I miss him a lot

He's a good guy.

He's very nice.

He's a great husband, a great father.

But he wasn't mine.

And was and never will.

When you love something you have to let it go

If it come back to you it is yours but if it's not,

It never was.

I love him. 


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I know that this reply came a bit late, and I can't say that I have ever been in your position before.

But I hope you move on! And one day, you'll find someone who loves you as much as you had once loved him, or maybe even more.

Breathe, and live. I know moving on isn't as easy as what people say, but you'll get there one day.

Until then, your friends at AFF will be here for you!
i know how you feel :(

it has been a year for me , and not a single day i forgot about him

he was my first love for 8 years too :(

but as time go ,i realise we never ment to be

so i just embrace it and let everything go

do it , and start think about yourself and your dreams and busy yourself by trying to achieve them , you'll feel better ^^