Writer's block, any tips?

So my semester break has started and I only need to go to work until April 5th, well actually also summarise an entire semester and continue study Chinese (got a straight A in the exam*^*) but that's totally okay and it also seems that I got my vacation of two weeks granted by my company ^-^

I have plenty of time to write now and made plans and wrote down my plot ideas for many chapters/one shot and now I can't seem to get anything on paper and/or the screen ;-; do you guys have any tips?

also I have ordered Etude House sheet masks and a Korean dress and I am so excited for yesstyle to deliver it *^* do you guys have any experience with yesstyle in general and/or sheet masks?

Aaaand, I want people to chat with,or rp with, I have so much to do yet nothing  to do orz 

On thursday i will start packing to spend the weekend at my bff's together with my gf because I'd feel uncomfortable and be like a whole different person at home lol


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*Sigh* I have this problem too... like I know what I want to write but I can't figure out how to write it. Once I actually get it on paper, though, it comes out okay. Even if I end up deleting it later, it's still a little closer to what I want, you know? So try to write without worrying about what it will end up like, I guess. You can always go back and revise it.
Listening to music..
Watch Yummy Yummy with Sehun and Kai
Reading other stories could help also.
Taking a nap..
Try free writing or reading some inspiring quotes to get you started :>