Losing Subscribers wow...

I feel like sometimes people subscribe just to look at what I wrote. Then, it just shows me that people subscribed not to support just to read and look at what I wrote. HOnestly, if they are going to unsubscribe whenever I update new chapters, I just hope that they don't read ANY of my fanfics. Just a thought that went through me after losing like 6 subs in matter of a day. 


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to be fair, it's just like what camillevendetta said. you have your story on subs only so there's no other way to really see enough of a story unless they sub. i understand it can be frustrating though
But ... if you have your stories on subs only they have to sub to your stories to check out your writing style. If it doesn't sit with them or they're not really fancying it, I guess it's only fair that they unsub again... ;;

I don't know if you have your stories on subs only but if you do ...... Well, subscribing is sort of the only way a potential reader can check you out.
Like subscribing to read a chapter, unsubscribing, and subscribing again to read the updates?
lol that seems like a lot of works .
lol I don't even have most of my stories sub-only and still have people doing that. ^^ Though, I think the situation is not much different than
people suddenly dropping a TV drama series or manga (I'm one of those people who drop drama series fairly quickly ^^").
I love your fanfics!!! I started reading ur chanchen one and it is soo cute ^ ^
I dont understand how can they unsubscribe ur beautiful stories but its is a losss for them ]FIGHTING