"sorry, i couldn't hear you over how awesome i am."
boo sooyoung
symphonies / dannie / GMT-5 / activity level 7.5/10

NAME / Boo Sooyoung


— SooSoo (-noona) / Her younger brother / It's an embarrassing baby name that's never stopped haunting her.

— DJ Soo / At the Academy / Her little brother has the nickname "DJ Boo", and once they learned his nickname for her they made sibling nicknames for the two.

— Dimpled Devil / Friends / She's sweet, she's got dimples, but lord knows since she's like her brother that she's a little devil underneath. 

DATE OF BIRTH / 04/01/1997
AGE / 18

BIRTHPLACE / Jeju-do, South Korea
HOMETOWN / Jeju-do, South Korea -> Seoul, South Korea



 Korean / Fluent / Native Language

 French / Basic Conversational / She's like, obsessed with France and Paris and pretty things so she's taking courses of the languages over at school.

 Japanese, English, German / What do you mean curses don't count? / Oh yeah... Sooyoung likes to curse. a lot.... And she gets in trouble if she does, so she's just taken up to cursing in as many different languages as possible. She literally just goes to google translate and copies them down to memorize at a later date.


what a babe
what a babe
what a babe
beautiful girls all over the world

FACE-CLAIM / Chorong from APink ( fancam and also when she did martial arts aaaaaah ;u;)
BACKUP FACE-CLAIM / Wheein from Mamamoo ( fancam and also this . I watch a loT of videos omg)

HEIGHT / 174 cm. 
WEIGHT / 55 kg.

APPEARANCE / The first thing you probably notice about Sooyoung is that her body type is limb. SO much limb, there's just a LOT of her and it's a wonder how she keeps herself coordinated or in one area. The more you look, the more you think "Wow. It's like Seungkwan... only a girl." They share the same smile, the only difference lying in Sooyoung's deep dimples in her cheeks. Which, yes, she and Seungkwan totally share the same chubby cheeks too. Dark brown hair with bangs, usually pulled back into a ponytail, braid or bun of sorts, is her trademark hairstyle. Sooyoung has a heart shaped birthmark on her wrist that most mistake as a scar. She also has her ears pierced three times. 

STYLE / Did you say oversized tshirts? Sweaters? Shorts? A wide vareity of types of jackets? No? Well, that's literally all of her closet. Sooyoung is a very avid believer of making sure you can kick whoever is behind you at a moment's notice. She's not HUGE on skirts or dresses, so if she shows up wearing one then either the event's very special or she's very into you. It's mostly the former though.
Examples of her closet: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

dig a little deeper
dig a little deeper
dig a little deeper
i'm kinda ing awesome

PERSONALITY TRAITS /  Adventurous, Articulate, Decisive, Courageous, Honest, Patient, Energetic, Hardworking + Blunt, Rebellious, Independent, Judgemental, Empathetic, Reckless, Domineering, Overtalkative.

PERSONALITY / From the outside, you see a tough, tomboyish young lady by the name of Boo Sooyoung (Soosoo~ her baby brother cries in the distance) and you know, you wouldn't be wrong. Sooyoung's tough as nails and sturdy, ready for an adventure and ready for a fight, be it literal or figurative. Not only being strong in the physical sense, but the girl can talk, a trait she shares with her brother, and they can win debates any day of the week and sound eloquent while doing so. Despite her short tempered appearance, it's actually quite hard to get Sooyoung to snap. The girl's got the patience of a saint, which would make her a great teacher -- if her honesty and blunt words weren't so harsh 93% of the time and didn't have explicitives every other word. In multiple languages. 

Sooyoung's at the age of rebellion -- she doesn't want to do anything she's told to do, she wants to go out and do the exact opposite. It's gotten her in a tight spot more than a few times, and paired with her reckless nature, it's not uncommon for her to have to do multiple sets of pushups or other physical punishments by Park Jinyoung or other teachers. But they have to admit, when she makes a decision to do something, she sticks to it and follows through -- which makes her a good student in the long run. 

