Please send authors some love. (edited)

You know how I've been saying that so far I'm enjoying my stay here in AFF.

But then, I read an author's blog post and it got me thinking. Here's what caught my attention:

"I no longer receive joy in updating my existing works. People are rude and don't comment anymore to motivate me.
By all means... No comments = No new updates. All it takes is (less than) 1 minute to respond and reply.
Then why should I put an hour into a whole new update?
My time is precious too, you know. I ain't write for ghosts." - chiisanae

To tell you honestly, I think I've used up my year's worth of courage for me to be able to post a single chapter (I have anxiety). So, every views, comments, subscriptions and upvotes are important to us authors. It's a way of telling us that we did great.

I hope we can avoid being a silent follower. It will only take a few seconds to comment "Good job." or "Please continue the story."

When I see a newly posted story with few views, I immediately read and comment to inspire the author to continue writing. I know we all went through those difficult newbie phase so I guess it won't hurt to be kind to a new writer.

But don't get me wrong, I decided to start writing here in AFF because I want to improve my grammar and writing skills and to meet fellow authors. This is also a way for me to express my thoughts.

So I hope we can all be angels by helping one another, yes?



- cathe


P.S. Please read the comments of the wonderful people below. 




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Getting subbers is encouraging but getting good review is totally boost my motivation to update sooner. Now I am rewriting all my un-finish FFs So when the new readers read the ffs they will experience much more coherent and well-written story. Since I think I've improve my english . I Don't know how to say this. But my old readers I think have more enthusiasm to comment . Yunjae Might be an Old issue for youngster now adays so I think I will just do what I can before my motivation subside again. Back to writing and then hide in hiatus for about 5 years again. Lol
Back when I was new to AFF, I almost quit writing because receiving no comments when I had 19 readers was so discouraging! It's like, what was I doing wrong?!? But then one person occasionally commented and so I stayed on because of that. I felt like, okay, one person cares, so I will stay for her. I admit, it's gotten significantly better for me here since then but there are still times when I receive no comments. And no matter how confident one is, that is still like a blow.
Amen. :) Yes that is all a little boast or even just some love hearts <3
Yeah, I think it's good you're making this more aware to people. Everyone wants some feedback good or bad, and it when you get absolutely nothing instead. I'm glad you brought this up
Hayaley #5
Even though writers write to express creativity, comments (and to a certain extent subscriptions) help make the hours spent writing worthwhile. I just spent the last few hours editing my next chapter instead of sleeping (my fault for being a perfectionist and for making it complicated because of the song lyrics embedded in the story), not to mention the time before that was spent writing it so I would probably be a little disappointed if no one comments on the chapter. But like xHexania mentioned, definitely prefer constructive criticism to white lies.
Obviously when you comment, you shouldn't lie and say it was good even though it wasn't and instead very, very, nicely give the author tips to improve. And you shouldn't be rude no matter what. And if you want them to update, do it politely.
'Do unto others as you'd have done unto you'.
ToxicVixen #7
when i was new to this whole AFF thingy, i didnt comment much because i was afraid of the author reading my comments. i ended up not saying anything and that became a habit. but as i began writing, i notice that getting feedbacks and supportives messagea became motivations. seeing that it made me feel excited, i began commenting a lot on other stories. subscribing to new stories too. i hope new readers would be nice enough to encourage authors and support them more openly.
I'm not an author, but I understand how important a feedback is for the writer, so I try to leave a comment on every fic that I read. And as a reader, I feel happy when the author replying to my comment. :3
aroura #9
i totally feels the same..trying to write something really needs courage that i'm actually lacking..
This is so ttue! Every little comment is appreciated, even if it's just one hoping we update soon. It gives us encouragement to update and keep writing.
ToxicVixen #11
when i was new to this whole AFF thingy, i didnt comment much because i was afraid of the author reading my comments. i ended up not saying anything and that became a habit. but as i began writing, i notice that getting feedbacks and supportives messagea became motivations. seeing that it made me feel excited, i began commenting a lot. subscribing to new stories too. i hope new readers would be nice enough to encourage other authors.
oh my god! this commentwoman is here to help! ^3^
ToxicVixen #13
when i was new to this whole AFF thingy, i didnt comment much because i was afraid of the author reading my comments. i ended up not saying anything and that became a habit. but as i began writing, i notice that getting feedbacks and supportives messagea became motivations. seeing that it made me feel excited, i began commenting a lot. subscribing to new stories too. i hope new readers would be nice enough to encourage other authors.