compare and contrast (or whatever the hell it is)

If you ever wanna tell someone like how detailed you are and how not detailed they're not just say this one sentence more like paragraph. AND I SAID IT BTW TO MY COUSIN BECAUSE I LECTURED HER ON HER WRITING BECAUSE SHE CRITICIZED ME FOR BEING SO DETAILED AND SO IM CRITICIZING HER BACK FOR JUST SKIPPING IT STRAIGHT TO MAKING WHOOPEE AND NOT BUILDING UP TO THE .

"You see I'm the type of person that likes to go up the stairs. Okay? I go up them step by step and then Boom! I've already reached the top of the staircase. You! However, like riding on those escalators and elevators. You like getting straight to the f--king point without even putting effort in comparison to me by just walking up those damn stairs."

So basically I just told her off by comparing elevators and stairs.


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i think it's best with all those details bc it will help the readers imagine the whole scene. it gives them the feeling that this character is like this... thinks like this.. it will give them justice on liking that character.
don't stressed over it bruh :)
I love it lol
I agree with you. There's nothing wrong with details. It gives readers a clearer picture and it makes them feel like their actually really there.
I hope you aren't taking her words to heart. Keep doing what you do, write the way you like to write. In the bed of the day, it's about how you feel about the story. You made it.