Never one to back down from a challenge, Sooyoung tends to take on things headfirst and without thinking, and while she can usually succeed, sometimes she does end up getting hurt. or hurting others (coughS sorry vernon). She strives for being independent, thinking she's grown up now, when really she's just a kid and has a lot to learn, and needs to learn the ever important trait of depending on others sometimes. What makes it hard for her to make friends, especially close ones, though, is her biggest vice -- she's very, very judgemental and with her trademark Boo mouth, it'll probably slip out. She hates this the most about herself and is trying to keep it under wraps, though. It gets difficult when some (cougH NAMJOON) people can't keep it together. But hey, if you're looking for honest, she's the girl to go to. Sooyoung does not butter the truth up at all. You get it straight on the rocks and some salt on the side, if anything. This also means she can't tell a lie worth . No, seriously, ask her anything -- she physically chokes when she tries to lie, so you're gonna end up with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Listen, with a brother like Seungkwan, who is obnoxious and a motormouth with the aura of the sun on a hot summer day (iN THE BEST WAY -- she wails desperately) Sooyoung's perfected the art of patience, hardly ever losing her temper, which puts a bit of a good word in for her despite everything else. What also gets her a lot is that she can't hide her emotions worth -- can't lie, can't hide. Sooyoung's an open book. But that means she feels, and feels a lot and it has to go somewhere and it won't go in, so it goes out... Which explains why she's good at what she does, she has to release all of those emotions somewhere and she uses taekwondo to do it.

Did I mention that Sooyoung also is dominant??? Like... girl isn't submissive for no one. She'll obey (...occassionally) teachers and others she deems worthy enough to have her respect, but that's not many people, so chances are she's going to try and assert her dominance over you. Like, 9/10. Dominance. All of it. As an athletic girl, and apart of the Boo family, she's got energy on a scale of there is no scale, someone help us it's like her blood stream is a never ending supply of 5 hour Energy drinks. As well with the energy, she's got the Boo family motormouth to match and it makes a deadly pair. The girl will talk, along with her brother, five miles a minute and will not stop until... well, no, they just won't stop. Ever. But even so, Sooyoung's a hardworking young girl, willing to spend hours perfecting her skills and abilities to the best that she can. 

To say it in summary: She's mean, She's fierce, and She'll kick you in the rear. But, she's fundamentally a good person. You just... It takes a while to get to the good part. 


— Hip Hop Music / It's loud, it's got a heavy beat, so she can practice to it or drown someone out with it. 

— Long Conversations / Dude, if you can keep up with her, you don't even have to try and deal with the prickly parts (lies, but you can skip over getting past them on your own, which is always nice) you're gonna be her friend. It's hard finding someone besides her brother, his friends, and the few girls she can get along with in the classes she takes.

— Sweets / What? No, Sooyoung is a strong independent woman who don't need no-- Is that cake??? Oh... Well, maybe just a bit... Oh. Whoops. She ate the whole thing. Oh well. 

— Baymax / See, she's tough, but also a little marshmallow that likes cute thing, and when she saw the Big Hero 6 movie she was sold. She has a plushie of Baymax that she has to have in order to sleep at night. 

— Hats / She doesn't... like brushing her hair or doing anything to it. So she usually bunches it up and shoves it in a hairtie or a cap. And she's got plenty of them to chose from. Beanies, Snapbacks, newsboy caps, you name it, she's got it and she's worn it.

— Radio / She loves every aspect about the radio and aspires to be a Radio DJ or Host of some sort when she gets older. 


— Spicy Food / Sooyoung will pretend until the day she dies that she can eat it, but the girl will start sweating by just looking at spicy food.

— Making Mistakes / She'll stay for hours after classes or lessons perfecting whatever it is she needs to do. She hates feeling like she can always do better and doesn't want to hold herself back.

— Dogs / She has an actual fear of dogs, so even though Seungkwan would LOVE a pet, Sooyoung makes it really, really clear that there will be no dogs in this house. Maybe a goldfish, but if it has fur or paws with claws of some sort there will be none of it in her household.

— Quiet or Sitting still / Don't try and contain the Boo siblings. You're just prolonging the inevitable screeching and obnoxious noise that is their natural state of being. Also, Sooyoung might try and kick you if you try and make her stay still. 

— Being Beaten / She hates losing, she's such a sore loser oh my god. She'll just pout and sulk for a while, occasionally making loud complaints about how it's not fair, you cheated somehow, she should've won etc. etc.

— Strawberries / Don't ask why. Actually, ask Seungkwan, he'll definitely tell you. (seungkwan: I like to lIVE SORRY) never mind then. Just know that involved Vernon, Seungkwan, and Soonyoung, a video camera, plastic wrap, strawberry jam, and a bottle of shampoo. Yeah. 


