Cha Hakyeon and Kang Jinhee's background

 Hakyeon and Jinhee's Background

I think I made her background is too long and not like what you want in her background.You state that you want the background as what she do everyday and something similar.So,I just made a more detail one here. ^^
And since it's long,I add Hakyeon's background too here.I guess it's kinda okay tho?Nah,if you want,just read c:

The Birth Of A Two Lovebirds — Kang Jinhee was born on 22 October 1990 at Changwon,South Korea.The second daughter of Kang Taejun and Han Jihye.Born to a poor family teach her many things.Since young,her parents teach her to spend money wisely.She start her education at an elementry school near Changwon.Since she being a social butterfly since young,she have many friends.And her grades also didn't dissapointing.Although it's not top 10,she still can maintain her score and never really falls drastically.While Cha Hakyeon,born on 30 June 1990,the maknae and teh second son of Cha Seungwoo and Shin Juhyun.Since young he got everything he want as he's the maknae and loves by everyone.He start his school at an elementry school in Changwon (but not the same as Jinhee's)

The Beginning Of Everything — After graduating from her elementry school,Jinhee start her education at a coed middle school,still around Changwon.At her first year,she didn't have any problems since she can adapt well with the school.Hakyeon also attend there and until their second year,they met each other.That time,Jinhee was asked by her teacher to be his mentor as Hakyeon's grade kinda low and Jinhee is smart enough to teach him.The exam is near,so they usually spend time in the library.There also they share stories about themself as they learning.Since both are talkative and pretty much the same,they get close well.

Now It Finally Happen — After about two year they still be a close friend and always spend times together.They also somewhat neighbours as their house are pretty close to each other.Even Jinhee's family knows Hakyeon pretty well.However,sometimes Jinhee felt concern to go to Hakyeon's house as he is son of s director.Meaning that he is rich.Even though he never seems to be proud of it and not bragging it anywhere,Hakyeon often ask Jinhee to take a visit at his house but Jinhee kinda scared tho.Jinhee is just a normal poor family,different with him.One day,when it's school breaks,they went to an amusement park together.That's when Hakyeon confess that he secretly have feelings to Jinhee.She also know she is care about him but not too sure about love.It took a while but finally she accept.

Yes Or No ? — It's high school year and they still together.There are her bestfriends that support their relationships and known as the couple of the year so far by them.Even the single teachers envy them.Always spending their times together making Hakyeon's mother want to know what his son doing.He always go out and never really stay in the house.Also smiling like crazy all the time.So,she asked her second son.And that's when she knows that he's been in a relationship.At first she kinda against it but seeing his son happy,she knows it a good woman that Hakyeon dating.So,she request to see her.

One Step Closer To You — Jinhee is really nervous about it.She never meet his family before.She knows that he is the maknae and his brother now studiying abroad.When she first step in the house,she held Hakyeon's hand tightly.But she never know that Hakyeon's mother is someone that pretty sporting.She happily greet Jinhee and talk with her like she is her own daughter.Jinhee really glad that she is not like one of the cruel mums that she saw in the dramas.And so,she somewhat close to her too.Hakyeon's father on other hand,knows his son in s relationship long before when they start dating.As Hakyeon is kinda scared with his father,he thinnks he need to be honest with his father.So he told everything about Jinhee.His father didn't said anything tho.But on his mind,he glad that Jinhee isn't that king of golddigger girl.

So,Everything Start Now — After graduating from the high school,Hakyeon felt that he instantly want to marry Jinhee.He didn't want any guy to be close with her.Jinhee is pretty and smart indeed.So,before he end up crying like crazy when someone stole her heart,he better marry her.He told to his family first.Kinda scared actually.His brother didn't married but he already want.He tells his concern and everything.Honestly,his parent kinda like the idea of him getting married,but also worry about their future as they're still young.Just a fresh 19 years old teenager.But considering that Hakyeon being concern and they like Jinhee,they let him marrying Jinhee.Feeling so happy,he instantly meet Jinhee after that.Well,not proposing tho.Just s small talk.After about 3 months,he secretly take Jinhee to a park and proposing her.Honestly Jinhee is so shocked.They are still youngsters but knowing that Hakyeon's parent agree to this and she knows that her parents won't mind either.She shyly accept it.

