ Seola is a girl,standing at 163 cm and 45 kg.A bit short compare to other people in her age.She has a long straight dark brown hair but with her promotion as an idol in a group,she sometimes dye it,cut it and all.She also has a pale skin as she didn't do outside activities much.She got both of her ear pierced and has a beauty mark under at her right ear but covered with her hair.Also with big round cherry lips and a barbie doll like face,makes her look different with other members.



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Positive : approachable , confident , helpful , adaptable , efficeint
Negative : short-tempred , egoist , forgetful , sensitive , impatient

Seola is an approachable girl.She really loves talking to someone new and befriend quickly.Also known as a social butterfly girl.Her smile and act is making people comfortable with her.She also tends to make people comfortable and leave a good first impression so that people won't claim her as an arrogant girl.She also confident with her things.She knows she can sing well from the beginning so why don't give a try.She also can play instrument well and talk to new people easily. When she felt she can do this right she'll be really confident.But that's limited to only what she really think she can.Seola also can be helpful sometimes.Since she is one of the oldest (or maybe the oldest) she always think that she need to help other members.And most of them are probally still learning,they sometimes couldn't catch up the choreography or singing.So there is Seola to help them.Since she can sing pretty well,she can teach them a bit together with the main vocalist.She want the best for the girls of course.

   She's easy to adapt everything.An adaptable girl.Even if she didn't familiar with that place,she can make it like her own place.Same goes to people.being a confident and social butterfly girl making her easy to talk with people and being adaptable.She's okay with everything.And last,she also doing her works efficiently.She can't stand seeing what she do become ugly,undone,messy and all.so,to prevent all that happen,she need to do everything perfectly.She's naturally being efficient.Look at her schoolworks.Everything is nice and well done.And if she practising something,she may lacking in something like dance.Her dance is not that good tho.So with focusing,she can do it efficiently and she'll proud at herself.

However,Seola also can be slightly short-tempered.She's easy to be mad and angry with everything if she's too tired and stress.When she can't do what she expect she really can do,then her being short-tempered come.She sometimes become really rude with elders.But these all limited to only when she's facing some problem or stressed with everything.Maybe also from hateful comments on her sns (if there are).She also can be egoist.She can't really accept the fact that she's wrong or lose in something.Especially in her moody days,she can be so freaking egoist (that would also her tempred came).But if she notice that other members slightly uncomfortable,she'll let go of her ego and apologize.Seola also can be so forgetful.It's not like she have 7 siblings at home,only 3 and she even can't remember it well.Same goes to the girls.When she's waking them,she always said their name wrongly.She can't really remember and also that's why her belongings sometimes lost.But this limited to names mostly.She can't really remember someone or something's name but she can remember their face clearly.The problem is only names for her being forgetful.

      Seola also somehow sensitive with everything.but more to crybaby.She's easy to being touched by people's doing.Like when someone throwing a birthday party for her,giving her present or something similar.She could cry.Even cry hard.When she's watching dramas that even not so sad,she'll cry.And last,she's a bit impatient.Especially when waiting someone.she would nag anyone that's so late in doing things.As she always finish something early,she will be impatient to wait another people.She didn't care who's that person she nag to.Her family,her members or her friends.


Seola was born on 22 October 1995,in Changwon and has been raised in Korea since birth.She has an older brother who is 4 years older and a little brother 3 years younger than her.Her little brother was seperated as he's staying with her mother's family in America.It is because she had some problem with documents or whatever since she's born there.That time,Seola and her brother live with their cousin as both of their parent went to America and since the parents still didn't know what the problem,they decided to let the little boy stayed there.So,since she's the only girl and her parents always busy,she had some of mum's personality.About her little brother,Seungho,Seola and her older brother,Seungyoon always keep in touch with him via Skype.Only once a while they get to meet each other as the parent always busy.Thankfully all of the documents and even visa accepted or whatever and Seungho get to live with her family in 2007.

