anything could happen to kang ahyeon.

welcome to han academy!
mandu - since ahyeon has some fat, dumpling-like cheeks, her various friends have playfully coined the endearing nickname for her. 
jeolla girl - because she can speak the jeolla dialect, many people at han academy have referred to her as the "jeolla girl."
birthdate & age february 3 + 16. 
ethnicity korean.
korean (native) - since she was born and raised in korea, ahyeon has become a korean-spitting machine, though it occasionally switches from a jeolla dialect to a seoul dialect. that, and it's the only language that she can actually spit out, besides gibberish and idiotic.
faceclaim & back-up kim sohyun (actress) + tasha (skarf).
fashion style aside from wearing her godawful uniform, ahyeon's clothing style can be best described as just "casual." she doesn't get too elaborate with her fashion (mostly because she can't afford too much), so she ends up shopping at thrift shops and discount stores for most of her clothes. it's hard for poor girls to find clothes that look remotely decent on them, but kang ahyeon is no simpleton; she searches through piles of clothes to find cute outfits, and that pays off when she looks in the mirror and doesn't feel like gagging. ahyeon has a few jeans in her closet that she wears occasionally, but most of her closet is lined with skirts, since they definitely are cheaper than jeans. as for her tops, she tends to wear plain, one-color t-shirts, and never have patterns on them because she doesn't like patterned shirts that much. layers are her best friend, and she likes to layer coat over shirt over skirt, or something like that, but besides that, layers just get her going. like a child, ahyeon likes to wear long socks and then roll them up, so that people can see them when she wears her shoes, but that just adds to her "i'm a 12 year old" appearance. she's not much of an accessories person, personally, but hey, she has a rocking pair of white sneakers and a pair of heels for the rare fancy event, aside from her boring brown dress shoes that are only to be worn during school hours only.
extra info kang ahyeon is aggressively average, appearance-wise, and even she knows that - quite well actually. she has wiry brown hair that flows in natural waves across her shoulders in braids, ponytails, etc., and usually appears to be tangled or messy, but that's just kang ahyeon's hair for you. her skin is quite tan from years of playing under the sun during her childhood, but she prefers to call it "sun-kissed," but it doesn't really make a difference; she's still tan as heck. as for her facial features, they don't really feature anything particularly striking about her, and she is actually quite plain. she has double eyelids and big eyes, but most of the time, the double eyelids don't even look like double eyelids, and her eyes are probably always drooping from lack of sleep. a known fact about her is that she hates the size of her nose, it's literally like someone just stuck a flat pumpkin right in the middle of her face and called it a nose. well, news flash, it's not, and if ahyeon had money, she would totally get that fixed. people tend to think that hamster cheeks are cute, but that is quite far from the contrary. ahyeon owns a pair of hamster cheeks, and they make her look bloated half the time, so she doesn't know why people declare that they love them because that's just weird - at least, in her opinion that is. ahyeon is also not very tall either, standing at 152 cm, and as a growing child, she has a bit of chubby spots, though not too much for being 49 kg, namely her thighs and belly. she has a bit of stomach fat, which is very noticeable whenever she's wearing tight clothing, so that's strictly forbidden at all costs. however, despite her various flaws, ahyeon has a bright smile that she can proudly say is her most beautiful feature, and she can thank her dentist for that.
so, tell us about yourself

(+) logical, hardworking, leaderly, (-) sarcastic, seclusive, pessimistic
ahyeon is one logical gal. she sees both sides of an argument, and often looks for the pros and cons of everything, and also its form of sense. for example, if she's deciding on if she should buy something, she isn't going to go for the more expensive one if it practically does the same thing as the generic brand, right? ahyeon is one to search for the logic in things, and isn't biased. she thinks about all the pros and cons in her head and formulates her decisions based on that. though it's obvious, ahyeon is a hardworking person, whether its in school or in another subject. she commits herself to things that she has to do, and is diligent in her work. she's not one to laze around and is the type of person to do all of her homework before attempting to do anything else. she studies a lot, and often reviews to long extents, utilizing various resources while she's at it. though it may be physically and emotionally painful to get to work, ahyeon forces herself to start working, and that often just does the trick for her. she's also a leaderly person and likes to take command. for some reason, whenever she's doing a group project or something involving a group in general, she just naturally becomes the appointed leader and tends to take control of everything. she's a natural-born leader, and often tries to benefit the people around her, so she carefully thinks about many options, and then acts upon them if she feels that they are suitable for her group. as a leader, ahyeon is always striving to maximize efforts and to bring her group to success, which is how she feels a real leader should be.