Happy Ending? — They married on 31st July 2009.Their friends are freaking jealous but also happy seeing that they married.Surely they fight.Quite a lot too but they still loving each other until the end.All seems pretty good at first.They have their own house,going honeymoon at Maldives.That time Jinhee felt her life is complete and grateful enough to Hakyeon.After about 8 months of their marriage,both of their parents ask for grandchild.That's what Jinhee worried the most honestly.She didn't know anything!Hakyeon on other hand quite confused whether to make it or nah.But since they are young,they did try.Nothing happen.2 months passed by.The family thinks they should adopt a baby.Besides,Jinhee needs to go to college and Hakyeon needs to work.Wouldn't it would be pretty hard if Jinhee's pregnant?They soon agreed and adopt a little girl,5 months.No exact birthdate and name,so they give her name Cha Yeojin and born on 21st January 2010.They just used the old birthdate that the orphanage give her.

But This Is Reality — Yeojin growing fast.She is a nice daughter.Rarely whining but easily scared.It really seems like she is their biological daughter as Hakyeon is really scared of everything while Jinhee is a bright and rarely whining.Jinhee continue learning in college and Hakyeon worked at his father's company.Their parents take care of Yeojin.Day by day,week by week,months by months,years by years.All change.They grew apart.Both are really busy and keep fight.Everything seems wrong.Everytime they meet there always misunderstanding.Jinhee felt so stress and Hakyeon didn't helping at all.He also busy with his work.Always went back late night makes Jinhee suspicious whether he really work or do something else.Hakyeon is pretty popular.Same goes to Hakyeon,he saw Jinhee with other boys a few times.At first,both are still okay iwth it.But as time goes by,they even confused whether they still loving each other or nah.Jinhee once said that she want to divorce.She's tired with all of this but she don't want Yeojin to seperate with her father.She's so close with both of them.

I Guess It's The End — Both of the family seems like knows the tension between the married couple.They don't involve much but they still want the best for them.When Hakyeon said that he want to divorce,his brother totally against it.Like,they're already married for 4 years and want to end like that.4 years is long enough for a young couple.Why don't they just continue it.Also,Jinhee's sister against it.Pride as a woman.If she divorce with him,she'll be a single mother,wouldn't that status somehow unrelevant for a 23 years old woman like her.However,they can't do anything as love seems slowly disappearing.Fight a lot,ignore each other and many more.They soon agreed to divorce even though both of their family against it.They officially divorce on 14 May 2013.Jinhee takes Yeojin and Hakyeon has the right to visit her.

Life Seems Easier? — After divorcing,Jinhee is now a lecturer at Seoul University.While Hakyeon is now the director in his father's company that soon to be his.Years pass by pretty fast.They do miss each other but what to do?They didn't contact each other at all.Hakyeon now has his own house (not the house that he shared with Jinhee when they married tho) and he move to Seoul.Both of their parents still interact with each other.Both know that Jinhee and Hakyeon workd at Seoul so,the families seems having a plan.Especially the big sis and the big bro.Jinhee live with other three friends in Seoul.Once a while,she would remember Hakyeon because of he friends of course.They sometimes make she remember Hakyeon all the time.Every week,she'll visit Yeojin that her parents look after.She really growing fast.Hakyeon on other hand,still remember Jinhee sometimes.Living alone makes something missing.No more her innoncent smile,Yeojin's laughter and all.She also visit Yeojin once a while as he's busy too.

Meet You Again — There is one day that Hakyeon and Jinhee met again after 2 years.When thsy both visit Yeojin.Really awkward.They greet each other and that's all.Both stayed in their parents house.Yeojin is with Jinhee.Now,both of their big bro and big sis do their job.They tease Jinhee and Hakyeon about their awkward meeting saying that they still missing each other.Hakyeon and JInhee chnaged a lot too.Hakyeon is more masculine and handsome while Jinhee's look more mature and beautiful like always.Yeojin on other hand,be the family's spy.She ask her parents whether they missed each other.Well they said that they missed each other for Yeojin's sake.But they still do deep inside their heart.

100 Days? — Both of their big sis and big bro seems to find one thing that can let them be together like 2 years ago.They found one programme name 100 Days that seems suit them enough.Live together in a house seems fun.So,they secretly register Hakyeon and Jinhee for the programme.Both of their family knows about this and let Hakyeon and Jinhee left in confusion.So without knowing anything,they join 100 Days.


I don't think this is a background anymore xD But well,the end of their background~






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