✧  paper lace   〉   song haeun

haeun : song haeun
kpopfangirl10 : fara : 8/10
full namesong haeun
other NAME(s) : n/a
-gummy bear unnie / the members or fans / she really loves gummy bear.it's like her soul and she can't live without it

- tokki / her fans / tokki means rabbit in korea and haeun somewhat looks like a rabbit for them,so they call haeun tokki

- hoon / her members and family / hoon is the short version of her name and somehow it fits haeun's name perfectly

- dwarfie / her fans / she's one of the shortes there like a dwarf and to make it a little cuter,they add 'ie' in the end

-navihoongation / the members and sometimes fans / she's like..know all way to go to a place,like a navigation.so,they add 'hoon' as her name in the middle and call her navihoontion

birthdate22 october 1995
birthplacechangwon,south korea
hometownchangwon,south korea
korean / fluent / born and raised in korea
- english / high conversational / she had learned this since 4 years ago
- chinese / basic / she start learning this just for fun actually :p

the more we try to get close
faceclaimheo youngji
back up twice - dahyun
height + weight153 cm + 46 kg
bloodtypea +
since haeun is truly asian,she have natural straight,dark hair colour.with her small body creature,sometimes her face can be  cover  only  with  her  hair.she also have  a  wide  forehead  so  she's  mostly  cut  her  hair  with bangs  to  cover  her  forehead.she didn't  confident  yet.she  have  a  natural  coco eyes.people  often  mistake her wearing  lens.she get it from her father family who is white people living in australia.since she hates  sport,her skin is so white and pale.she have a bruise-like-mark on her right arm,and people keep mistaking it as bruise but it  is  her  birthmark.
for style or outfits,she always prefer dark clothes.since she was a little girl,she's been only wearing dark brown,black or dark grey only.she's rarely wear bright colours.same goes to nail arts and acssesories.she would only choose dark colours unless someone give her other colours.she also has a pair of coco eyes that she believes she get it from her mother family who is a korean-american.many thought she wear lens because of that coco colour but it's natural.she had her ears peirced and often wears earrings together with other accessories.

casual :
summer + spring : +
winter + autumn : +
house wear / practise :


the more our hearts grow further
personality traits :
POSITIVE - confident,focused,gentle,relaxed,calm
NEGATIVE - aimless,childish,fearful,lazy,silly/dumb

haeun is a girl who is always confident with her appearence(except for her forehead of course).she have never have problem to talk with someone new.she also a calm yet cheeky girl.even though she may look like quiet and calm type,she can be a beagle.she can be the loudest person ever in the world.if they were practising their song,eunbyeol will always put her mind into it cause she'll lacking if her mind not focused 100% to something she do at the moment.she may look a bit boyish with her sitting style,habits and all but she's more gentle than what you think.she's not that violent even if she looks like that.she might forceful sometimes but it's only for laugh.if she have some hard times,she would have a talk with her father and then will just relaxing around and didn't do anything to make up her mind.but she will be extreme quiet and the members sometimes notice that.


 when she's bored,she would do something aimlessly.like using many papers to draw random things.it's so wasting and the drawings are so bad cause she just scribbling and drawing something that can't even detected.she can be so childish like argueing with her friends about something not beneficial or with her friends.they will argueing about it till one of them give up.haeun also have many fears.like all of things she can scared.even someone's laugh.but she didn't scared of eidolon dolls,she likes them.it's cute but people around her keep saying that it is scary.and..she's really a lazy girl.even to switch off the lights to sleep..she'll make her members do that.if it's her turn to clean up the dorm,she would use many excuse but of course it'll not change the fact that she'll clean it.so,she would do it slowly.really slow like a sloth.and even she do it slowly,she can be so silly.like tripped over the broom and lost balance even if she's only standing.and you might not belive this but she's really dumb.she mix sweet cake and a cold pizza together and then complained that it taste awful.tsk tsk..

