{ O or X } ⟫ Elline ⟫ Vocalist,Rapper

  Do areum ( 도아름  )
   fara  ♡  kpopfangirl10  ♡   4/5
reumi / basically everyone that knew her / her short name and people always call her this
docolate / her fans and sometimes the girls / Areum really love chocolate.All type of chocolate,she'll eat no matter what.Give her tons of it,she'll never get tired of it.That's why the fans call her docolate
doremi / the girls / whenever they are going to practice singing,they'll tease Areum for sure.By calling her Doremi.And Doremi somehow fits her too.
the female taecyeon / the fans and sometimes the girls / she really bad a fashion sense.Ugh..you really don't want to know how she pick her outfit.Just..no..She's really a fashion terrorist

AGE 21
BIRTHDAY 22 October 1995

BIRTH PLACE Changwon,South Korea
HOMETOWN Seoul,South Korea

— korean / fluent / her native language
♡  enjoy life today,yesterday is gone and tommorow may never come

  mirror, mirror on the wall。
FACE CLAIM Red Velvet - Seulgi
         — gallery

        — gallery

  Areum is standing at 165 cm and 42 kg.She just satisfied with her height as she's not that short and not that short.But she's a bit concern with her weight.She's so thin.She really hard to gain weight.Making her body is not that fit compare to other girls.Just like other asian,Areum has a dark brown straight hair colour.She rarely dye it and if she dyed,she'll only use natural colour.She just think that bright or other colour didn't match her well.Also,she got a bruise-like birthmark on her right elbow.Sometimes people who noticed this usually confuse either it's a bruise or something else.And she got a monolid too.Very proud of it c: Lastly her blood type is A+


 One thing to say,Areum really have NO FASHION SENSE.At all.Really.No joke.Her fashion is so terrible.Just..don't let her shopping with you alone.Her taste are so bad.She really need someone to choose the clothes.So,the stylist often watch her when she's choosing an outfit,and laughing themself as Areum pick a really ridiculuos one.Just..please help her with styling.She can't do it by herself.Also known as the female Taecyeon XD

So,basically their stylist usually pay more attention to Areum as she really need to learn about fashion.All clothes or outfit that she wear,thanks to the girls and the stylist.Sincerely by Do Areum xD
  but looks aren't everything。

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 confident,approachable,talkative,organize  || jealous,selfish,corwardly,single minded

confident / With her beautiful face,and how people look at her,she usually gain her confident quickly.Just cheer on her,she'll be confident to do something.She also didn't have much problem to talk with anyone.

approachable / She already nice and friendly even though she just met that person for the first time.That's why people find her approachable.Things would not get awkward easily with Areum.She tend to make people comfortable with her first so that people can make a good impression of her

talkative / Areum can really start a conversation without having awkward feeling.And can lead the conversation well too!She also sometimes be the MC together with Kiyo whenever they are practising or anything they do that she can talk.As long as she can talk,she'll talk.If both of Kiyo and Areum left together,you can't even imagine how noisy it will be

organize / Yesss!She's so organize with her belongings.She can't stand looking at a messy room.She need to clean is as soon as possible.All her books,clothes,accessories and everything must be organized or she'll be really stressed.And so,her room usually be the most neat and clean among the girls.

- jealous / Areum get jealous easily.Usually when she's practising,she show her jealous face obviously.Whenever the judges are praising other members,she always feel like she didn't appreciated or her hard work didn't really important for the group.

selfish / When she's in her good mood especially,her selfishness can be seen clearly.She didn't care about anyone anymore after she won or got something.It's surely because she was too happy,but sometimes her selfishness can get worse.

cowardly / she may look she always confident and always happy with her life.But she actually a coward person.She's too afraid to experience something new.She's afraid what will people talk about her talent.She admit that her talent is not enough to impress many people.She really afraid of everything.And sometimes it makes her down and she can't focused in the survival

single minded / When she's thinking,she usually didn't think much.Only focus to one thing.And if that thing is worth for herself,she'll just do it without thinking the good or bad.As long as it give her benefits,she'll just accept.She didn't think anymoe.Only focus on one thing.

ON STAGE :   She would love to show her singing,rapping skill and her lovely but charismatic aura to everyone.Showing them that she can be sucsessful with her talent even though it may not as good as others.She want to show that she's happy being on stage and didn't regretting her choice.In the survival,she want to look a bit fierce but at the same time gentle and understanding.But of course,she cannot hide it when she's jealous.

