Let's Get This Over With

It's 2 days till Chinese New Year and can I just state how grateful I am to be asian so I'm allowed to make another start to this new year? XD 

Anyway, 2015 offcially for various reasons (eg. got sick and failed finals, "best friend" ditched me for a total narcissist, my laptop decided to take a few suicide attempts, my phone dropped into the toilet... etc) yeah it was terrible.. lol.

So ofc I was looking forward to a really decent start for 2016 cos come on, for once I made quite realistic new years resolutions for this year, which I broke within 3 days cos someone made me so angry and upset I cried on the MRT (subway/train) for 5 stops and it was super embarrassing cos everyone in the carriage saw, andddd some idiot hit my bike and sent me flying 3m on the 1st of Jan and I got a minor injury. Other then achieving my goal on flying without air support, I did not start off on the right foot. 

Looking back at all of this I've realised I still havent fully let go of all my past pains and hurts from previous years and I know I need to now in order to acheive my goals and dreams for this year and the future. I've been channeling some of my hatred/resentment/disappointment what ever u wanna call it to fuel in attempt to push and modivate myself, but the thing is I don't feel really satisifed that I'm not fully doing it for myself, but for other people?  I keep telling myself to hang in there and tolerate it all until the end of the year, when I have the choice to either go back home or study in New Zealand or stay here in this dump (defs not my first option XP).  But even with that on my mind to try and console myself, I still feel skeptical about it because I've been telling myself that for 11 years already and I'm still standing on the same spot. 

However, with this "new year" coming up, I will do my best to reset everything and begin again for the final time, because I need to start doing things for myself now and I know the whole process won't be easy and ofc there will be the usual blood, sweat and tears, but I guess I've come into terms that it's ok, and I dont necessarily have to have it all together all of the time. With my final year of high school coming its way, I have taken into a lot of consideration that maybe its best that I take a really long break from AFF now. This doesn't mean I won't be on at all, cos I have to check like AFF everyday at least, but I'll be minimising my visits here and won't be writing or completing any of my stories at all this year. (unless some miracle happens and all of my updates in my head magically write themselves and uploads to its respective story and releases it out to all of you, its very unlikely that I would even write at all.) I'm really sorry to my readers who have probs been waiting for as long as 2013 for updates and have been putting up with my story hopping and not been updating on promised occasions, so that's why i'm not promising anything now, and can only ask you to keep supporting me until I can and find myself again if that's ok.

To my dear friends on Aff who have been with me from 2012 when my 1st account was being hacked and eventually deactivated from Aff due to someone plagiarizing me and to the new people i've met till now, I want to say thank you. Thank you for reading my stories even tho they arent exactly the best. Thank you for reading my blogs and sending me your love through PMs and comments. I really treasure them with all of my heart and grateful to have met some of you in real life as well. Im making this sound like an official goodbye now lol, but dw  I'll be checking blogs from time to time and maybe reading an occassional fic, as well as maybe focusing on blogging more when i have time/energy , so to make it clear, i'm not leaving, im just acknowledging y'all >//< (we dont want another misunderstanding like last time when some of u thought i was leaving aff X'D) 

Well i guess this is it. 

and as usual, i'll close with...

"ok, baiiiiii" ^^ 

xx- Aera





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<3 Fighting for 2016! :D Saranghaeeeeeeeee