ON STAGE : she would love to show her powerful singing skill and her lovely aura for her fans.not to forget her family too.she want to show them that she can be sucsessful with her talent.she want to show everyone she loves and support her that she's happy being on the stage and not regretting her choice.

OFF STAGE : pretty much the same with on stage but she more loud.whenever paper lace had no schedule,she would be the loudest person.but she didn't really join the group craziness.only once a while tho.she need to act sane a bit so that at least the fans know that there are a sane one on paper lace(xp) 

song haeun was born on 22 October 1995,in changwon and has been raised in korea since birth.she has an older brother who is 4 years older and a little sister 3 years younger than her.her little sister was seperated as she's staying with her mother's family in America.it is because she had some problem with documents or whatever since she's born there.still didn't know what the problem,they decided to let the little girl stayed there.so,since she's the only girl and her parents always busy,she had some of mum's personality except for cooking.thank god that they have a maid there or definately they're going to starve.about her little sister,eunji,haeun always keep in touch with her by skype.only once a while they get to meet each other as the parent always busy.thankfully all of the documents and even visa accepted or whatever and eunji get to live with her family in 2007.

   that also the time where haeun interested with music or basically kpop.it was actually her brother showed her some kpop vids and she just interested with all of the moves and not to mention,sing!and she even tried to do a song cover that time.together with eunji.she didn't know that she could do all that fast and powerful high notes and become a bit passionate.around 2011 where she uploaded a video of her dance and song cover on eunji and haeun youtube channel called 2eunindahouse,keyeast entertaiment ceo personally called her and was told to attend an audition there.haeun didn't thought that she could get a call to go to an audition!

   so that,she went to the audition and fortunately she passed it.that's when she started her trainee life in order to be an idol.about 4 years that she had train there and she had thought to left the company as there are no guaranteed that she'll debut.that time also where mystique ent.  personally called her.without hesitation she transfer to the company .when she start her training life there,she was told that the ceo was planning for debuting her on subsidiaries keyeast,music k entertaiment as the ark.she felt a bit dissapointed but she knew that she could do better in mystique
- coffee
- headphones 
- foods
- nail arts
- romcom,mystery or sad dramas
- r&b songs
- cute animals
-eidolon dolls

— spicy foods
— insects
— creepy dolls
— morning alarm
— dentist
— injections
— noisy eaters
— smoker
— rainstorms
— dark house/hauted house

— teasing her dongsaengs
— poking
— drawing random pictures
— sleeping
— singing
— learning how to play instrument
— reading novels or comics
— watching tv

— bit lips 
— hugging people 
— sleeping around
— poking people
— screaming alien language when she's bored
— talk in dialect accidently if she's shocked or too excited

— she can sleep anywhere as long as there is place to sleep
— she's bad at making jokes
— her cooks quite well
— she want to open a cafe if she didn't be an idol
— she's doesn't like sharing her problem with anyone
— she loves to make y face,espicially when taking selca.
— she can't eat spicy food

— she can eat something sour like lemons really well
— she loves pastel colour especially turqoise

— sports?haha,she can't even run properly
— she's loves nail art
— she loves cute dolls 

— she has a collections of her eidolon dolls
— she'll shout loudly if someone's going to tickle her even if that person didn't touch her yet
— she likes to watch super natural movies like vampire and wolf

— she likes watching drama online than watching it on the TV
— she has a sony xperia z5,a present from her father
— she often change her phone wallpaper
— she also has a gold macbook that she buy using her own money
—she loves caramel macchiato the most if it's coffee

she has a collection of her eidolon dolls
we are like parallel lines

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mother//han jihyun (fc :seo younghee)//florist//45//she's the caring mother who always shows her support towards her beloved children.she's really sporting cause she alwys do something unbelieveable with her children

father//song jooyeong(fc:bae yongjoon)//businessman//47//he's the relax father who's didn't really shows his caring towards  his children cause he's somewhat awkward.but he never didin't show his love cause he'll show it everytime he cooks for the family once a week

 brother//song wongeun(fc :kim bum)//accountant//25//he's the playful and kinda annoying brother who often spending his times with his beloved sister.they always playing around especially when he's back from japan.he may seem only playing around but he's really dependable as haeun sometimes talk a bit her problem with him.