ON CAMERA/VARIETY SHOW :  She tends to only showing her good side.The side that everyone will find endearing and would give a good impression to her.She's talkative and confident indeed,but can blurt out things she couldn't be said.Areum would like to do her best if they're playing games and acts confident

OFF CAMERA :  It particurly the same with on camera.But she's more loud and crazy.Always playing around and make other girls annoyed.Always laughing and talking.But sometimes,she act a bit sane than other members.A bit only!And her negatives side always appeared in the dorm..so..you know what i mean right? *fight*

  dig a little deeper。

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PAST Areum is the second daughter of Do Hyunsaeng and Kim Shinji.Born to a wealthy family,Areum always get what she want.Nobody ever against her will.If she she want that,she'll get it for sure.She start her education in a co-ed school around Changwon.Back in primary school days,Areum usually treat differently by the other kids as they know that her family is the main  sponsor of their school.She always treated like a princess there.As her selfishness get worse,she start bullying the other kids.She thinks that she's the most powerful girl there.She don't even afraid with the  teachers.She have everything.She has the beautiful face,the money,the power and all.She continue doing this cruel bullying until one day,her family move to Gangnam and she start her middle school education there.It's a private co ed school.The rules are so strict,only some people might survive there.There are not much student there.Areum struggled hard there and she didn't have much time to be friend with other student.She need to catch up her learning as her grades are so bad.She didn't even touch her text books when she's in primary school.Busy bullying kids and  this what she get.After 3 years struggling there,she finally graduate and continue her high school .

    That time was 2011 when she's interested with music.Kpop is so popular back then.Areum start watching their MVs and all after most of her relatives recommend her to watch.After watching some,she knew she just fall in love.Especially with Shinee.She just watched a few MVs of them and she already call herself a Shawols.She really admires them.As she always sand their song most of time,many people hear her voice.And even many compliment her.Areum gained some confident and jokingly said that she'll do a song cover.At first she didn't really want to do it,but then her sister also encourage her to do it.So,she do a song cover of A-yo from Shnee.Indeed a hardcore Shawol.She uploaded it on her sister's youtube channel.And it recieve a good impression.Areum had some thought of auditioning and tell her family.Good enough that no one against her.For a few months,she went to vocal class and dance acedemy near her house.Later that year,around June,she went to numerous auditions.From Cube to JYP to FNC to Fantagio and many more.She's really busy with all of the audtions and even skipped most of her school times.

   Around September,she found Jellyfish Ent.Actually,she's a bit tired as she didn't accepted to be a trainee there but then,she's full of passion.So,she auditioned there.And guess what? She pssed it.She really feels like want to cry and all,after all numerous auditions she joined,she finally accepted.That's where she start her life as a trainee in Jellyfish Ent.


   Now,her life is not as easy as she thinks.Forever busy with schedule,practicing,taining and all.All day long,she'll have something to do.Sometimes on public holidays,she get to visit her family and enjoy her free time.Actually,her lifestyle now is not that different compare to her trainee days.The different is only the status,the feel and maybe a more wide social.Areum didn't really talk to people until she was accepted to be a trainee in Jellyfish.Back then she's a lonely,a bully and something like that.But now,she's completely a different person.She's more lively,more happy and get to know much awesome people and great seniours (even though in the survival she's a bit scary tho XP) and she just hope that no one really ask her why she didn't have many friends even though she's such a talkative and approachable girl.Past is past right?She don't even want to remember how bad she was.


Likes :
- RnB songs
- freestyle rap
- caffeine
- chocolates
- novels
- jazz dance
- foods

Dislikes :
- cats
- spicy foods
- morning alarm
- dentist
- injection
- smoker
- someone get praised highly and she didn't get anything

Habits/Hobbies :
- watching dramas online than watching it on TV
- poking people
- making everyone annoyed
- bit lips
- hugging people
- talk in dialect if she's shocked or too excited
- talking non stop
- sleeping around
- drawing or sketching randow pictures
- reading novels
- teasing the girls when they are madly in love with their boys

Others :
- she really can't eat spicy foods but she can eat sour foods really well.
- she can sleep anywhere as long as there are place to sleep
- she's bad at making jokes
- can cook very well
- often waking up the girls
- she loves really loves chocolate
- she likes macchiato the most if it's caffeine
- she HATE cats but she's not afraid of bugs,spiders or insects
- she really loves talking especially with Kiyo.When they are collabration,you can't imagine the loudness
- she really can't do sports
- doesn't like sharing her problems or secret with anyone
- she loves nail arts
- she's a fashion terrorist
- she'll shout loudly if someone going to tickle her even though that person didn't touch her yet
- she often change her phone wallpaper
- often change her phone case too
- she can only do jazz dance properly,other dance..hmm..maybe?
- she really loves RnB songs
- can do a freestyle rap really well
- she use sony xperia z2,present from her father
- the first thing she bought with her own money is macbook
- a hardcore Shawol and Jonghyun is her bias
- her ideal type is of course Shinee's Jonghyun
- she often tease the girls with their lovers as she didn't have one
- she often try to forget how cruel she was back in school days but she just can't

Special talent :
-freestyle rap
-modern jazz dance
  star light, star bright。
   BEHIND the fame and glitter...
STAGE NAME  Elline ( 앨라인 ) her name,Areum means beautiful and in irish, beauty or beautiful is álainn,so she used it as her name with different spelling but same pronouncation

POSITION  vocalist,rapper

TALENT TWIN  Rainbow - Yoonhye (SNSD - Tiffany)

