Unnecessary Thoughts Explosion (U.T.E) #1

So here I am right now, on an ice lolly, shamelessly writing the contents of this blog post when I haven't updated in like, 5 months. And even though no one's probably going to read this, I'm just going to leave a bunch of stupid excuses to justify the fact I basically vanished from the surfaces of this website, because that's just the kind of awful person I am.

1) School. I haven't got exams, I don't even have that much homework, it's just that school is making me really stressed out and I don't even know why? There just seems to always be a reason to become really nervous, even if I don't know what that reason is. If it makes sense, school gets in the way of my days off too, I'll just be worried about how there's hockey the next day (Which I can't do, but for some reason, the P.E teachers haven't caught onto that yet) or how I have that pile of homework looming in a corner, or the exam I haven't studied for but really should have.

2) Writers Block. Yeah, I know. Basically, I decided to start Lost Dreams all over again because I was just being depressed at how horribly I wrote it, and while it was on draft mode I didn't write some of the chapters ahead because it was taking me ages to write the prologue so I decided to screw it and just post the first chapter.  Then I decided I would update Lost Dreams before Dimension 12, and I basically had no idea how to write Chapter Two so I just left it and wrote nothing until today. On the plus side, I'll hopefully have updated Lost Dreams by the end of the month. #ThatIsn'tAPlusSide. #WorstAuthorAwardGoesTo #ME 

3) I was scared to open my account. Okay. This one is a terrible excuse. Basically, I didn't open my reader account for like 5 days and was scared because there were going to be so many updates that I had to read, so I didn't open my account and this kept on happening for like a month and I just decided to not open my account because of how many updates there were going to be. And if I opened my author account I would basically be reminded of my negligence towards my stories and I was scared to open that too. I finally got the guts to open this account and actually make progress on my writing but my other account remains untouched to this day. #IWishIWasJoking. #ICanSeeYouAllJudgingMe

Yeah... so... this ends my first U.T.E blog post?


-Author Aims


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Lol your excuses are all relatable tho...*sighs* School really stresses one out >__>