Random Questions stolen from heclgehog (50 questions)

I stole this from Heclgehog who stole it from  TypicalAuthornim and if y'all wanna answer these too, go ahead ^^


1:What is your name and does it mean anything?

  • My real name is XXXXXX, but I go by Andy because I fell in love with that name for a girl when watching 'Step Up 2'

2:How long have you known your best friend?

  • I have 3 best friends and each one I have known for 16 years- since 2000 when I started kindergarten. 

3:What position do you normally sleep in?.

  • I sleep on my stomach with one leg arched up and one hand underneath another pillow and my face smothered in another pillow. 

4:Were you a part of any “clique” in high school?

  • My first two and half years, I hung out with the stoners and the people who people would say "Would drop out of high school later in the year' and then the other half of the school year, I spent my time with the AP kids.

5:Who was your favorite teacher in high school and why?

  • This one is extremely hard because I have two favorites. One, my English teacher senior year, Mrs. Hurst. She was pretty down to earth and would love to joke around with the students. I had her class with 6 other extremely close friends and she put up with our to the max. Even though I graduated 4 years ago, I still visit her from time to time. Second, my senior math teacher, Mr. Burton. This guy, he told some MAJOR dad jokes. It was unbelieveable. He was so calm and was always in a great mood. I was a senior in a junior math class, but he never made me feel like a worthless dud for not understanding anything. Even though I had detention with him almost the entire year my senior year, he always helped me so that I would graduate. I also visit him when I get the chance, he teaches at my college also. So I bump into him during my night classes (:

6:Do you wish to travel a lot?

  • YES. I want to experience the world and go on these breath taking trips. I have a trip planned, 14 days, to Thailand-Malasyia-Singapore. Or I will do another trip that includes Laos and Vietnam. Or perhaps 10 days in Japan. I'm not sure at the moment, I won't be going until 2019 when I graduate university. 

7:Did you participate in any sports while in school?

  • I wanted to. I wanted to join soccer or tennis. I never joined because my grades were too bad LOL.

8:Show a sample of your handwriting: 

  • I don't know how to upload it, but I can tell you that it looks like chicken scratch LOL.

9:Have you ever given blood?

  • Nope. I have a huge fear of needles. 

10:Do you like the way that you grew up?

  • Yes. I got to grow up with some great discipline and morals that my grandma passed down before she passed.

11:Do you like your siblings? Why or why not?

  • I have an older brother who is 7 years older than me and he is a ing head sometimes. We are complete opposites. Overall, he aight.

12:How did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends?

  • My BEST friend and I met.... this is kinda hard.... We technically went to Kindergarten together, but she moved and I didn't see her until 7th grade. We had history together and she was so loud and obnoxious that I wanted to tape shut. She was so hyper-active. She eventually asked me for a pencil one day and I gave her one.... and suddenly we were hanging out every day, calling each other every day. When she moved, I cried a lot. We still kept in touch every now and then. She taught me a lot and over the years, I got to see her more when she moved closer. She is the only person I can come to when I need a shoulder to cry on or someone to rant with. Despite not being able to go out with her, because she has 4 kids to take care of, I still have the greatest time with her. And when her kids are older, I have a surprise bank account that will be getting set up so in case they want to go to college, they will have money because I know how unfinancially stable she is right now. I want to give her the world.

13:Name one movie that made you cry.

  • Werewolf boy!

14:Do you prefer to read poetry, write poetry, or neither?

  • I am going to say neither. I prefer more story format than a lyrical rhyme type.

15:Things about someone that you find attractive?

  • He has to be open-minded. I can't date someone who wont try new things. He definitely has to make me laugh. And he has to have goals. 

16:What song are you currently listening to?

  • Dean and Eric- I'm not sorry.

17:Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?

  • I have never broken a bone.

18:A random memory from your childhood:

  • I was standing in line in Kindergarten waiting for my teacher to get our class and this boy kept spitting on me so I told him to stop. He laughed and spit on me some more. As I pushed him to the floor, the teacher saw and I got sent home. I thought my mom would have been mad, but she told me I did a good job lol. If I had known that that boy who spit on me would turn out to be my neighbor and my first kiss later on in life, I don't think I would have believed it xD

19:Where did you grow up

  • In the city of Phoenix Arizona

20:What was the last thing you watched on tv?

  • I don't watch TV at ALL anymore, but occassionally I will watch Judge Judy with my mom if she asks. 

21:Do you think you’d make a good parent?

22:Would you like to meet any of your AFF friends in person?

  • YES! There are definitely a few people I would love to meet! Closest one would be my babydong in AUS ^^, I would love to up with Cee, and Spazz with Jenday, Jen from Pipimic....pi.... ! and Heme :D Also, clothes shopping with Red ^^

22:What was the last dream you remember having?

