Infinite 30 Day Challenge - Day 5 -


Day 5: Best singer in Infinite
When it comes to kpop groups, I tend to have a different favourite singer, depending on the song that they sing, Infinite is no different to that rule. 
However, if I go by which member's voice I was able to differentiate from the rest; first then it would be Nam Woohyun.
I don't know what it is about his voice but for some reason I can always detect it, even if the group is all singing in harmony.
Maybe I'm just weird but I'll always remember that Woohyun was the first member who's voice stood out to me, not that the other member's don't stand out...I'm just saying that...I'll shut up now >.<
A picture of Woohyun for all Namstar Lovers (I have a tendancy to like pictures that were taken when a member is in mid-sentance. Sorry XD) 


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ahh, woohyun is an amazing vocalist ♥ i can always detect his voice too. lolz nothing to be ashamed of~ and i have that pic on my bias blog XD he's so cute~