#WTFU - Where's The Fair Use

so, we've all know how broken the Youtube system is for a long time. We all know it's a "guilty until proven innocent" system. But it seems like lately, things have gotten worse. Several channels had to deal with bull from Derek Savage over their reviews of "Cool Cat Saves the Kids". I Hate Everything got marked as spam and lost his channel for a while. Channel Awesome lost monetization for a couple weeks after a bull copyright strike. And lots of others have lost their channels because of this same kind of crap.

has gotten.....so much worse.

I mean, when a big youtuber like Markiplier is taking notice of this......yeah, that's kind of a sign.

check this video that Channel Awesome posted:


You know how IHE got his channel back? the freeIHE hashtag. and Channel Awesome only got fixed after going public. Maybe if we throw a big enough stink, Youtube will do something to fix their mess.


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