About test results plus Secret Santa Event Announcement

Hello everyone ^_^

I got my test results back today and I am surprised. We didn't had enough time to finish all pages in the last 3 pages I just rushed through with what I was really sure because well I had 5 Minutes left.... and today when we got it back... my score was 77% which I am surprised because the first few pages had almost no faults just like some misspellings but that's it. Now my teacher asked if I already wanted to level up to elementary next week on Friday which is one week earlier than the usual study plan. Which just means I will have to learn two weeks of Korean grammar in one week.... the only thing I am worried about are the numbers but well I will just need to study hard then I will be able to finally memorize them all.

Then as maybe some of you already saw in our "Who is my Secret IGOT7 Santa? 2015" Event my sister and I decided to host it this year again. We even made now a account just for that. So if anyone of you is interested in joining it (again) then watch out for it in a few months ^^

And now I will start writing puuhh finished studying earlier now fun part is coming ^_^
Talk to you all soon and have a nice day


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ill always participate ^^ and congrats!!
congratulations on getting 77% !!!
aahh ill be looking forward to the event (i still have so many unfinished writing prompts to do so its good) ! c:
good luck with korean - u -
congrats Ramona!!
and wow, don't worry, Korean will be easy to catch up on.
just listen to some audio and repeating them to yourself.
it helps a lot!
and whooo, another got7 event? yes i'm there!
can't wait. :D