
So today I went out to buy a lottery ticket because, hey, why not? And they asked for my I.D. (You need to be over 18 in the states) so I gave it to them & the lady said (after looking at my birthday) "Wow, I thought you were underage..." 


I'M 20!!! 

If you read my previous blog 'Questions, questions and more questions', I posted a photo of myself and do I really look to young? 


Maybe makeup would make me look older? (I don't wear any because it make me break out...) 

**Rant over**


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nakiio #1
I didn't saw your photo but the same thing happens to me, I'm 19 and people thinks I'm 13, even people of that age! I like it haha I don't wanna grow up! Hahaha
I haven't watched your other blogpost but I know the struggle. Last time we were voting (political stuff) here a guy who handed out flyers gave my mother one, looked at me and said "can you vote?". You have to be 18 to vote and I was 23 at that time. T__T
If you don't want to wear mak-up because it makes you break out then screw it, clear skin is more important. ^^
hmm you do look 20 to me but i stare at faces all day long. literally. so i'm a REALLY good judge
i'm thinking if you're under 5'5, youre gonna be mistaken for a teenager by some people
you dont have to do full makeup to look older. even just eyeliner would help. and you have really pretty eyes so why not show off a little and see if you like it? if not, embrace your youthful face!