031516: Disappointment and Gratitude

I'm disappointed at myself for being jealous and selfish. I haven't been online in my Facebook account for days now because I can't handle seeing posts of my friends enjoying and living their life, while I'm here working my off. It started when my bestfriend posted a picture saying that she's going to Korea (now she's already there). She didn't tell me or if she did, I shrugged it off since I thought it wasn't this soon. I just hope she remembers to buy me something. Apart from that, my stomach hurts so I can't focus on editing the stories I've written last night.


On the contrary, I'm happy that I have friends here in AFF whom I've been talking to everyday. Thank you for spending your precious time talking to me.


I hope your day isn't as bad as mine.

Be safe always!



- cathe




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Honestly I feel you, I do the same thing. You just have to keep your chin up and enjoy the little things!
I am here with you. You just go ahead and work your off with the rest of us and in two years you'll be sending your best friend postcards from Korea. All this hard work of yours is going to good work. its okay to feel jealous and everyone's got to be a little selfish sometimes. Give yourself a break. c: I am here for you! A new friend but a good one c;

파이팅 fighting! 걱정 마세요 Please don’t worry
Now that it's an emotion you're already feeling, think of the jealousy as something that has already happened. You can't reverse things. But one thing you can do, is to anticipate the good in the future, and the many awesomely positive things to come!

I'm not here to tell you what to think, but the best way is to look on the bright side when things go 'shenanigan'. I'm pretty most of us have felt jealousy or disappointment, and that makes it more normal - a human emotion!

Hard work may be painful, but if you know it is worth it, then it's worth it. Keep doing what you feel is right, and accept your emotions as a human being!

(Me trying to be philosophical ^ )
Sadly, you can't control being jealous. Don't feel angry because you have emotions like towards people. Jealousy is okay-it's envy that's negative-I would be Hella jealous too. Keep your head up and feel better!
sending love <3
Honey, if you are working hard you will eventually get what you want. Trust me it works like that ^^
I know the feeling, espcially if it involves kpop concerts. :( its bad to feel jealous but I can't shake off the feeling of being more deserving to go there or some . :(
ToxicVixen #8
p.s the gif is so cute luhaaaaan T_T
ToxicVixen #9
i feel jealous all the time :( i known its a bad thing but we are human and we cant stop but feel that way once in awhile.
like in bts song 'dope', it says that there is nothing wrong with working hard

have a pleasant day and stay strong!!
it'll be worth it at the end