   Since young,Seola had been revealed with music instrument.Her father's close friend,own a music instrument shop.Since she and her brother always alone in the house because of their parents who are forever busy plus their cousin can't really watched them as they also quite busy,the parents ask Mr.Kim or the shop's owner,to look for their children while they were out.Gladly Mr.Kim loves them like they are their children.He and his wife didn't have any children,so they happy to take care both of them.That's when Mr.Kim teach Seola how to play this and that.But the most favourite instrument for Seola is guitar.she just love it.Don't know why.In school,she also took a vocal class,together with her older brother.That's also when she discover that she can actually sings.

   Back to 2007 where her little brother come back,he start showing tons of Kpop videos he's been practising dancing to her sister.When he's in America,he discover about Kpop.Seungho also quite active and so,he like dancing.He himself a bit interested and hearing that Seola's voice is good enough,he think this may be a chance for her sister to debut like those Kpop idols.Seola even can play instrument really well.So,why wasting her talent like that?When Seola is in her middle school,she joined many singing competition.Same goes to playing instrument competition.She even won 2 or 3 competition there.It's 2010 and she's 15 where one of her vocal teacher that uploaded her video when she's compete with a cover of Eru's song called White Snow.The video was seen by YMC Entertaiment's owner.Later that year,he personally called Seola to audition in the company.YMC is still a new company that time.Seola is a bit surprised but she still went to the audition and fortunately she passed it.Her parent didn't even against it.

   She was told that she might get chance to debut.So she trained like crazy there.She admit that she had a great time there.But since YMC still a small company,they didn't have many trainees there.And the trainees also didn't really talk with Seola.She did felt really lonely there.Almost like a introvert.She rarely seen talk to anyone except for the teachers there.Her vocal skill is good and the teachers and staff also pretty much like her.Maybe that's why she's being ignored by other trainees.But gladly they never really bad mouthing her.Only ignoring her.She did talk with her brothers about this issue.But then knowing the fact that Seola still had the passion in music make her stayed there

  However,after 2 years and almost 3 training there,she gave up and left the company.She really can't stand being that lonely.What she's hoping is great memory to be created but no,she didn't get it.She then saw that there are a survival audition show (?) called Kpop Star.It's newly made and she did auditioned but elimaneted on the prelimanary round.She's a bit dissapointed as she can't show everything she has but it's not her luck.It's 2012 and she's back being active in school.She still didn't give up on music to be honest.But study is first.It also when she make covers of those Kpop song and upload it on her friend's channel.She quite loving it since she can show her singing skill even though it's not that good compare to a real singer.And from there,her friends introduced her to Antenna Music Ent.Since Seola is more to a ballad song,she think that it's a good choice.But then,Antenna Music is a small company.About the same with YMC.She's kinda afraid to continue there.Who want to be lonely?After having some talk with her family,she think that she try first.It's 2014 and she auditioned in the company with F(x) - Beautiful Goodbye.And Antenna Music known for their ballad singer,so she got accepted with her voica that matched well with ballad music.




Father, Shin Taejung (fc: jung donghwan) ⋮ 52 ⋮ lawyer ⋮ strict,quiet ⋮ He didn't really close to his children because of his work,she always busy.Until he can't interact with his children.The children having no problem with that even though deep inside,they still want to have his attention.For Seola,she never really recieve his affection and she didn't really care as she have her siblings.But she did feel jealous if she saw her friends being so close with their parents.Their interaction is not much.Just an awkward and short conversation most of the time.

Mother, Nam
Jihye (fc: kim mikyung) ⋮ 50 ⋮ nurse ⋮ calm,caring ⋮ She's the mother who the children love.She cared about them but sadly,she also somewhat didn't close with her children.Being a wife,she always think she need to beside her husband all the time.Also that's why she didn't really have that time to spend with them.But surely,she'll cook for them sometimes and having a talk.Always supporting her children.Her work also didn't help much to make her spend much time with them.Her interaction with Seola is a bit special as she's the only girl.But that doesn't mean that she is the only one her mum talk to.The interaction between Seola and her mum is pretty much simple but then didn't awkward.

