I need suggestions for good Manhwas please!!

Can someone please suggest good Manhwas along the likes of Pinocchio and Orange Marmalade.

Please note I'm not talking about Mangas but Manhwas which are basically Korean Webtoons. I really liked Pinocchio and I read Orange Marmalade because I couldn't find the drama and I liked it too. So I was wondering if anyone knew any more such Manhwas.

I really hope you guys can suggest a few! :)

PS: They can be any genre- Comedy, Romance, Shoujo, shounen,! for all I care, just please suggest some good manhwas!! T_T



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Hayagi #1
In Korean or in English?
junnosuke1 #2
mangahere.com I read so much manga, manhwa and manhua that i dont remember the names right now rip but this is the site i always go to, there's lots of manhwa's here too, hopefully this helps hehe
I didn't read any manhwas sorry ._. But I think I still have the link for Orange marmalade drama :o (tough it , according to me ^^' and apparently the manhwa is waaay better :/ )
And the Pinocchio manhwa, is it similar to the drama? *^*