I Hete Valentine's Day

So Valentine's Day is here and honestly I hate this holiday with a passion.

This holiday is about confessing to someone you like and maybe giving them a little gift to let them know how special they are to you. It's all cute and fluffy fun right?

Wrong. Sure it's nice for those who get something, but what about those who don't? On this day people get up their hopes that someone will confess, and if they don't get anything they will naturally feel low on themselves. It's awful. There's all these lovey dovey things in the shop windows for weeks on end, reminding everyone that a day is coming up to celebrate love, love that some people won't get to experience. They literally can't escape it because the signs are everywhere.

Here's an idea, how about we forget Valentine's Day. Instead of waiting around for a day to confess, do it any day of the year. Don't let those who are alone suffer for a day. It's cruel.

And why do I hate this day? Because every year I'm surrounded by people who get Valentine's gifts and confessions and I get nothing. Absolutely nothing whatsoever.

Here's a funny little story, last year I got a gift and card for someone. I arranged to meet with him on Valentine's Day and he decided to cancel and go to the cinema with his friends.

This year I spent quite a bit of money getting a special personalised gift for someone I love, even bought a new outfit just for him. He was meant to see me today but changed his mind yesterday. It's a replay of last year all over again and it hurts. I feel so unloved and upset because of this stupid holiday.

To top it off my flat mate will come home today telling me about how great her boyfriend was and how much she's been treated. It's not fair on those who don't get to experience the holiday and get it shoved in their faces.

Valentine's Day .


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Hais I understand how u feel.... ny friend was saying if being single is better or attached but boyfriend is not willing to celebrate it and instead left only hurtful words instead of everything else like floeers or anything... haish maybe single n not in love is the best haish
Tomorrow is St Skeletor's Day. The anti-Valentine's day.