Older Brother, Shin Seungyoon (fc: kang haneul) ⋮ 25 ⋮ commercial director ⋮ annoying,dependable ⋮ The oldest one that Seola really love.Living with him pretty much alone for almost 10 years make her feel grateful that she have a good brother like him.At least she feel a love from a brother to a sister.But he also can be pretty annoying with Seola.Being annoying with intrupting Seola and Seungho all the time.He also a very dependable guy.Since he is the oldest and the parents can't really look for the siblings,he be so dependable.Seola is reaally close to him and so Seungho.Everything happen to Seola,he would know.Seola and Seungyoon are pretty much the same with other brother-sister interaction but they always show their affection towards each other

Little Brother, Shin Seungho (fc: cha eunwoo - astro) ⋮ 18 ⋮ student ⋮ humourous,lazy ⋮ The little one who has a very good sense of humour and often give laugh to the family.He is like a little prince who is cherished by everyone.Even though Seola and him didn't really meet for 9 years and amost 10 exactly,but they didn't awkward together.She recieve a lot loves from the family.Also known for his smart brain in school,pretty popular with his handsome face.But them,he's freaking lazy.Always have his excuse to not do everything especially house chores.Good thing that he secretly can cook for himself.Seola and Seungho's interaction are pretty much the same with the oldre brother.It's just with Seungho,she'll be more naughty and a bit cruel.But they love each other of course



Close friend, Jin Hyuna (fc: chorong - apink)⋮ 21 ⋮ accountant ⋮ timid,motherly ⋮ The oldest between three of them.Also being the oldest make her have that motherly feeling in all her action.She,Seola and Arein has been friend since high school.That's make them really close to each other.But then,she also a very timid person.That's why she work in an office as an accpuntant.But with Arein and Seola,her timid personbality seems gone.Enjoy everything she do as much as she can.She loves nagging and  so making their interaction seems like mother and daughter.Always cared about Seola and Aerin.

Close friend, Kang Aerin (fc: sulli)⋮ 21 ⋮ collage student ⋮ talkative,silly ⋮ The second oldest between them but  often act like the maknae.She's more lively than Hyuna and just having fun most of the time.Didn't work yet so she just continue her learning in a collage.She's so talkative and sometimes make Seola like that too.Also often ask them to hang out like every weekend.And she's the one who lend her youtube account to Seola when she's uploading her cover.But she can turn to be a really silly person.So,Seola often facepalm and a lot.They interact with a somewhat childish manner and there come Hyuna nagging them.

Dance Teacher, Han Inna ⋮ 19 ⋮ Berry Bell's main dancer ⋮ sarcastic,thoughtful ⋮ She the dongsaeng that somewhat be Seola's dance teacher.Since the very first Seola step in Antenna Ent,she saw her dance and admiring those moves.She feel jealous with it,like,her body kinda stiff.Since then she sometimes stalking her as Seola is not yet adapt with the situation.Still a bit acred if she got ignored.But then when Inna offering her water,she knows that she is really a nice person.For Seola,she has the cold aura and make her slightly scared.And from that,she learn some dance with Inna as she also start with her yoga routine,making her body slightly flexible.Thay are pretty much close together with Saerom,the other trainee there.Even though Inna younger than her,Seola sometimes jokingly call her sunbae as she trained 10 years and Seola is just 3 years

Vocal Teacher, Do Saerom ⋮ 17 ⋮ Berry Bell's main vocal ⋮ ?? ⋮ After a few days being a trainee,Seola found a guitar in the vocal room.Feeling that it's been years since she played intrument making her want to try.She didn't know who's the owner,plus there are no sign of people coming to the room makes her take and play it.It's when Saerom come and hear her lacking skill when playing.Slightly laugh make Seola notice her.She then apologize as she somewhat knows that the owner is Saerom.Saerom also seems like want to help her and so they practise together.She also known for her incredible voice,and sometimes teach Seola how to reach those high notes and all,the second vocal teacher as there are people who teach them.They are pretty matched each other well,so not really awkward feeling grow.


