Unnecessary Thoughts Explosion (U.T.E) #2

I think I've officially obtained the title of 'Worst author ever', considering I haven't updated or fulfilled my weak promise of updating Lost Dreams at all. In my defense, I have a cold, and the free trial for the program I use for writing ended. (I'm cheap af tbh) Anyway, I think I might have had some sort of premonition two weeks ago, where I had a debating competition coming up and dropped out because I had a bad feeling about it. Two weeks later, I'm thankful to my past self because here I am, a complete mess, nowhere near ready to go to some debating competition and talk about politics in front of big people.

On the other hand, I decided that, if I were to become an author in the future, my pen name would be Deception. Don't laugh, please. I realized that if I were to publish a book by some chance, I wouldn't want to publish a book under my own name or a pen name that might suggest a certain gender, race or even age. I then decided that, because the purpose of a pen name was to deceive the reader into thinking otherwise of the author of the book that they are reading, Deception would be an appropriate pen name. I try to justify my strange name choice with this explanation, but I'm pretty sure the real reason I chose this name was because I thought it would sound cool to say '*Insert Book Name*, a novel written by Deception.' Because I think it would be funny to say that a book you are reading was written by deception itself, even though it isn't really deception itself. (My parents heard of this name choice and were like 'Lol daughter, wtf.') Although another pen name I thought would be nice to have was Euphoria, which means to have excessive happiness. I haven't decided which one yet, but I suppose it doesn't matter much, as it is unlikely I would be publishing a novel anyway.

On a different topic, I found a stunning hardback deluxe set of Tolkien's works, (I recommend his novels to anyone who likes reading, I personally believe he was a literary genius, and still is.) that I desperately wanted to buy, each book of which was formatted and designed like this:

(This specific book is the Silmarillion if anyone wants to know.) Obviously, caught in its splendour, I fell in love immediately, but each book is very expensive on its own, let alone as a set, so I am currently just dreaming of them at the moment.


I shall now end this blog post with another promise to hopefully update by the end of the month, Stay Alive!


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You'll fulfill your promised, dongsaeng-ie! Fighting!~ ^__^
I would read your novel tbh!