despite her good traits, ahyeon is also very flawed. she's incredibly
sarcastic, and tends to make sassy remarks at any given time. her comments usually end up making people feel like she ridiculed them or mocked them in a sense, which is really not her intention, but it just comes off like that. it just comes out of naturally, and even if she forced herself to not say anything sarcastically rude, it's quite difficult to do so, as it really just slips. her remarks are a little sardonic at times, but that's just kang ahyeon for you. she's also quite seclusive from others as well, and doesn't feel much comfort in telling people everything about herself. the students of han academy think she's a little mysterious because she doesn't talk about herself much, but what can ahyeon say? "oh yeah, i'm in crippling poverty and my dad is pretty much non-existent in my life, and my only family member is my mother, but yeah, that's just nothing, right?" yeah, how about no. although people wouldn't think so, ahyeon is very sensitive about her upbringing and doesn't like other people judging it; she already knows that it's terrible, so why should people have to feel sympathy for her about it? because of that, she doesn't really like to speak about her childhood and family, and even if someone had asked her, she would just shrug and change the subject. because of all the hardships she experienced as a kid, ahyeon has grown to be quite a pessimistic gal. it's kinda hard to see the positives in things, when you're worrying about your life and how you're going to survive, and ahyeon has just had that mentality ever since she was a kid. she naturally thinks about the worst situation possible and doesn't hold too much faith in 'miracles,' so she's learned to accept that whatever happens happens, and it usually happens in the most annoying way. ahyeon has a 'the glass is half-empty' sort of mentality, and is quite cyncical about things. call her negative, but based on her past encounters and experiences, kang ahyeon is just speaking the truth.
background from birth until prior to her being shipped off to han academy, kang ahyeon had resided in namwon, which was located in the jeolla province of south korea. although its population was relatively large, namwon isn't that big, and its features include rivers, old places, and a lot of couples that visit the "city of love," which ahyeon snorts about every time she hears the phrase. she resided in a small home with only her mother; she never knew of her father, since he and her mother had a one-night stand, and he just never came back. her mother had ahyeon when she was 18, meaning that she gave up college to raise her child, and ahyeon had been born in poor conditions. her grandparents had disowned her mother, and without a college degree, it was hard to get a job, so her mother had only narrowly picked up a cashier job, which barely paid the bills. ahyeon's childhood consisted of her using secondhand items until they were extremely worn out and could not be used anymore. budgeting was important to the small family, and sometimes, ahyeon was genuinely scared that she would end up homeless.

as a child, she was outside a lot; being outside helped her to forget the troubles at home, so she would just play in the rivers by herself or with a few friends from her school. however, when she would get home later, she would come back to see her mother massaging her temples as she stared at a sheet of paper. even as a child, ahyeon learned to ignore the piles of mail that were scattered on her kitchen table because they probably meant no good. even at her young age, she knew her family was poor and she knew that she couldn't just haphazardly ask for whatever she wanted. every christmas was a struggle and even though ahyeon said she didn't need a gift, she still felt jealous that other kids got presents, while she didn't. as she was growing up, she just constantly thought of her poor status, and as a result, she became very bitter. money is just a social construct, but it has still managed to ravage her family. being poor was probably the reason why ahyeon is the way she is today, as it has made her see some real struggles. 

