Writer's block. (another rant.)

I used to be so determined with doing this little hobby.

I would have my daily commute, caught in a silent reverie, thinking about the possible scenarios i could maybe add to these stories.

It was merely for fun, something to do when letting off steam from this unfaithful reality. But now I can't seem to find myself with any ideas or will to finish even a single chapter for any of my stories.

I have maybe five or six stories that i've started writing these past couple of months, all of em with a couple of tiny paragraphs, but i can't seem to finish them, or have the will to even post them. Apart from those, i think i have three ongoing fics here in aff. Those of which i haven't updated since forever.

I think I started losing patience, interest and even inspiration when my laptop broke and they had to reformat everything. Leaving me without a single copy of maybe two to three chapters (update) I had made for More Than a Friend. Since then I never tried to lay a finger on that fiction.

I do miss writing. And I do love to write. And reading comments on your work, even how simple and ty my works are (especially since i wrote them years ago, way when i was 16-17 y/o) is not only flattering, but it makes you feel good, in a way, doesn't it? knowing that people appreciate what you do.

But idk, once i start getting ideas, i would stop writing halfway, overthinking everything, or not knowing what else to write or do.

I'd then stare at what i did and do nothing.

I haven't read my past fics on this site yet again because im afraid they are too cheesy or corny, considering my younger self, but i do want to continue them. Or just post new stories, maybe.

Ah- eotteokhae -_-


//feel free to ignore.

//just felt like letting things out.

//is forever alone and has no one to talk to atm.


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DON'T WORRY YOU'RE NOT ALONE. being in a writing slump is terrible. idk for me i tend to get inspired and uninspired really fast so there will be some weeks where i write a lot and some weeks where i can't bring myself to write anything at all. try not to force it i guess? i was trying to force myself to write this story when suddenly i had inspiration to write another story and even though it ended up being really short it still made me feel happy to update and made me want to write more. LOL SORRY IM BAD AT GIVING ADVICE