beat&seoul ∞ Shin Seola

Shin Seola 
kpopfangirl10 | fara | 8/10

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my name? you can call me yours

stage name: Seola
full name: Shin Seola / 설아
other names: n/a
- seol ; shortened version of her name plus a somewhat cute name too ; called by the people that knows her
- seol-gation ; she is like knows all ways in Korea and often help the manager going to somewhere ; called by the members and sometimes the fans
- seola bear ; she loves hugging people and being clingy with them,and somehow it reminds the fans of bear so they called her seola bear ; called by the fans usually (well,the girls sometimes)
- reddish seol ; she also really loves red colors but not that red blood or bright red.It's close to orange and a bit light.She'll be happy if she get something with this colour and won't stop smiling ; called by the fans
- terrorist ; seola is a truly fashion terrorist.She didn't have fashion sense at all.Also called as the female Taecyeon as he is the icon of fashion terrorist in Kpop ; called by the fans and sometimes the girls

position: leader,lead vocal / plotline : red (backup : yellow )
trainee years: 2 years 6 months
birthdate: 22 October 1996
birthplace: Changwon,South Korea
hometown: Seoul,South Korea
ethnicity: Korean
- korean ; fluent ; her native language

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always judge a book by its cover

faceclaim: Lovelyz - Babysoul (Backup : Oh My Girl - Yooa)
talent twins:
- vocal : Lovelyz - Babysoul  (Backup : Oh My Girl - Yooa)
- dance : Lovelyz - Babysoul (Backup : Clc - Seunghee)
- talk & variety : Lovelyz - Babysoul  (Backup : Oh My Girl - Yooa)

height: 165 cm
weight: 46 kg 
blood type: b +
appearance: Seola is a girl,standing at 165 cm and 46 kg.A bit short compare to other people in her age.She has a long straight dark brown hair but with her promotion as an idol in a group,she sometimes dye it,cut it and all.She also has a pale skin as she didn't do outside activities much.She got both of her ear pierced and has a beauty mark under her lips around her chin at the right side.Also two dimples that making her face look lovely.Nothing much different compare to her faceclaim
fashion style: Honestly,Seola is truly a fashion terrorist.Her style is usually ridicoulous.they stylist and her members often laugh when she watch her choosing an outfit.She always pick the ugliest one tho.Just don't ask her about her favourite style or what,she didn't know anything.That's why she cannot be in a fashion show.So,those outfits she wears until now,thanks to her stylist and the girls that always help her in fashion tips.

  Mostly,she'll wear baggy shirts and tights for casual wearing.Of course she's not the one that choosing them but she'll state what kind of outfit she want to wear.Since didn't know much about fashion,she just follow what other girls wear.If they wear something like jeans and normal tshirts,she'll join.Like that.For practise or sleeping wear,she normally wears shorts and plain shirt with sneaker.And she also often choose dark colours for her outfit as she kinda lazy to match this colur with that colour just like the girls said (fashion tips ;P).So she take the simplest way,using dark colours.

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standing on my high horse and proud

personality traits:
Positive : approachable , confident , helpful , adaptable , efficeint
Negative : short-tempred , egoist , forgetful , sensitive , impatient
personality: Seola is an approachable girl.She really loves talking to someone new and befriend quickly.Also known as a social butterfly girl.Her smile and act is making people comfortable with her.She also tends to make people comfortable and leave a good first impression so that people won't claim her as an arrogant girl.She also confident with her things.She knows she can sing well from the beginning so why don't give a try.She also can play instrument well and talk to new people easily. When she felt she can do this right she'll be really confident.But that's limited to only what she really think she can.Seola also can be helpful sometimes.Since she is one of the oldest (or maybe the oldest) she always think that she need to help other members.And most of them are probally still learning,they sometimes couldn't catch up the choreography or singing.So there is Seola to help them.Since she can sing pretty well,she can teach them a bit together with the main vocalist.She want the best for the girls of course.

