Yet another Application ಠ_ಠ

AFF name: DSCZImInsane


AFF Link:


Your nameBea


Birth Name: Kamael Alyxandra Sanchez


Nickname: Kam/Kam-Kam/Kam-ster


Stage Name: Kamyl


Age: 19


Birthday: June 6


Ethnicity : You know me, I'm Filipino


Height: I'd say about 5' 11"


Weight:146 Lbs.




Ulzzang/Model’s name:
okay, so I still don't know her name, but username yukihana30


Personality :
Rough and tough, this girl loves a good  fight.

Kam is sarcastic and quick with a joke. Although, she usually prefers to be alone and in a corner rather than going to a party with friends.

She's caring and sincere...that is, after you gain her trust, which takes a while.

She's the type of person who would disappear one second and be back the next.

Daring, mysterious, and secretive, she laughs at the little things and is quite a prankster, too.

She's headstrong (way deep down somewhere), and will fight for what's right.

Likes :

  • black and red
  • pants and shorts over skirts and dresses
  • gymnastics/acrobatics
  • small corners that she can just sit and watch the world
  • secrets
  • any type of martial art you can imagine.
  • confusing everyone by making the most ridiculous practical jokes.
  • animals. all of them.


Dislikes :

  • pink. a definite no-no.
  • skirts and girly things. they're impractical and useless.
  • people who diss her loved ones
  • show-offs and snobs.
  • really really bad movies. yikes.


  1. Parkour/Freerunning
  2. Mixed Martial Arts
  3. Eating.
  4. Sleeping.


  • Whenever someone sneezes, she says "GESHUNDEIT." immediately
  • Spacing out and thinking about something completely off tangent
  • Don't poke her sides, because she will growl. like a mad pitbull. The longer you poke her, the longer she'll growl.
  • Walks on her hands when nobody expects it. or when her feet get tired.
  • Thinking while lightly chewing on the skin on the back of her hand.

Trivia: -At the age of nine, she had almost a million youtube views of her freerunning. (

-She has a snake, who lives with her brother.

-Fought cancer as a child. and survived (LIKE A BOSS.)

-Kam is easily amused. by anything. Give her a string, she'll be occupied for at least a few hours.

-Learned fluent Korean online at age 14 :D

Family :
 Elyana Sanchez- 39 years old. Kam's mom.  (

Sgt. Royce Sanchez (dec'd)- 38 years old (at death). Kam's father. Died in service of US Military.  (i'd put a picture, but wouldn't want to be disrespectful)

Micah Antonio Sanchez- 6.5 years old. Kam's baby brother. ( <- it was coming.


Friends: okay, so i train with these kids and they are like my brothers. i need to promote them.

Philip Nguyen- 

Anthony Suralta-

Lawrence Dinh ("ex-boyfriend")-

Amber from f(x), cuz she's cool.

Yoseob from B2ST, cuz he's a laugh.


Crush:  Onew from SHINee (i understand if he's taken...again.)


Trainee activities: A couple of CF's for some energy drinks and other athletic devices, like shoes. Kam was scouted mostly for her athletic talent.


Any previous relationships?: One with her ex-training partner, Lawrence.


What instruments do you play?: Guitar, Ukelele, Drums




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haha dun worry, qurl XD Onews not taken, matter of fact he hasnt been applied for at all :3 awshum app, again, btw!