blog aka kata is still not good at naming things

Hi guys :)

I finally know what's wrong with me. I mean... I know that a few months back I vented about being lonely, then started chatting about my new group of friends and things seemed to solve themselves, but... not everything is as easy as that. Since I got out of high school, I lost a lot of my willpower. I got lazy in the worst way. I just... became a creature of routines, to say. It's been like two years ago and it's still sticking to me. At first I thought I was just tired, you know. I did have a lot of tough exams, and then I worked one of those way too bad jobs, then school started and..All I thought I needed was a good night's rest. I would sometimes just feel too tired to actually leave my bed despite not doing anything all day. It still happens but I try to fight it down. 

I haven't been writing much lately. Well, thar is not true completely: I write a lot on some days and then I do not do anything for weeks. Same for making posters. I used to have a couple hours each day just for me and word, to write... it perished. I just sit down at times and type type away, not mindig the time. Early in the morning? Late at night? Whenever inspiration strikes. Still, it is never satisfactory.

I.. I'm restless all day. I feel like I have no energy by the time I get to bed but my eyes fly open early and I can't sleep after that.. I am seriously considering taking loooong walks or even going on short runs just so my body gets tired too...even though I do walk a whole lot. I even gave of coffee completely. 

I'm taking a break with Korean, but will study by myself. Decided so because I don't see the point in going to class and staring ahead, not getting what's going on. I feel confident that I can study alone if I try hard enough, so yea. 

So.. yeah, I decided to go back in life and try to forget about my silly slump. I will climb back. I have my family, friends and well all my readers who count on me. I'm strong, I know. I can do this all if I take a deep breath and decide that I can do it. No more wallowing in pity and crying. No more sniffing along to songs. 

A better, stronger Kata is here. And she is not going anywhere. 

(but I do think I need sleep I mean lolokatme)


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! I think i already mentioned jt but you know that it's easier to rest when you're physically tired too,not just mentally
I've been sleeping like a baby ever since i started working out again
iluvmoo #2
I feel a lot of those things, too, except in my case I can blame most of it on my narcolepsy. Having a name for it doesn't make it any less, though.

Anyway yeah. I haven't written in days, either :P
i will be here if you need me for support or even just to vent to!!
YAY, You keep it kicking^^