TRAINEE SPAN  5 years 4 months
She start her trainee life in September,2011.She was originally audition for vocal but as she leaned many things there.She actually can rap.It's not that good as those who are audition as rappers but she still do well in rap.So,she start learning rap from the teachers and even other trainees.But for dance,she don't really good.She admit that she's jealous with them who are dancing so well.Only one dance that she really can do.It is jazz dance.Other dance?Erm..maybe not yet.As she start training there,her personality increasing.She's not as lonely as the past and not such a badass too.Just,another next door girl.It's really different compare to her schoolife

  And her trainee life is not as easy as she thought.She need to pass all different stages in order to debut.The most difficult is the rigorous training part.
The trainees undergo intense training in singing, dance, acting, language and more while competing with each other for the spotlight. Only a small percentage will pass so Areum always be stressd as they are plenty of trainee there.Everyone need to do their best in order to acheive what they want to be.And Areum actually kinda like the idea that the CEO want to do a survival show.So,she can watch what are the other trainees lacking off and try to get rid of them (oopps).
— instagram : @Ellreumi2210
— twitter : @Elline_Areum
  never forget。

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— fatherDo Hyunsaeng (fc : jung donghwan)  / 53 / quiet,relax,awkward,calm
 He's the relax father who's didn't really shows his caring towards  his children cause he's somewhat awkward.But he never didn't show his love cause he'll show it everytime he cooks for the family once a while.Always be seen in his office room with books or settling his works

— motherKim Shinji (fc: seo younghee) 50 / caring,sporting,funny,strict
 She's the caring mother who always shows her support towards her beloved children.She's really sporting cause she always do something unbelieveable with her children.But,she's so strict to sometimes

— older sister / Do Ahyeon (fc : han seungyeon) / 24 / nice,playful,y,dependable
She's the nice sister who often help her little dongsaengs,a bit playful with them.She's the best sister that Areum know.Always there whenever she needs help.Such a dependable person.She also the only one who knows about Areum bullying kids.She can't do anything to stop her as she's struggling with her exams and all.Thank god,Areum stop doing that awful thing.

— little brother / Do Haneul (fc: svt - wonwoo) / 19 / overprotective,smartie,annoying,funny
He's the really overprotective boy Areum ever know.She didn't even let her noonas go out at nights,sometimes walks with them after school,banning them from having a boyfriend and all.He's really annoying sometimes but he's a smartie.Often get top 3 every year.And also,the moodmaker of the family

— the awesome girls / contestant of this survival shows / 23-17 / random
They compete together on the survival.Surely they'll fight among them but still,they have trained together.It's not like once you elimenated from this survival,we are not friends again.They spend most of their times together

— the talking friend / Kiyoharu Genpo  / ?? / talkative,fearful,cute,aproachable
They really matched each other.Both are aproachable and talkative.Making them a pair of talkative girls.Kiyo also sometimes teach Areum japanese as Areum don't know any language other than Korean so,she also her Japanese teacher.Areum also always tease Kiyo when she's showing her interest at Leo.Just want to annoyed her.

— the great sunbaes / vixx  / 26-21 / random
They are the only band or group in Jellyfish,and also close to most of the contestant of this survival.Always give tips on becoming an idol,give some encourage to always practising and more.Since they always pass by the girls practise room,they become close to each other as sunbae-hoobae or *cough*lovers*cough*

— my prince / kim jonghyun / 26 / friendly,silly,little shy
No relations.It just Areum really admire her and make him her ideal type.She just love everything he do.Like a fangirl fangirling over their bias.If Areum can meet him,she'll be so happy >.<
  love interest name。
   love interest or idol crush?
NICKNAMES list each on a new line and explain who calls them it and how they got it. copy and paste the format below for as many as you need.
— nickname / explanation

PERSONALITY  goes here

HABITS  goes here

TRIVIAS  goes here

place a quote here that your character's love interest firmly believes in, follows, or just likes

  soul(mate) searching。
FIRST MEETING how did your character and her love interest meet? was it love at first sight? hate at first sight? stuff like that!

RELATIONSHIP explain here how your character and her love interest act around each other. how do they treat the other? how do others see them? things like that.
  last call。
Is love interest optional?If not,i'll add it but if yes,then i'll let Areum didn't has a love ineterst.I just want to make her annoyed sometimes when she saw the girls having a lovey dovey moment xD and if anything seems wrong,i'll fix it c:
I hope you'll like her ^^

*about the coward part,it's not that she showed it all the time.People didn't be confident all the time right? /idk tbh xD/ confident is just her mask /pfft,sound cliche / deep inside her heart,she's actually a coward.She's afraid about what people think about her.That's why she try to act confident all the time.She had done something awful in the past and she didn't want anyone to know about it.So she covers it with confidence and talkative personality.At least people leave a good first impression on her.I hope you understand it as i'm bad at describing things.But if you don't,i can change that c:"

- the girls fight scene (that will be epic tho xD)
- scandal about Areum bullying
- vixx and the girls photoshoot
- anything on your mind ^^

PASSWORD  im chained up


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