i love yvonne, that's why i'm doing this

1.  What is your name and what does it mean?
My name is Sophia and my mom named me that because it meant "wisdom," or something like that, but I guess that backfired on me :-) 
2.  How long have you known your best friend?
Welp, I have 7 best friends, but I've known all of them for 4 years alrdy! :-)   

3.  What position do you normally sleep in?
I like to sleep on my sides bc that feels vvvv comfortable

4.  Were you a part of any “clique” in high school?
Kinda sorta? Not sure if I rly am so ;;

5.  Who was your favorite teacher in high school and why?
My favorite teacher is my 9th grade English teacher because she's just so easy to talk to & v relatable & I feel like I can tell her anything. 

6.  Do you wish to travel a lot?
Yes! I want to see the world and open my eyes.  

7.  Did you participate in any sports while in school?

8.  Show a sample of your handwriting.  
i don't feel like it bruh ;(

9.  Have you ever given blood?
no, i'm not old enough & i don't weigh enough. 
10.  Do you like the way that you grew up?
welp, that's how i came to be, so yes, but can we forget my emo phase LOL.

11.  Do you like your siblings? Why or why not?
well my brother is a wrinkly prune, but yes ofc, i like him. 

12.  How did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends?
welp since i have 6 of them i gotta describe them all LOL
friend 1: i sat two seats away from her and we had a crush on the same guy, so we would always talk about him HAHA. 
friend 2: she was in a lot of my classes & i was friends with her friends, so i became friends with her! 
friend 3: he was in my english class & for some reason, we just clicked when we met each other haha (not in a good way tho, we were roasting each other)
friend 4: she was in my p.e. class and she was the first person i approached in school, since i didn't know anyone haha. 
friend 5: he had a crush on me & I didn't like him back, so we just stayed friends LOL. 
friend 6: he sat next to me in science and i think one of the most pivotal moments in our friendship was that he changed his pants next to me LMAO. 
friend 7: i think i commented on the same status as her on fb and we had mutual interests, so we started msging each other.

13.  Name one movie that made you cry.
i don't really recall one, but i know that i cried watching the ending to rooftop prince LOL.

14.  Do you prefer to read poetry, write poetry, or neither?
i like rhyming poetry & the only poems i can write well are odes HAHA. 

15.  Things about someone which you find attractive?
in people, i just love positivity and hardwork attractive; if you have one or the either or both, i would admire you from a distance LOL.

16.  What song are you currently listening to?
fools - troye sivan : ) 

17.  Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?
i've never broken a bone! 

18.  A random memory from your childhood.
i remember i got in trouble in my ballet class cause i had gum in my mouth :(  

19.  Where did you grow up?
mmm i grew up in my city LOL. 

20.  What was the last thing you watched on TV?
uhh,,, i don't really watch tv but the last thing i watched was a christmas movie i think,,, 

21.  Do you think you’d make a good parent?
no :( i like looking at babies and playing with children, but i am a fish out of water when it comes to taking care of them :( i panic too much LOL  

22.  Would you like to meet any of your AFF friends in person?

23.  When is your birthday?
october 2nd!  

24.  How many pillows do you sleep with?
25.  Do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses?
yes yes and i've been wearing them since the 3rd or 4th grade LOL

26.  What color is your hair?
Black with blonde tips LOL

27.  Name five facts about your appearance.
- i am 5 feet : ( 
- ppl tell me that i look like a 5th grader : ( 
- i have some thick thighs omg they aren't even thick, they're just full of fat LOL
- i have a middle part!!!!!
- i got some nice lashes oh my 

28.  What is your favorite soda? 
uhh maybe like fanta or sprite LOL

29.  What is a strange talent that you have?
umm none comes to mind atm LOL

30.  How’s the weather right now?
it's HOT AF 

31.  Why did one of your friendships end?
we just drifted : (  

32.  Who do you miss right now?
i'd become a little emo if i say it LOL 

33.  Why did your last relationship end?
because of a lot of circumstances that we weren't sure if we could handle, together and individually

34.  Are you still figuring out who you are?

35.  Have you ever been admitted to a hospital? Why?
i think when i was little because i would refuse to drink water so i became dehydrated lol

36.  What is your favorite restaurant?
i like a lot of restaurants soo LOL

38.  Would you ever adopt kids?

39.  What is your favorite kind of pizza?
all kinds!

40.  What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
"be positive today" LOL

41.  When was the last time you got really happy and why?
i'm really happy like everyday soo LOL 

42.  What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
i'm not really sure tbh LOL

43.  How do you start a conversation?
i either just introduce myself to people i dont know, or i just say something random to my friends LOL 

44.  What’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?
maybe like oh wonder, i guess

45.  Do you come from a family “of money”?

46.  Do you have a bucket list?
yes! it's small tho haha  

47.  What is your favorite series of books?
not really sure, i've read a lot and liked a lot, but i can't tell which one is my favorite

48.  When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?
when i was staying after school to decorate for a dance, and my friends and i were just playing around LOL

49.  Where do you go when you’re sad?
to my bed LOL

50.  5 random facts about yourself.

  • i'm v ditzy and v self-conscious of that
  • it's hard for me to tell people how i actually feel, since i dont want to ruin the mood
  • i can't ride a bike, but i wish i knew how to
  • one day, i just want to do something spontaneous
  • the first time i ate a bagel was last week LOL 


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looks like _totorosan has the same name as u :-))) i guess u guys are both...SOFAS *SNORTS UNATTRACTIVELY*