throughout her years, ahyeon had never quite been as social as her elementary school self. she often played with other kids at the time, but when she went to middle school, she preferred to have a few amount of friends, rather than more. she didn't participate in many clubs because she was afraid that she had to pay for them, and she doesn't have the type of money to go to seoul for a field trip. she often just found solace by herself during this dreary period in her life, mostly because this was the period of time where she started actually realizing her crippling poverty. at this point, she started becoming cynical with life and with people who took it for granted, preaching that they had loads of cash in their pockets. instead of focusing too much on them, she focused on her studies, which was probably the only thing she could do comfortably. all of her materials were already provided to her, so all she had to do was just review it, and review it she did. ahyeon is naturally smart, but she wasn't smart enough to just not study; she slaved away and although people recognized her for her intelligence, they didn't realize that it just came with extreme hardwork. 
family members 
mother / kang yoolee / 34 / grocery store cashier / if there's one person that ahyeon is never sarcastic with, it's her mother. the two only have each other to depend on, so they always have a ton of problems to worry about, which means that they never have the time to fight with each other. after having ahyeon at 18 and no one to turn to, she raised her by herself, after countless hardships. yoolee was able to send ahyeon to han academy because she wants her daughter to be better off than her in the future, and also because she doesn't want ahyeon to worry about her too much. it's been a long ride, but ahyeon is finally growing.
- ahyeon just recently got herself her first phone: a used iphone that glitches out sometimes, but it works well.
- she hates eating apples, mostly because she just thinks that they're disgusting. she can eat any other fruit though. 
- ahyeon has some honey thighs, which are mostly made of muscle, since she walks to get to wherever she wants to go (she has no car and the subway gets a little pricy). 
- it was her childhood dream to learn an instrument, but she never got that luxury. 
- ahyeon is quite scared of the future, as in, what it holds and what she would be. she doesn't want to end up poor and having to make her mother worry about her, and she definitely doesn't want to raise a child in those types of conditions. the future holds uncertainty and she's just dubious of it. 
- she's also scared of the dark, believe it or not. if there's one thing she always bought, it was a nightlight. 
- whenever she's not too busy doing whatever she does, she sleeps in her free time - though she doesn't know why she still has eyebags, but whatever. 
- ahyeon can honestly sleep anywhere, and she can even sleep while standing.
- she doesn't listen to music much, but when she does, she likes calming piano music. 
- when she's anxious, ahyeon tends to clench her teeth and fumble with her hands. 
- ahyeon likes to read books in her spare time - good ones, not textbooks, just to inform you.
- in the future, she wants a pet ferret. for some reason, ahyeon connects with them very well. 
- in her lifetime, she's never been in a relationship, and she's only had one crush, but that was in elementary school, and she only liked him because he liked lizards. 
- her favorite colors are beige and lavender. 
- her favorite animal are bird and butterflies because they're just so carefree and don't have to worry about much; that's what she'd like to be. 
- she just wants to go on a spontaneous trip one day, just to get a feel for life without any worries.
interview segment
why are you going to han academy? "oh, well i'm excited. it's a school with a good reputation and honestly, it'll be something new for me. i've always gone to a small school and i never really felt challenged, per say, so i hope han academy will make me feel like i'm really working for my grade, you know? i also hear that there are cute boys there... just kidding. but anyways, it comes with mixed feelings also. i'm not really sure how i feel about it being a boarding school, but i'm just gonna it up and adapt to the change or something like that," ahyeon answered briefly. 
how do you feel about living away from home, at a boarding school? what are you looking forward to most? "i mean, i'm glad to get out of that boring, mud mound of a city that they called the 'city of love,'" ahyeon snorted, wrinking her nose distastefully. her eyes softened ever so slightly as she paused before opening again, "...but i'll be worried about my mother. i wonder if she'll be better off if i wasn't there to up her money dry..."
are you interested in joining any extracurricular clubs? "hmm, well it depends on what types of extracurricular clubs there are, honestly. i'm not about to join any bird watching clubs, now am i? i'm not really sure what i would be interested in, but if i find something good, i'll probably join," ahyeon said, "but i'm not sure if there's something that piques my interest, i mean, i don't know, i've never really joined extracurriculars in school so i'm not quite sure how i'm supposed to answer this, honestly..."
what would you like to do in the future? "of course, i'm going to become a professional underwater basket weaver. just kidding. well, i'm not really sure what i want to do in the future, honestly... there are so many options to choose from and so many things to think about... i don't know, maybe being an underwater basket weaver is a lucrative job, but we'll just see about that," ahyeon contemplated, "but i really do want to finish college. i want to have a decent job in the future, so that i can support my mom." 
what do you think about romantic love? what is your experience with it? ahyeon's cheeks turned red with embarrassment as she mumbled, "i have no experience with love." her fingers shyly fumbled with each other as she went on, "i don't think boys really liked me back in middle school... i was a secluded nerd, to say the least. well i still am, but i don't know, maybe there's a decent guy at han academy? but they might not like me, i'm average - actually i'm aggressively average." ahyeon sighed in slight disappointment.
what is your "ideal type"? "i want someone 6 feet tall with strikingly good looks and shiny teeth," ahyeon rolled her eyes sarcastically. "just kidding. i'll settle for someone that's a few centimeters taller than me, and i don't even care if he's ugly - i just hope that he's not super ugly, 'cause then we would have some ugly babies. honestly, looks aren't really a concern for me, i could honestly care less about that stuff. as for his personality, i hope he's not as cyncical about me with everything. i think i want someone who cares a lot and can tolerate someone like me... but i mean someone with intelligence is good as well. or well... i don't know, why are you asking me this? i will probably take any boy that wants me, to be honest, who knows if they're the last people to ever like me in my lifetime, you know?" ahyeon shrugged, refusing to make her think about boys any harder than she needed to.
applicant's notes
comments lovely fic idea! it's v refreshing and i hope you like ahyeon, despite her difficult ways oops. idk why i made her such a like idk emo child, i think i just got way too into it, but i tried being realistic so ;;; idk man, i was just trying to show a character that's different from the happy-go-lucky, middle-class family type of girl so yeah, but anyways, i hope my app is okay, and my name is sophia! :-) 
- maybe one of the chosen characters could be her first pal in han academy! 
- maybe her and yoongi could be a sarcastic duo, and they just sass everyone??
- ahyeon and mother moments!!!!! (i.e., ahyeon missing her mother very much, calling her mother on the phone, etc.)


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