Happiness and Rants

I have a couple of things to cover in this blog.

First, THERE'S 1117 OF YOU GUYS!!! 1117 people who care enough to click that 'subscribe' button!! 1117 of you who take the time to read my stuff!!

i have 1117 unique subscribers omgomgomgomg

(haha i finally figured out how to add gifs lol)

thank you all so so so much :')

you've given me reason to write, to pour my feelings out on this site. you've made me smile and cry out of sheer joy. you made me feel less alone, less sad, and much much happier.

i have no words to tell you how much this means to me.

all my life, i've been giving up on . 'oh, there's someone better than me at dance? i'll just give up.' or 'oh this sings better than me? why should i sing anymore? i'll just give up.' 

but here?!


i haven't given up! i don't want to! i will not!


also, on that very same note, my current-favorite on-going fanfic The Colour of Music  hit over 100 comments :')

again, i have no words.

comments mean the world to me because i get to know what you guys think- does my story ? does it rock? is it just meh?

you guys have given me so much.


i'm leaving high school this year, and..

it's such a bittersweet feeling. I actually kinda liked my school, and all my friends, and i am sure i will miss them.

but i will definitely NOT miss the tension and stress and pain of forcing myself to cram, and following ty rules that make no sense.

i'm sure you all will know what i am talking about.


all my family and friends now expect me to get my life together.

choose a career, plan for college, decide path i wanna take.

i dont have a ing clue.

i know i don't wanna do science and math. i know i wanna do something i like.

but what?!?!

law? journalism? psychology? social work? 

uggghhh >:(

when i tell people i dont wanna be a doctor or an engineer, they give me this look.

if you're indian, or asian, you will know what i am talking about.

just because i dont stick to the norm, just because i wanna do something i will actually enjoy, doesn't ing mean that it's easy!

my grandma literally goes 'oh she doesn't wanna take the hard route. she's lazy so she takes the easy way out.'

haha what?!

i don't know what i wanna do.

i don't wanna ing know.

i have two more years to decide, so leave me the alone.

yep, my rant is done.

so, what do you think?

do you think i should choose right now?

or do i have time?








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My friend who I call my sister has the same problem as well, like she wants to pursue her life in the music industry but her dad wants her to pursue life towards Scientific careers. I'm still having this problem and I'm nearly 20 (in october) I know your pain. I've mostly concentrated on art from year 9 onwards and three years of it at college (I'm my last year of it) and I'm like.. I don't even want to do art anymore. I want to rap. Like literally, Suga, Kris, Lu Han and Key all inspiried this for me as well as people like Eminem.

I know how it feels.
What I'm basically saying is do what you feel you're more comfortable with, not something you see yourself good at. Do something you know you will have a long lasting career in, something you know you may not get bored in - well you will get bored sometimes - for long periods of time. Like if you get bored for a week because you can't think of anything that's fine. It's if you have no motivation or get bored for more that two weeks. That's were the problems will begin.

Just do what you feel comfortable in doing and what you like doing and enjoy, because you don't habe to trust my word, but expanding your varieties and linking them altogether will be really helpful.

(Ahhh this is so long. I rambled. Sorry (>□<; ) really sorry.)
You should go with something you want to pursue, I seriously think so. Because this is really going in the far run but why do we even spend so much time in our life if we're not going to enjoy it? I hope your life works itself out, but I know it will anyway. Love you <3
Abhirami #3
haha I can so empathize with you. Your neighbour here. I also didn't wanna be an engineer or doctor and when I went to college I chose something that I was really passionate about. (forestry all the way). And I dont regret it one bit. Its four years of your college life, never chose something that you won't enjoy studying. Actually in a sense it's the hard way, hard because we are taking a different route from the norm and if anything goes everyone is gonna blame only one person and that's you. Anyway that is just opinion. Like you said time is there, you have two more years to make the decision
Time never is enough to choose a future (believe me) but if you love something go for that, even in the future that choose don't give you money you will be happy with you decision.
I wish you luck in this important decision, or you even choose not study anything righ now but work, that option is a good one too, so good luck honey :-D
Congratulations, sunbae! Please keep writing.

Highschool will forever hold a special place in my heart. Just go with what interests you. Best of luck!
Yayyyyyyyyy for happiness!
You always have time to decide. Screw what anyone else thinks, take your time to discover what you want to do.