Review | Red Velvet: One Of These Nights (7월 7일)



i have to yet hear the album to write a review ;;


I did not expect an R&B like this... but the album title explains for itself. If 'The Red' album showed their fierce, red side, then 'The Velvet' must be showing their soft, velvet-y side, right..?

Aaaaaaanyways I really, really liked Joy's voice in here! Songs like these fit her so much unlike Happiness! (okay lets admit that was a cringeworthy debut song) And hers was the voice i liked the most in here (??). If songs like this can be made as a solo, MAKE HER SING IT.

when i heard the violin first, i just... got carried away. when Wendy started singing, i thought it was going to be like a revamp of 80's music. but nope, Red Velvet likes to make me guess and make me drop my jaw in awe.

As expected, 역시, Seuldy pulling of the solos with their perfectly mind-blowing voice. I want a clear harmony, but i can't get one in this one.

Finally, the MV... what did i just see? Red Velvet must be the 'effects' group of SM, because TOO MUCH TECHNOLOGY SM. TOO MUCH EDITING AND ANIMATION AND EFFECTS AND ALL THOSE COMPUTER .

And Wendy's hair actually looks good when it's left normally, not when styled so awkwardly. AKA WHY SM? Do you have bad stylists? then go HIRE SOMEONE NEW. did you see her in that dark room, that overtly-frizzy hair... eww.

and i actually like Seulgi inside that room while its raining outside... get that angsty, 'missing-you-now' feel? 

I know this song has something like a dream concept, because i understand a bit of Korean now (and that's bad since i lost the excitement i get when i read the translated lyrics). if i'm wrong someone correct me.


Final overall valuation: 17/20 because AGAIN TOO MUCH EDITING SM. i just need a simple video with a story to talk of.


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