— Listen, you have a cute bra you want to show off, or you just really want to let people know that you feel cute? Sooyoung is all about her girl friends showing off how cute they feel, regardless of what they feel cute in (or lack thereof, because hey if you feel cute then you feel cute why the hell not). She loves that they feel confident enough to share these kinds of things together.

— Whenever she and Seungkwan aren't doing matches (i.e. Seungkwan too much at practice and Sooyoung cursed too many times) they sometimes attend and do a little radio show, which also happens to be their Friday show at school that they broadcast.  Their dynamics as siblings really work well and make it kinda popular. 

— Sooyoung always has a jar of Nutella on her, in her bag, in her hoodie, even if you don't think there's any possible way for her to carry one, surprise there she is when her jar and her favorite Star Wars spoon, eating it to her heart's content. What? She likes the stuff, Don't judge her life choices.

— Jar Jar Binks is a secret Sith Lord in Star Wars and you CAN NOT convince Sooyoung otherwise. There is absolutely no way he isn't. She's got theories on a bunch of Star Wars plot holes and future ideas, so if you want to be a nerd, be a nerd with Sooyoung. Just know that she'd probs be a Sith too tbh. Who wouldn't want to force choke someone? 

— She hates her laugh because it's like a baby giggle and she's nOT A BABY SHE IS AN ADULT so she tries so hard not to laugh on a regular basis which is hard when you're friends with Mr. Klutz, Pancake Stacks, and you have MC Boo as a brother. But does she ever try.

— Her pre-match ritual consists of shoving two spoonfuls of Nutella in while stretching, and swallowing after 30 seconds. Why? "Just trust me. It works." 

— When I said that Sooyoung is a huge nerd, I mean she's a huge nerd. Star Wars is just the tip of the ice berg. The girl's a closet D&D player. She likes being a Blood Mage the most, that way she can use "Walking Bomb" ... basically blowing people up by using flammable components in their blood. Also summoning demons. So if you hear her chanting weirdly, don't worry, she's just secretly going over demon summoning spells from her D&D 3.5 handbook. 

— If kicking or flipping people were an acceptable way of greeting people, you bet that Sooyoung would use it 1000% of the time. She sometimes does. A lot. To certain people. (coughs Vernon. Soonyoung. Namjoo n.)

— Sooyoung calls herself "tragically heteroual" because hello, have you seen Sistine have you seen girls in general? Girls are cute. Girls are awesome. Also she can't function around boys that are cute b u t more on that later.

tell me more
tell me more
tell me more
can you gimme some baby gimme gimme some yeah

BACKGROUND / If Seungkwan ever tells you that Sooyoung's birth was a joke ... well, he's not lying okay but that's still mean because her father really did think that her mom was joking about being in labor on April 1st of 1997. Luckily for him, Sooyoung was ready to pop out so it didn't last very long and therefore there was a significantly less amount of curses thrown at the man for not believing her and not taking her to the hospital until it was too late for her to get an epiderial for the pain of childbirth. Safe to say that Mr. Boo never questioned Mrs. Boo ever again. When the magic year 2000 hit, they brought home a soy bean that they claimed was her brother, Seungkwan, but even to this day Sooyoung will claim that he wasn't actually born, he was grown in the family garden because he was so smol. 

It wasn't until middle school that her father got a better job up in Seoul, which caused them all to pack up their nice little country home in Jeju-do and shove all of their stuff into a first floor apartment provided by the company. While it was nice (you gotta buzz to get in, which is hilarious because now Sooyoung and Seungkwan can call over someone and just leave them out there lmao) it definitely wasn't Sooyoung's idea, and so she holds a little resentment towards her family because of this sudden move. She had a lot of aggression that she used to take out verbally on Seungkwan and started acting out in school, thinking that if she was horrible enough they'd go back to Jeju-do. Her English teacher decided to recommend they find an physical and mental outlet for the girl during a parent-teacher conference, and that's how they stumbled across The Fearsome Alpacas Martial Arts Academy, and how Sooyoung found herself in the radio station with her brother every Friday evening.

At first, Sooyoung hated the Academy that she had to go to with her brother (her parents feared that, by seeing Sooyoung's example, that Seungkwan would start acting out so they took precautions.) as well as being stuck with her brother every Friday after school in a confined space. 

"Don't you hate it here? Don't you want to go back to Jeju??" She finally snapped at him, arms crossed and her nerves grated as Seungkwan put on his favorite song during a commercial break on his little show he did. Seungkwan was quiet, which was unusual.

