
Bad. I'm spending more time socializing than writing or editing stories. Haha

I'll take this opportunity to express my gratitude. I'm grateful for eveyone who accepted my friend request, visit, read, upvote, subscribe and comment on my story. Thank you for spending your free time with me. hashtag newbie goals haha.

I also want to greet my online friends here! /wave/

I'll try to update regularly. I'm on my night shift so I can write during duty. You know what they say, you're more creative at night. Sometimes though my anxiety kicks in and it makes it hard for me to continue because I think I wrote crap.

Once again, thank you!




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ToxicVixen #1
theres nothing wrong with socializing as long as ur happy. and keep on writing!! even though you had anxiety, you can face it (ur writing will never be as crappy as mine:D) and be better.
Bro hugs are always good.

*gives a hug*
You're so sweet ^^
You sound like such an upbeat and sweet person :)
Tell me, how were you introduced to Aff?
When did you first start writing?
Hi *wave* if you write I'll check them out too ^^
You are so sweet. And thank you for spending your night writing stories for us. Also welcome to AFF. Hope you have a great time here. ^-^