   She's easy to adapt adaptable girl.Even if she didn't familiar with that place,she can make it like her own place.Same goes to people.being a confident and social butterfly girl making her easy to talk with people and being adaptable.She's okay with everything.And last,she also doing her works efficiently.She can't stand seeing what she do become ugly,undone,messy and,to prevent all that happen,she need to do everything perfectly.She's naturally being efficient.Look at her schoolworks.Everything is nice and well done.And if she practising something,she may lacking in something like dance.Her dance is not that good tho.So with focusing,she can do it efficiently and she'll proud at herself.

However,Seola also can be slightly short-tempered.She's easy to be mad and angry with everything if she's too tired and stress.When she can't do what she expect she really can do,then her being short-tempered come.She sometimes become really rude with elders.But these all limited to only when she's facing some problem or stressed with everything.Maybe also from hateful comments on her sns (if there are).She also can be egoist.She can't really accept the fact that she's wrong or lose in something.Especially in her moody days,she can be so freaking egoist (that would also her tempred came).But if she notice that other members slightly uncomfortable,she'll let go of her ego and apologize.Seola also can be so forgetful.It's not like she have 7 siblings at home,only 3 and she even can't remember it well.Same goes to the girls.When she's waking them,she always said their name wrongly.She can't really remember and also that's why her belongings sometimes lost.But this limited to names mostly.She can't really remember someone or something's name but she can remember their face clearly.The problem is only names for her being forgetful.

      Seola also somehow sensitive with everything.but more to crybaby.She's easy to being touched by people's doing.Like when someone throwing a birthday party for her,giving her present or something similar.She could cry.Even cry hard.When she's watching dramas that even not so sad,she'll cry.Together with Hyerin,these two is really the crybabies of the group.And last,she's a bit impatient.Especially when waiting someone.she would nag anone that's so late in doing she always finish something early,she will be impatient to wait another people.She didn't care who's that person she nag to.Her family,her members or her friends

background: Shin Seola is born on 22 October 1996 at Seoul,South Korea.She have an older brother,5 years older than her and a little brother who is 4 years old below her.She's the only girl there alongside with her mother.Being the only girl didn't make her act fully like a mum.She knows some basic cooking and her cooking is not that bad either.She were more to a dad personality.Just like her dad,she's calm and always watched out her brothers and mums playing around.She's a daddy girl after all.She attend a co ed primary school and girls middle school near Gangnam and SOPA for high school.
   She's never really interested in music until one day,she's happen to be one of the choir team back in childhood days.Well,her friends make her join the team.She's not really doing well since she's not interested but when her friends and teachers praising her for her voice,she felt that she actually can sing.Since that,she been in several compitations and get several awards.That time,SM Ent. make an open audition and she saw it.Honestly,she felt a bit worry as SM is really a big company.One of the most well-known entertaiment in Korea.But with her friends support and her siblings too,she went to the audition.And she never know that she could be accepted there.Well,she has a beautiful face and nice voice,so yeah.Her family also didn't against this as they know Seola loves singing too.And afer a few months,she's officially be a trainee in SM.

  But the luck didn't always be like what we want.After a few years being a trainee there,she quit because of serious family problems.Her father,who workes as a businessman,facing a crisis.Afraid of his company bankrupt,he decided to stop Seola's training as they're in money crisis.A trainee need to pay back what they used (? idk,but i know that trainee need to pay something) even after debuting.So,to prevent to cost increasing,he asked Seola to stop for a while until this problem can be solved.She actually can stop for a while but she decided to quit.It took about a few months and even a year for the family problems to be completely solve.After that,she's been missing those move and vocal notes.She thought she she would really want to be a singer.After having some talk with her family,she bagan searching for a suitable company that can take her as trainee.She can't think of any company,only SM.Moreover,she already have much connection with other trainee there,so she think that being in SM again may the best choice.She learned a bit by watching singing tips in youtube and recall what she learned in SM.She also learned dance a bit by following those toturial.Gladly her brother willing to help her.And so,she auditioned again,with a better singing skill and she add also some dancing that she didn't do when she first auditioned.She sing F(x) - Beautiful Goodbye and SNSD - Gee for her dance.Although her dancing is not that good,her singing skill support her and then,she got accepted in SM.