"Of course I want to go back, but that doesn't mean I have to hate it here. Everything's not black and white noona. There's a lot here you can do, if you'd only turn away from the past and look." He finally said, twiddling his thumbs. It sort of hit Sooyoung then, just how much her brother had been suffering because of the move and the way she had been treating him. She had gotten him forced into The Academy, the teachers were stricter on him, but he still defended her till his last breath. She noticed an extra pair of headphones and mircophone next to his own, and another pang to the heart. He'd been wanting to spend time with her, to keep their relationship growing, whils she had wanted to let it wilt and rot because of her own selfishness. 

"Hey, does that mic work?" She offered, and the sight of her brother lighting up at her interest was enough for her to listen attentively, and when they came back on, Seungkwan cheerfully introduced the new show -- Soo2Boo4U. This... well, Sooyoung absolutely hated the name, complaining and whining that this had to be the reason he wanted her to do the show, so he could use the name. He laughed hard, and it sort of started them back on their strong relationship as siblings. Sooyoung's never been more grateful towards the radio show and the Academy for helping her and her relationship with her brother.

LIFESTYLE / Seungkwan and Sooyoung attend the same school, Seoul Broadcasting High School, which specialized in the different departments of entertainment broadcasts. They both live in this buzz in apartment complex in the district near both the school and the Academy, which is a nice set up, Seungkwan and Sooyoung have their own bedrooms, share a bathroom, that kind of deal. It's an overall nicely furnished, good set-up thanks to their dad's company. Besides the Academy, Sooyoung obviously does the radio show with her brother every Friday, and also is a member of the Sports Club. She's on the high school soccer team and if you challenge her you will be destroyed. 


THOSE OLD PEOPLE WHO CREATED ME / Ahn Seung-ah & Boo Seo-jun / 52 & 51 / They're the typical mom and dad duo, constantly loving and embarrassing their teenaged children because let's be honest, there's no better time to mortify your kids than at the ripe ages of 13-18. Seriously. But they love their kids and also really like listening to the two getting along. A lot. 

Baby Boo / Boo Seungkwan / 16 / So see, even though these two might seem opposites, there's no closer pair of siblings in the world. Sooyoung is constantly checking in on her baby brother and making sure he's good, he's okay, and is also simutaneously planning to suffocate him with his pillow because she knows where he sleeps. The two are basically almost always together, unless Seungkwan's at Choir and Sooyoung's at soccer practice. They're avid fans and come to each other's games/performances. Seungkwan really adores and admires his sister, and that's apparent to everyone except Sooyoung, who still worries over if he dislikes her because of her terrible attitude and treatment towards him when they were in middle school.

FRIENDS / despite being a prickly b*tch she's sure got friends. (that's bc she's a marshmallow like her brother but don't tell anyone that)

I can kick his face if you get the knees / Jung Nari / 16 / These rage monsters of the Academy know how to team up and take a guy out, and not on a nice date either. They like being loud and bond over the pain of having sunshine reincarnates as their brothers. While Sooyoung is kinda tall (actually very tall, but nevermind that) she lets Nari use this height to the girl's advantage, constantly intimidating others by simply standing near them while Nari cackles from below.

LISTEN PANCAKE STACKS / Choi Vernon / 16 / The boy can rhyme, true. The boy is also a child and should drink his apple juice and take a nap. Trust me, she's made him do it before. Vernon and Seungkwan are best friends and so she sees him a lot and therefore, by association, they are best friends. Vernon treats Sooyoung like his favorite noona (because she is) and likes to talk to her when he's feeling out of it. She's really good at grounding him and getting him to relax, despite that she can be a little... yeah.

#FlawlessSquad / Sistine Park / 18 / Who the cutest? They the cutest, all the time, no exceptions. Sistine and Sooyoung seem like complete opposites, and most would think that Sooyoung would want to throw Sistine across the room when she starts getting weird, but Sooyoung just shrugs and lets it happen. "I want to throw everyone all the time, but she's cute so like... no." Sooyoung will fight anyone who says they have a crush on her, because goshdarn it Sistine is to o pretty for you (and also lowkeylesbiancrushlmao).

oH MY GOD HOW IS HE HOT I HATE HIM / Kim Namjoon / 18 / Ever wonder how Sooyoung interacts with a crush? Simple: She d o e s n ' t. Sooyoung does not do those romantic feelings and when she sees Namjoon she became about 20000% more violent than she means to be. "I'm simutaneously stuck between wanting to kick his face and wanting to kiSS IT I'M DISGUSTING" but when her weird warm feelings aren't in the way, they aren't so bad together. Namjoon trips a lot, breaks things and Sooyoung just kicks him while he's down... Literally. But Vernon also admires this guy right here, so Sooyoung has to deal with him a lot and he's really smart, and when he s m i l e s oh no there are feelings oh no sorry Namjoon did you need your abdomen for anything I hope not.

