The Vinyl - Park Yujin / Leader,Keyboardist


Park Yujin
kpopfangirl10 || fara || 8/10

other names: none

— yun / basically everyone + her stage name / Yun is her short name.And somehow,Yun fits her perfectly
birthday & age: 22 October 1993 (23)
birthplace: Changwon,South Korea
height & weight: 164 cm and 42 kg
blood type: a

— korean / fluent / her native language
faceclaim: Juniel
back-up face claim: DIA - Seunghee


personality traits: sincere,talkative,approachable,hard working || private,casual || forgetful,sensitive,weak,silly
personality: Yujin is really act like mum.She often smiles and supporting others.She even nagged like typical mums.Sometimes,if she sees someone looks gloomy or sad,she'll cheer them no matter what.Even though she only have her not-so-funny jokes,and just like other typical comforting ways,she get to cheer them sucsessfully.With her nice and friendly personalities,she's approachable and can start a conversations really well.She's very sincere too.Many people can't really see sincerities of their actions but you can cleary see it on Yujin.It's really obvious.Being one of the oldest,she often speak for the other members if they too shy with new peoples.She definately the best talking member just like other leaders.It would be a shame if she can't introduce her group well.She's hard working too.She definately do her best when she's going to compose The Vinyl's songs.She proud that she can composing and playing keyboard  but that doesn't mean she didn't have to do the best.Her vocal is still ,so she often ask for help from her sunbaes.

    She's rarely share her problem with others.Yes,she would love if someone depend on her and tell her the problem.But for her own,she rather keep it to herself and if it's too hard,she'll share a bit with her family first then Hakyeon or The Vinyl members.And she's always keep on a simple thing.Like outfit,just grab a shirt and a short,and she's done.With problems too,if she could,she'll take the most simplest way.Just..who want things to get complicated..?

  Well,everyone has their negative side right?Same goes to Yujin.She's really weak.Sports?Haha.She can even fly if there is strong wind.Maybe it is her family's gene as nobody in her family is good in sports.No one.She can't really lift anything heavy.She needs help T^T.She's so forgetful!Sometimes,when she's going to wake others,she often get their names wrong.Even her siblings,it's not like she have other 5 little sisters.She only have an older brother and a little sister and she even get it wrong.And she's silly.Really can you triped over a staright broom?Well,you can say that you're spacing out for a while.But Yujin..she's just sweeping the floor and BUMM!! She's the one who's on the floor...   -_-And she even lost balace when she just standing.And last,she's a sensitive girl.If she didn't get to do what she want or dissapointed,don't expect much calm Yujin.She could be so scary.

— ​composing / music is literly her life so,she learned composing a bit and she actually can do that really well
— ​keyboard / she's grown with many instrument,but she's more interest in keyboard.Since young she have learned playing it
— ​dark colour / just..she thinks bright colour didn't suit her,so she always use dark colours
— ​caffeine / she really love caffeine.She can actually drink this for the whole day.She's a coffee maniac
— korean dramas / whenever she's bored,she definately watch drama.Nothing else she'll do the entire day except for watching it.
— singing / she always admires when people sing.With a melodious voice and all,she also learned singing a bit.And she actually can.
— sea creature / this also she loves.For her,sea creatures is wonderful things we need to take care.She also has a collection of sea shells


— smoker / she just..hate those smokes and litterly the person too
— ​sports / it's not that she hate,it's just she can't do sports.She even can't lift heavy things alone
— spicy foods / she really can't eat spicy
— creepy dolls / she actually loves cute animal dolls and all,but she HATES creepy one.It gives her nightmares.
— cats / she's okay with other animal.Insects or wild animals,she still calm but if it's cats,she can't stand still.Noo!
— complicated dramas / she loves dramas but not the complicated one.She watched it to relaxing her minds but when it get complicated,she'll change it for sure.


— reading sad novels
— scrolling on Tumblr
— changing her phone wallpapers
— loves to make Keiko annoyyed
— composing at midnight


— sleeping in the composing room
— take a long time for shower
— biting her lips
— listening to some ballads before sleeping
— hugging people (only the one she know)


—  she can't eat something spicy at all but can eat sour things really well
—  she quite bad at making jokes
— can cook really well
—  all of her family can't do sports
—  she's an owl ( always sleep at 5.oo am and wakes at 7.oo pm )
—  she loves coffe very much
—  she almost debuted as a soloist
—  her stage name is Eugene (pronouce as Yujin)
—  she cooks really well
—  she loves intrupting Keiko in everything she do
—  she always hearing some of her favourite songs before composing
—  can play almost all instrument but her favourite always keyboard
—  she can sing really well,but she still learned it
—  her favorite colour : red,grey,black
—  she always smile and rarely we see being sad
—  if she see cats,she'll shout loudly.But if it's on broadcast,she'll hold someone hand's tightly
— she didn't recieve much love from a parent,so she really hoping she could once

