I hate trump

i am pissed off at him and just UGHHHHH if anyone is not in the u.s I'm just curious at what your views are of him? Bleh I can't ...I CANT I watched a cnn report on his rally and the protesting in Chicago and just watching it gets my heartbeating LOL KKK YOU TRUMPPPPPPP :) 


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yo i live in the u.s. and im scared of other people's stupidity in favoring him... he seemed meh when he wasnt in politics and now it's just so bad that hearing his name makes me cringe
Trump is seriously a joke. Who let him run for president? It's completely idiotic that people are supporting him too! Man, I feel sorry for the US people.
Even if Trump were to win the general election (big if since statistically the same people who support Trump are the ones who don't vote), the constitution was built and is inefficient by design. Even if he does try to change things, nothing too extreme will change because of the process everything he tries to pass will go through. Plus, Trump seems like one of those guys who's crazy now, but once he's elected, he'd mellow out. Kind of like, he's just in the race to prove he can do it. Trust me, it'd be a lot scarier if Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio were to be elected based on policy.
He's the biggest a**hole and I don't know why he's leading. Can someone explain that? I skip CNN these days bcoz of that.
Palabra_viva #5
Oh my god to be honest he could say whatever but what he wants done would have to go through congress and be approved by court and if they approve them then they are going against the law, it's simply unconstitutional, but I won't be surprised if it does cuz there is so much corruption. I'm nervous I'll be ok with anyone just beat trump!