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⟪ STAGE NAME ⟫ Seola

⟪ PERSONA ⟫ The Magneficent Girl — Because of her beautiful doll-like face,she has that beautiful aura.And so,she's given  the 'magnaficent' name by other trainee.She kinda love that too.But she also kind of afraid when people say that she's debut only because of her face and not her talent.She always think that her talent is overshadowed by other trainee and she got notice because of her face.So,for her,the name magneficent is for her face and her talent,mainly in vocal colour.Plus her dance now got better and better day by day.So,she hope her talent got recognise too.Not only her face

⟪ FANCLUB NAME ⟫ Titanium

⟪ FANCLUB COLOR ⟫ #ff9999

⟪ PLOTLINE + POSITION ⟫ Strawberry + Vocalist,Face Of The Group

⟪ TWIN(S) ⟫ 

 SINGING TWIN  Yooa - Oh My Girl / Boram - T-Ara (back up)
 DANCING TWIN  Wendy - Red Velvet / Boram - T-Ara (back up)
 ACTING TWIN  Yooa - Oh My Girl / Soyeon - T-Ara (back up)
 TALKING TWIN  Yooa - Oh My Girl / Wendy - Red Velvet (back up)


⟪ TRAINING YEARS ⟫ 4 Years 5 Months (2 years 5 months in YMC and 2 year in Antenna)

 It's 2010 and she is just 15 when she got accepted in YMC company.For Seola,training is really hard.She didn't learn those basic dance or sing.He only can play instrument well.Compare to others,she just a newbie.As time goes by,she managed to catch up the others.Even though she may be not the best among all,but for her,she improvedmuch at the young age.But for a young girl like her,being alone is not helping at all.When everyone seems ignoring her,she can't stand it more and left the company.It took a while to search for a new company.With her being elimanated in Kpop Star,she seems a bit lost,so she just go back to her learning and study first.

   One year after that,she's accepted in Antenna Music Ent,she began training again like before.Everything seems the same except for there are many trainees.Younger than her also.Sometimes,she somehow feel old.Her trainee life is not as easy as she thought.Just what she learned in YMC,it's never enough.She need to pass all different stages in order to debut.The most difficult is the rigorous training part.The trainees undergo intense training in singing, dance, acting, language and more while competing with each other for the spotlight. Only a small percentage will pass so Seola always be stressed as they are plenty of trainee there.Everyone need to do their best in order to acheive what they want to be.Plus her dance now is much more fine now than before.Her talent stable where she can sing and dance fairly well.At least she got talent and face.



 CF with B1A4 - Baro / she receive this chance when she in her second year training in Antenna Music means it's 2015.A bit close to the debut.She got this chance as her older brother,who worked as a director in commercial film.He offer this chance to Seola and also to gain some attention about her after her debut.


☪ kdramas and movies
☪ RnB songs
☪ cute things (accessories,bags,books etc.)
☪ yoga
☪ dark colour
☪ music


 spicy foods
 morning alarm
☪ clown
☪ noisy eaters
☪ doing dishes


 reading some novels with any genre
 changing her phone wallpaper


 biting her lips her she's freaking nervous
 hugging people
 listening to ballad song before sleep


 she likes latte the most if it's caffeine
 she's a fan of kdramas and movies also often up-to-date about any upcoming dramas
 out of all music genre,she loves RnB the most
 to prevent being stress,she learned yoga and she do it everyday
 being a simple girl,she often choose anything in dark colour,so no need to mx anything
 she hates smokes so is the person who do that
 she can't really eat spicy foods,but pretty good when it's sour foods
 often waking up the other members as she knows,alarm is freaking annoying
 she would do another house chores except for doing dishes
 her cooks is pretty good
 often change her phone case and the wallapaper
 hugging people is her habit,being clingy is her hobby
 sorry,but she hate cats,but then she's okay with insect,bugs,spider.Basically all animals except for cats
 pretty bad at making jokes
 didn't do sports but she has the flexibility
 loves to jump when she's excited
 love chocolates and sweets
 love red colour the most
 have been in a relationship once in middle school (it's a secret~)
 will shout loudly when someone going to tickle her even though that person didn't touch her yet
 can cry easily
 loves to intrupting other members when they do something
 she can play guitar and keyboard but not as well as she done before.