Yujin was born on 22 October 1993,in Changwon and has been raised in Korea since birth.She has an older brother who is 4 years older and a little sister 3 years younger than her.Her little sister was seperated as she's staying with her mother's family in America.It is because she had some problem with documents or whatever since she's born there.Still didn't know what the problem,they decided to let the little girl stayed there.So,since she's the only girl and her parents always busy,she had some of mum's personality.About her little sister,Yuna,Yujin always keep in touch with her by Skype.Only once a while they get to meet each other as the parent always busy.Thankfully all of the documents and even visa accepted or whatever and Yuna get to live with her family in 2007.

   Since young,Yujin had been revealed with music instrument.Her father's close friend,own a music instrument shop.Since she and her brother always alone in the house because of their parents who are forever busy,the parents ask Mr.Kim or the shop's owner,to look for their children while they were out.Gladly Mr.Kim loves them like they are their children.He and his wife didn't have any children,so they happy to take care both of them.That's when Mr.Kim teach Yujin how to play this and that.But the most favourite instrument for Yujin is keyboard.she just love it.Don't know why.In school,she also took a vocal class,together with her older brother.That's also when she discover that she can actually sings.

   Back to 2007 where her little sister come back,she start showing tons of Kpop videos she's been practising singing to her.Yuna herself a bit interested and hearing that Yujin's voice is good enough,she think this may be a chance for her sister to debut like those Kpop idols.Yujin even can play instrument really well.So,why wasting her talent like that?When Yujin is in her middle school,she joined many singing competition.Same goes to playing instrument competition.She even won 2 or 3 competition there.It's 2010 where one of her vocal teacher that uploaded her video when she's compete with a cover of Eru's song called White Snow.The video was seen by YMC Entertaiment's owner.He personally called Yujin to audition in the company.YMC is still a new company that time.Yujin is a bit surprised but she still went to the audition and fortunately she passed it.Her parent didn't even against it.

   She was told that she might get chance to debut.So she trained like crazy there.She admit that she had a great time there.But since YMC still a small company,they didn't have many trainees there.And the traineed also didn't really talk with Yujin.She fely really lonely there.Almost like a introvert.She rarely seen talk to anyone except for the teachers there.Her vocal skill is so good and the teachers and staff also praise her.Maybe that's why she's being ignored by other trainees.But gladly they never really bad mouthing Yujin.Only ignoring her.

  After 3 years training there,she gave up and left the company.She really can't stand being that lonely.What she's hoping is great memory to be created but no,she didn't get it.Thank god,she saw that there are a survival audition show (?) called Kpop Star.She actually a bit nervous but still auditioned there.She's accepted until eliminated mission 8.And then JYP takes her and she signed with the company.Training there is not as hard as she thought.She already have some experienced,and she also discover her composing talent there.As she practised and practised all day,she become a bit master in it.With her talent in playing instrument also a big help fo her to compose a song.JYP hiself thought of debuting Yujin as a soloist.Yujin even had compose a song for herself.A song about her life.But then JYP cancelled it and planning on debuting her in upcoming girl group band.

father | Park Seokjun | 54 | lawyer | quiet,strict | he didn't really close to his children.Because of his work,he always busy with everything.But he's so strict that sometimes scaring the children.Always seen with books in his room | closeness : 6/10

mother | Han Geumhee | 47 | nurse | calm,caring | she's the mum who the children love.But sadly,she always do what her husband told.Since her husband is busy with everything,she always need to beside him.That's why she didn't have time to spend with her children.Plus her work as a nurse also one of the reason why she can't spend most of her time with the children | closeness : 7/10

brother | Park Jinwoo | 27 | accountant | dependable,outgoing | he's forever Yujin's prince.Nobody can ever replace his place in her heart.Yujin really loves her brother.Living with him alone for more than 10 years makes her know a bit about a person's love.At least she has someone who can she depend on when she's in problem. | closeness : 10/10

sister | Park Yuna | 20 | unempoyed | playful,funny | she's forever Yujin's princess and yes,nobody can replace her.Even though,they really met after Yuna 11 years old,it didn't make them awkward at all.She's the most loves there as she's the maknae.Yujin always spend her times with Yuna and she's so funny. | closeness : 10/10


best friend | The Vinyl | 23-18 | girl band | random | they are the girls that Yujin really cared.Always together in the hard or happt times.The best sisters ever~Yujin find her happiness with these girls.