trainee life:
At first,when she's first entering the company,it feels weird as she never really went to a dance acedemy or studiobefore to practise.She simply use her house second living room as it's kinda wide and has a big mirror.But now,the practise room is so big.But she's an adaptable girl,so she easily adapt to the situation.Also being a somewhat social butterfly,she approach people first as she's new there and then talk to them.Asking this and that.Well,trying to make someone comfortable with her.Since Seola's dancing is not that good,she often get scolded because she can't follow the movements.She's upset but she still do this as she want to achieve her goal.Soon after she can dance correctly and learned many things,she need to quit because of the family problems.

   One year after that,she came again.Since she's accepted,she began training again like before.Everything seems the same except for there are many trainees.Younger than her also.Sometimes,she somehow feel old.Even though her dancing now is fine compare to the past,there are more trainees way more good than her.Also,she kept get scolded as she didn't focus much,worrying about her dream to debut.There are times she felt like give up but she didn't as thinking that her parents workd hard to support her dreams.

  • caffeine
  • foods
  • k dramas and movies
  • RnB songs
  • cute animals
  • yoga
  • dark colour
  • music
  • smokers
  • spicy foods
  • cats
  • morning alarms
  • sports
  • clown
  • noisy eaters
  • doing dishes
  • she really can't eat spicy foods but can eat sour foods pretty well
  • always watching dramas or movies online than watching it on TV
  • she really HATE cats,but never really scared of bugs,spiders,cockroach or something similar
  • latte is her favourite if it's caffiene
  • can cook pretty well
  • love to jump when she's excited
  • bad at making jokes
  • often waking up the girls since she know,morning alarm is freaking annoying
  • doesn't really do sports but has the flexibility and that's why she loves yoga
  • really loves talking especially in front of camera
  • often change her phone case
  • often change her phone wallpaper too
  • will shout loudly if someone going to tickle her,even though that person didn't touch her yet
  • a truly fashion terrorist
  • loves red colour the most
  • knows all ways in Korea (well,she's like a navigation)
  • loves chocolates and sweets
  • has been in a relationship once (when she's in middle school.It's a secret~)
  • hugging people is her habit,being clingy is her hobby
  • can cry easily,she and Hyerin known as the crybabies



    i can show you the world 

    Kang Jinhee | 20 | funny,humorous,stubborn,ert | they meet since middle school as they went to the same school together,she often hang out with Seola and she even introduced her to otherboys| close friends that almost like sisters (college student) | fc : Sulli

    Ji Yeonhwa | 25 | calm,optimistic,awkward,quiet | Seola knows her as she's her brother's girlfriend.Well,all the family knows her and close with each other.Yeonhwa also act like Seola's big sister as Seola is the only girl there| upcoming sister in law -coughcough- (also upcoming lawyer) | fc : Lee Yeonhee

    Hyerin | 16 | bright,cheerful,moody,crybaby | Hyerin is one of the trainee that Seola just met after she trained again in SM.Seola finds this girl is really adorable and cute.Since Hyerin trained longer than Seola,she sometimes jokingly called Hyerin 'sunbae'| the little friend that Seola adore

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i'll steal your heart, you'll steal mine 'but sorry i'm not interested'

love interest: n/a
personality: n/a
background: n/a
how they met: n/a
relationship: n/a

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smile at me now like you did then

comments: I hope you'll like her and I hope I do this correctly ;;
scene requests: more elder angel
- their bonding time
- SM town artist interaction
- Seola forgetting all the girls' name whens waking them up
- anything on your mind ^^

other suggestions: n/a
layout by CutieSica101


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