it's only me

⟪ OCCUPATION ⟫ write here ⟪ AGE ⟫ write here 
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ write here ⟪ BACK UP ⟫ write here


⟪ PERSONALITY ⟫ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum in eros ut lacus luctus ornare non ac ex. Etiam congue dui eget sagittis semper. Vestibulum a nisi nisi. Praesent at arcu porttitor, dictum nibh a, aliquam turpis. Phasellus porta nunc a ex posuere ultricies. In rutrum sagittis nulla eget condimentum. Integer et tincidunt ante, et placerat lectus. Nulla placerat magna vitae fringilla bibendum. Mauris a augue commodo, dignissim elit fringilla, rhoncus massa. Ut semper consequat dolor, vel varius nulla egestas laoreet. Vestibulum maximus purus ipsum, sit amet facilisis neque rhoncus at. Praesent ac lectus varius, dapibus lectus et, malesuada enim. Maecenas aliquet est risus, ac ultrices metus dapibus vitae. Aenean id viverra lorem, vel vestibulum enim. Cras felis lectus, tristique a nisl et, consectetur euismod eros.

⟪ ANY LAST COMMENT ⟫ I hope I do this right and I hope you'll like her.And all the ages that I stated here is international age.


- the girls bonding time
- their variety shows
- they go to music awards
- Seola forgetting their names when waking up the girls

⟪ PASSWORD ⟫ Fiestar - I don't know ; Oh My Girl - Closer ; Bestie - Love Option



Praesent luctus, dui eu viverra sollicitudin, est leo blandit eros, non finibus velit ante vitae lacus. Vestibulum finibus egestas mi, at egestas dolor congue ac. Phasellus sed dapibus felis. Nunc vestibulum consectetur massa quis condimentum. Nam felis leo, fringilla eget ligula a, porttitor elementum elit. Quisque vel scelerisque ex, id ullamcorper nisl. In nec mi a augue fringilla convallis at ut ligula. Duis quis quam facilisis, congue nibh non, tempus nibh. Praesent ut enim at felis convallis rutrum. Donec ac arcu egestas, mattis elit ac, vulputate augue. Sed lectus augue, laoreet sit amet tristique ut, mollis ac urna.


Duis vitae est rhoncus lorem posuere eleifend. Vivamus risus mi, iaculis sagittis cursus eget, varius et dolor. Integer lectus ex, varius ac ligula a, pulvinar rhoncus lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur finibus leo a magna sodales accumsan. Vivamus venenatis tortor sit amet diam tincidunt mollis et sit amet elit. Cras lacinia ut mi et pellentesque. Ut id ex neque. Suspendisse nec semper lectus, efficitur ullamcorper magna. Suspendisse consequat ante fermentum leo finibus, in interdum justo commodo. Donec in nulla vitae eros fringilla lacinia.


Duis vitae est rhoncus lorem posuere eleifend. Vivamus risus mi, iaculis sagittis cursus eget, varius et dolor. Integer lectus ex, varius ac ligula a, pulvinar rhoncus lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur finibus leo a magna sodales accumsan. Vivamus venenatis tortor sit amet diam tincidunt mollis et sit amet elit. Cras lacinia ut mi et pellentesque. Ut id ex neque. Suspendisse nec semper lectus, efficitur ullamcorper magna. Suspendisse consequat ante fermentum leo finibus, in interdum justo commodo. Donec in nulla vitae eros fringilla lacinia.

⟪ STATUS ⟫ write here



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