8 years and moving on

Friday, 26 December 2014

My first love, my unrequited love for 8 years got married with his dream girl.

By the end of 2015, he's officially a dad. And im his son's godmother.

And 5 February 2016, I finally decided to confess, a confession that I keep for years.

17:16 of 5 February 2016, I got a rejection from him. I know it's wrong for me to love him, he's all married and have a happy family. But I can't hate him. Yet it's so hard for its to be neutral. He is a nice guy, who I don't think I can replace with.


"I love you once and I love you still but I can't be yours." He said that. 

I cried.

"It's okay to cry. It's okay. I might not be the one to wipe your tears away but im sure that you'll be fine."


How I wish I didn't hear his last words. The words I love you are enough for me. I was seven when I first liked him, and now that I'm seventeen, just like how I managed to confess to him, I will manage to move on. I hope so.


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leeaida #1
oh my God Dear i know that feeling well , because i still suffer of my one side love,,, but i dont have the courage to confess and he is married too.... sad story , i couldn't move on yet!
That almost like what I did to get my husband, I dated his brother for a year, and I hated the bother, but it was only to see the one I was in love. After her his brother told me he wanted to work and pay attention to his business, and I would be last, unless, I dated his brother the one I wanted and three months later we got married.
shineeinfinite #3
I don't understand, if he really loved you, why did he marry other girl instead?
sapphirelight #4
It must be hard on you, i wish you will be strong for this and can give courage to yourself to move on. I hope you happy with your future right partner life. Don't worry, you will found the better one. Please be happy okay?
how old is he then? omo don't be too sad about it, you can move on, trust youself! :)