
so today i got a few ideas for stories i would love to try and write and just some short stuff that i would be interested in writing.

i took people's advice and decided that i will start with something small and maybe in the future grow from there.

i have only thought about two things so far but whenever something comes to mind i will make sure to write it in my notebook or something.

for now i'm going to keep making these blog posts i guess.

not really sure what i should write about in my blog posts but shrugs, oh well.

my day was so tiring and just exhausitng in general so i'm going to head to bed earlier than usual. 

if anyone has any other advice for new writers please drop a comment or something

it would be highly appreciated.


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catnip_love #1
If you hit a writer's block, don't just stop. Make sure you add at least one sentence each day. Eventually, you'll hit something (gold, maybe), and you'll be able to continue from there.
And if you can't come up with an idea for a story, read, watch anime, k dramas, anything. Don't directly copy a plot from something, maybe take a little inspiration from something else, mix it with another and something else original. Git it your own little twist and/or spin.