Name Twinsies! / Kwon Sooyoung / 17 / Soonyoung and Sooyoung were inevitably going to be best friends. It was just meant to be. The "2Young2:10" show sometimes pushes out her and her brother's show -- okay onlY at matches that Seungkwan's actually participating in. But they're funny and they kinda just throw shade at everyone, and taking those pictures for everyone. Whenever he needs a kick, she just calls Jaesi over and lets her handle it. 


boom boom pow
boom boom pow
boom boom pow

SPECIALTY / taekwando

BELT LEVEL / green belt with a blue tag (5th gup)

LEARNING STYLE / Since Sooyoung was put in first year of high school, girl's got some time. Also, she was really angry a lot of the time when she was first put into it so she just sort of channeled all of her negative feelings into her sports, and it got her really far pretty quick. She's very much a hands on learner, in other words, if she can take someone out with it or spar with someone, just let it happen because even though the other guy might be worse off, you can bet that Sooyoung and her partner will get it right. 

i'm a love loser
i'm a love loser
i'm a love loser
gosh, I hate him so much but he's so hot

NAME / Choi Seungcheol

BACKUP / Kim Namjoon, Kwon Soonyoung

DATE OF BIRTH / August 8, 1997
AGE / 18


PERSONALITY / Seungcheol is a dork, first and foremost. He wants to be cool, hip, and "with it" as he thinks the cool kids say, but he's really not. The only thing he's updated on is the music industry and taekwondo. He's super sweet though, always caring for his friends and fellow academy members and making sure that everyone's taken care of. He's also super energetic and is really silly, always messing around and playing with no end to his energy. This means he can keep up with basically anyone. Seungcheol can not keep a secret for the life of him, do not tell him anything. At least you can trust him to tell you exactly what's on his mind, or depend on him for being more impartial towards a biased situation. He can be very flirtatious, especially towards those he finds attractive (looking at you, Mr. Yoon. looking at you.) which doesn't exactly make him "boyfriend" material. If he considers you two friends, he can be a little bossy and pushy when wanting to do something, and even though that's because he really just wants what's best for you, he ends up doing it the wrong way and having a bit of communication malfuctions. He genuinely and full heartedly cares and tries to help, but sometimes he just does not use his words correctly and it ends up being a lot more like an order or a demand than a request. 

TRIVIA / - ...Two words for how much of a dinosaur he is: Flip. Phone. 

- He and Jeonghan are like, best friends and sometimes act like an old married couple. Seriously, he called Jeonghan "baby" before and Jeonghan went along with it.

- Seungcheol's actually really good at taekwondo, he swears. 

He (along with others, I'm sure) love listening to Sooyoung and Seungkwan's radio show every Friday. He'd like to throw in a few song suggestions, but he still likes hearing Sooyoung and Seungkwan being cute siblings together. 

 Originally from Daegu.

Y O O H O O !

RELATIONSHIP / Picture this: The first day the Boo kids show up, and while Seungkwan is dragged away to karate, she's placed in the taekwondo section and put on sparring with Seungcheol. He smiled and was genuinely just trying to help her out.

"Hey, if you don't know how to flip someone, I can show you --" Bam. Boy on the floor and she's just peering down at him, looking pissed. 

"Don't touch me." Was all she said, before stalking off to flip other people. She had found a new hobby.

After that, surprisingly, Seungcheol found himself like, all about this girl. She was fierce, she was bossy -- "She's almost perfect as perfect as Jeonghan." He remembers telling Jihoon. (my g o d I ship it too though, dude. I ship it too) But Sooyoung was a little distracted by someone in Seungkwan's karate class -- a tall blonde with a douple dimpled smile and a deep voice. If she weren't so focused on her feelings for him, she'd probably realize that Seungcheol kinda just does whatever she asks of him with little to no hestiation. 