best friend | 15 & | 19 | duo/girlgroup | dorky,outgoing | she met Jiminwhen she joined Kpop Star 1.Jimin also always help her there and they met again in JYP with Yerin.Both are matched with each other.Yujin also always see Jimin and Yerin as her sister.Always hanging out together with other JYP nation artist

best friend | Day6 | 24-21 | boyband | adorable,playful | she met all of these guy after accepted being a trainee in JYP excpet for Jaehyung as she met him in Kpop Star.They close as all of them can play music instrument well and often met in the training class.Same as 15&,Yujin see Day6 as her little brother even though some may older than her.It just,they are so adorable


stage name: Yun - from her name
position: leader,keyboardist
back-up position: accoustic guitar

trainee years: 6 years | 3 years in YMC Entertaiment , 3 years in JYP Entertaiment

trainee life:
She start training to be an idol after passing an audition in YMC audition.She's one of the best trainee there as her vocal is immpressive and all staff pretty much like her.She's cherished by their love all the time.But nobody really know that she's being ignored by the other trainees.3 years there and then she left.She didn't want to tarin there anymore.She saw that there is a survival audition show called Kpop Star.She joined it and be the third finalist.She then signed with JYP Ent.
   Training in JYP isn't as hard as she tought would be.She get to know more great poeple and awesome seniours.She had also learned composing and she's now doing well with it.She even had be planned to debut as a soloist but then changed and be the part of The Vinyl.

pre-debut experiences
— A Gentleman Gignity OST - Illa Illa (originally by Juniel)
— street lives with The Vinyl with a One Direction - One Thing cover


love interest: Cha Hakyeon / VIXX - N
back-up love interest: Yoon Dowoon / Day6 - Dowoon
group: VIXX
birthday & age: 30 June 1990

Hakyeon acts like a bubblymotherly, and humorous leader on screen and a bit off screen. But on screen, he tries to show his good side, only. The side that people will find endearing and adorable. He's talkative and bubbly, indeed, but can blurt out things that shouldn't be said. If you don't stop him, he'll talk the whole day and take over everyone's MCing positions. He's friendly and can converse with people easily. He's also very cuddly and won't hesitate to hug someone he just met. For people he cares about, he's somewhat naggy and motherly and can get annoying. He threatens his band members if they don't say good things about him, but that's mostly just for comediac effects. He also likes getting attention and acts confident.

  They always act playfully with each other.Since both are bubbly and motherly,they always take care of each other.Their personality are pretty much the same.Sometimes when they're hang out with each other,they talk about life and all.Hakyeon also always shared tips how to be a good leader.Well,it's Cha Hakyeon for goodness sakes.Playfully mocking each other,just like a normal hang out.But since Hakyeon gets more busy with his schedule,Yujin always support him by sending him some home made delicious food and good luck message.And Hakyeon also appreciate what Yujin had made for him.They really close to each other.

how you meet/met:
Their first meet was back in 2009 when one of Yujin's friend happen to be Hakyeon's friend too and they're going to blind date just for fun.Her friend is the one who set up these blind date thingy and both Yujin and Hakyeon didn't know anything.But after meeting each other with a bit awkward feeling,they eventually became close to each other.With both are sharing pretty much same thing,A few months after,they've been going out once a while.Hakyeon that time has joined Jellyfish Ent and Yujin was going to the audition.To relief their stress from busy life,they going out and it turns out like they're going on a date.
   One day,right before Hakyeon debut as VIXX,he confessed that he likes her.But since Yujin had joined JYP,she can't date him.Hakyeon understand it as he also on his way to be a idol.So,they keep being a bestfirned like before even though it's a bit awkward at first.

Actually,they are not really a couple,they are more to best friend who act like couple.Both of them keep denying they are couple and all.Well,Yujin is not an expert when it comes to love.She never really been in a serious realtionship before,so she doesn't really know how she felt with the guys he like.But being with Hakyeon,she felt safe and happy.Hakyeon too,he's not that good expressing his feeling.So both of them just keep their realationship as best friends.Moreover,the company didn't let the trainees being couple and everything.So,they really just a bestfriend.

replace left pic with your rival and right pic with your backup
rival: real name, stage name ( optional )
back-up rival: real name, stage name
birthday & age: in letters please
personality: be as detailed as possible
interactions: important so be detailed!

comments/suggestions?: i doon't know if i'm doing this tell me what's wrong c: and i don't know if One thing by one direction fits them to do a cover for the predebut experience.I can't think of anything else XPP
And i'm sorry for this messy layout ;; i don't know why it bacome like this :c
questions?: none at the moment
scene requests:

— JYP nations bonding time
— Yujin get scolded by JYP because not focus when practising
— The Vinyl bonding time

— Idol interaction
— Yujin and Hakyeon's couple photoshoot

— Dowoon and Yujin act like a noona-dongsaeng couple to fool Day6 and The Vinyl's members
— fight scene

— anything on your mind~
password: AOA Black - Moya , Wonder Girls - I Feel You ( i can't think of anything else )




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