It's funny...

It's funny how one day you mean so much to someone, then the next they are ignoring you, refusing to look at your texts, Facebook messages, or even pick up your calls.

I haven't slept properly because he's on my mind. I'm gripping the necklace he gave to me, praying for him to suddenly appear and explain everything. But he's not coming.

Just when I buy him a Christmas present to give to him, excited to see his reaction, but suddenly he's gone.

21st birthday party cancelled because nobody wanted to come out on my birthday (2nd January), childhood dream of a big 21st gone.

Hope of spending Valentine's Day with someone... Well so much for that.

Anxiety. Depression. My whole life is falling on top of me.

And do you know what's funny?

Somehow I'm still here.


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wheres-my-cookie #1
Please don't say that! I know it's hard right now but if you need someone to talk to, I'll be here for a chat~ <3
mistressofsecrecy1 #2
is this the same guy...?
he's loosing you mean by gone as in - out of your life? out of the picture? or just not now?

i just hope you can keep on going...don't say 'somehow you're still here' - you have to be here! I'M GLAD you're here...please DO NOT do anything...PLEASE keep going even though it seems almost cruel to ask that of you - cruel is too strong but you know what i mean - please! - even just for yourself, keep trying - i know you've been trying for a long time but never give up and never think about WHY or HOW you're here...don't loose us there now I care about you. One person here cares about you. please - keep going for yourself! Keep building a life for may seem like it's hard to keep people right now but you can find friends later - and hey will be better! it's better to have people that stick it out! please please please...