So what got Sooyoung actually like, treating him like a friend (she really did not notice that he was helping her -- she was too busy either taking him out, or checking out someone else.) was when he actually commented on a long winded, fast paced monolouge that she had gone off on about radio equipment. Like, he understood what she was saying. She was even in dialect at that point. Safe to say that she and he became fast friends really quickly, literally. They were talking so fast that almost no one could keep up with the two.

They became sparring partners in their class, so they got closer literally and figuratively. Sooyoung admired his abilities in the class (or at least his attempts, if you so deem his incompetence to stretch to taekwondo lma o) and he challenged her, which was always nice for someone as competitive as Sooyoung.

Listen, if there's something that makes Sooyoung weak in the knees, it's a deep voice and a strong dialect. Namjoon had that, so yeah. W o w. But you know who also has that? Choi Seungcheol. He doesn't use it very often, his voice usually pitched higher to seem friendlier, but when it drops and his dialect comes out it means business. And it did right in front of Sooyoung while at a match and she just about die d because wOW HOW ABOUT THAT--

So slowly, through the little things Seungcheol did, like keeping up with Sooyoung, commenting on her radio shows, their sparring matches, even not really holding a grudge when she flipped him for no reason (and it's happened a  l o t ) Sooyoung sort of realized o h s h i t I LIKE HI M NO-- which resulted in a bit of a increase in abuse from her to him. He didn't really seem to mind, which made it worse (I think he's secretly a machocist) and he just kept sort of flirting with her lowkey and she was starting to catch onnnn.

DESIRED ENDING / I want them to end up being the most embarrassing mom&dad couple but we'll see if sooyoung can handle not punching or kicking in his general direction long enough for him to actually like, hold her hand or something omg

interrogation time
interrogation time
interrogation time
hey, is waterboarding legal in korea?

(answer these like it's your character talking! just imagine it as them tied to a chair in a dark room sitting across the table from our ot3)


— Heya, my name is Boo Sooyoung, and yes, my brother is Boo Seungkwan, and no the sun does not shine out of my as it does him. I'm pretty sure this isn't a dating profile so I'll wait for the next question.


— Christ, did Taehyung chose this name -- okay, well, I'm good at what I do, and I'm a... eloquent motivator, I think. And I'm also pretty awesome, yes both of those adjectives could be used together or seperately, so yeah. 


 Uhm????! Have you seen me flip Namjoon???! And like, everyone else in the Academy??? I rest my damn case. 


— ...I have a few choice words for some of them but I will restrain my vocabulary in case my brother can hear me. (seungkwan: wtf you cURSE ALL THE TIME) Anyways, I could take them on and I don't see why everyone thinks they're so great. Fearsome Alpacas are cool, right? 


— (physically restraining self from fangirling over Sistine) Uuhhhhm hello I would be blind to not pick Sistine??! Look at her face?? It's perfection??? (seungkwan: *coughcoughgAYcoughcough*) L I S T E N.


— Are you really asking me to pick my own flesh and blood, my baby brother, over those two??? (seungkwan: tHANKS SIS --) Jihoon would totally win. (seungkwan: w H AT CO M E O N) He's tiny but he has the rage of the seven layers of hell on his side if provoked. I have seen it.

any last words?
any last words?
any last words?

COMMENTS / Yoooo i'm Dannie and I am a glitter trashcan for Seventeen and BTS (also park soyul from crayon pop my baaae). I also drag my friend Rye down with me and she will be applying soon ahuhuhu ~ (also h e l p choi seungcheol is personally attacking me and I can't handle)

QUESTIONS & SUGGESTIONS / keep being awesome because this au is super cute and really unique and I would like it to be a thing ye.



 A Soo2Boo4U excerpt because sibling looooove. Or a sibling special where they interview other siblings and the chaos of the Jungs, Kwons, and whoever else may or may not be related being pestered by the Boo siblings.

 Seungcheol being a goof and trying to flirt and Sooyoung is like "w h a t"

 Nari and Sooyoung / Sooyoung and Sistine being fab and looking fab while taking everyone out with their skills.

 I need a closet situation. Doesn't matter with who. But closet. Could be an innuendo, maybe Sooyoung confesses her smol(huge) lesbian crush on Sistine, could be anyone. As long as it involves a closet.

PASSWORD / Q&A - "No Fun" Unit and Ailee


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sometimes i am seungkwan and sometimes i am sooyoung
+ sistine for everyones lesbian crush 2kforever
i love her wth she can be my boo