  • I for some reason, I don't smoke, but I was smoking purple weed, but nothing happened LOL.

23:When is your birthday?


24:How many pillows do you sleep with?

  • Two- four.

25:Do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses?

  • I do. I started wearing glasses in 8th grade, I am near sided so I can't see far away. 

26:What color is your hair?

  • At the moment, it's a ashy brown color. I am thinking about going blonde again.

27:Name 5 facts about your appearance:

  • Really big blue eyes
  • Eyebrows on fleek (Thanks sephora)
  • Pastey white skin
  • Thin white girl lips.
  • A baby face

28:What is your favorite soda?

  • Dr. Pepper hands down!!

29:What is a strange talent that you have?

  • I can do the splits? Is that strange? OH, I can crack my shoulder bone xD

30:How’s the weather right now?

  • It's ING HOT right now in Arizona. It was 85 degrees F today!

31:Why did one of your friendships end?

  • Cause she is acts like she is some ing princess and wants all the attention on her. She started at prom and acted too much like a child. So I called it quits.

32:Who do you miss right now?

  • I miss my best friend

33:Why did your last relationship end?

  • I wasn't interested in this kid. I ing hate this guts. My friend begged me and I got annoyed and said yes and it ended a month later with a note because he was too scared I would rip his head off LOL.

34:Are you still figuring out who you are?

  • I do feel like I need to figure a few more things about myself. 

35:Have you ever been admitted to a hospital? Why?

  • I had to get stitches in my cheek when I was 5 and then had to get stitches on my ankle when I was like.... 12. I never had to stay at the hospital for anything huge.

36:What is your favorite restaurant?

  • My favorite place is like 5 minutes away from my house by driving. Its a Korean cafe my friend showed me like 4 years ago. I go there at least once every other week. Its a small place with one chef, and two korean ladies. I have grown so close to them that sometimes they hand feed me items they had sitting around ^^ Recently, one of them started calling me baby :3 They are so adorbs. MAKE ME YOUR DAUGHTER IN LAW XD

37:What is word that you always seem to spell wrong?

  • Malaysia xD I dont know why, but I always spell Malasya or Malasia or Malasyia. I finally figured it out though :D Ma-LAY-sia. Sorry subbies from there, I'll fix that for you ;;

38:Would you ever adopt kids?

  • I'd prefer not to have kids, but I would like to adopt.

39:What is your favorite kind of pizza?

  • Sausage or Supreme ^^

40:What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

  • That I need to check my cats food in Neko Atsume xDDD

41:When was the last time you got really really happy and why?

  • Probably a week ago when I was stressing out about not being able to transfer to my other university, but I got in contact with a specialist transfer person and she told me that is possible for me to go and that the people from my uni will do everything they can to prevent me from going, so I was super happy that I found out that I will be dorming an hour away from my house and graduating within 3 years.

42:What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

  • VEGEMITE!!! Like, I've eaten pig blood and jellyfish and chicken feet and cow feet and frog and snails and rabbit BUT VEGEMITE WAS THE WEIRDEST EVER.... not to mention nastiest. Sorry all my Aussie friends, YUCK! Xp

43:How do you start a conversation?

  • I usually ask a question about something I am confused about or if its a kpop friend then I am usually spazzing about something in that genre.

44:What’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?

  • One ok rock!

45:Do you come from a family “of money?”

  • I'm not weathly, but Im not poor. 

46:Do you have a bucket list?

  • I do actually. I have little sticky notes in a glass jar. 

47:What is your favorite series of books?

  • The hush hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick. It tripped my mind out when the girl was experiencing supernatural . I recommend it.

48:When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?

  • It was probably when my friends cousin got wasted for the first time on New Years. He was so cute and funny. He ended up breaking a candle in the bathroom and I opened the door and he was on the floor and his eyes were so big and he was all, "Oh nooo.... Jennifer is going to be SO mad at me. She is gonna hate me!!"  

49:Where do you go when you’re sad?

  • I usually find a drama where I can cry to or I just sulk in the bathtub.

50:5 random facts about yourself:

  1. You can give me a 5 page book with one paragraph on each page and I could turn that into a 10 page essay. I love writing. //Except now cuz I have no motivation//
  2. I am currently crushing on a Viet guy in Psych of Human uality class. We bonded over s and hamsters LOL. //Speaking of s, I have a test on that I need to do online!//
  3. I will most likely be at Kcon LA 2016 this year.
  4. I really like coloring books
  5. I am terrible at math and science, but I am a science major xD


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