little sister//song eunji(fc :oh my girl-jiho)//student//18//she's the nice little sister who obeys everything elders said.the moodmaker of the family and kinda popular too in her school~she's indeed pretty

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-best sisters / paper lace / 21 - 18 (int.) / idol / seriously,the best sisters for haeun.always together no matter what times.sad,happy,tense.forever for everyone~ 

- the match maker / shin nahyun(fc :twice - nayeon) / 23 / cafe owner / she's the one who set up hongbin and haeun blind date and until now she still keep in touch with both of them.she's so cute and sometimes strict too.

-buddyz / VIXX / 25-21 / idol / since haeun is really close to hongbin,she also close to the members.always hangs out if they had some free times.of course,lovey dovey scene will happen when all of them are there 
like a dream from the younger days
stage namehaeun - from her name
personayour lovely girl - she want to be fans forever lovely girl c:
position + back upselene -main vocalist,dancer (back up : themis-lead dancer,vocalist)
talent twin(s)
vocal : han seungyeon (back up : clc - seunghee)
dance : heo youngji (back up : red velvet - joy)
talk : heo youngji (back up : red velvet - joy)

trainee years4 years and 11 months
keyeast : 4 years
mystique : 11 months

she start training to be an idol after passing an audition in keyeast audition.she's one of the best trainee there as her vocal is so immpressive and all staff pretty much like her.her dance and dance skill are fine too.she's cherished by their love all the time.but as the time goes,she didn't felt that keyeast will guaranteed her debut.she's already 4 years there.she's afraid that she may didn't get to debut and wasting her time here.but something they didn't know,eunbyeol secretly had been ignored by other trainee.there are not many of them but it hurts eunbyeols feeling as she always alone.it's good enough that they didn't bullied her.

  and one day,she get a called by mystique ent. and she really think that she should transfer.without thinking anything she decided to transfer.after a while she was told that her name was on plan in a girl group called the ark.but of course she stayed with mystique ent.there's also where she met great friends,paper lace and she's cherished even more there.

pre debutn/a
i will hold your hand
love interestvixx - hongbin / lee hongbin
backup love interestbts - jimin / park jimin

hongbin is the other shy member in vixx. not as shy as leo but still definitely very shy. he’s also pretty awkward and sometimes looks like he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do in certain situations. he tends to follow others and learn from them in areas he is unfamiliar.

hongbin has a lot of hidden talent and can definitely accomplish anything he wants to as an idol. he has good looks, acting potential, and a voice fit for low ballads but also some harmonizing. hongbin could definitely be given more individual opportunities as an idol and member as vixx whether it be modeling or acting or maybe even a solo special stage on a music show.

their first meet was back in 2010 when one of haeun's friend happen to be hongbin's friend too and they're going to blind date just for fun.her friend is the one who set up these blind date thingy and both haeun and hongbin didn't know anything.but after meeting each other with a bit awkaward feeling,they eventually became close to each other.with both are sharing pretty much same thing,the really match each other well.a few months after,they've been going out once a while.hongbin that time has joined jellyfish ent and haeun was going to the audition.to relief their stress from busy life,they going out and it turns out like they're going on a date.
   one day,right before hongbin debut as vixx,he confessed that he likes her.and he even tells that he's actually afraid that he might ignored haeun despite his busy schedule and all.but gladly haeun accept it and sometimes they went out dating ><
  even after officially dating,haeun rarely treat hongbin like a special person.only once a while when she really felt that hongbin is being too sweet and romantic~they usually talk to each other by messenge.if not,they'll make a call late night and talking all night long.always in push and pull relationship make them didn't get bored of each other.always something new and random happen when they meet each other.

  when haeun met other vixx members,usually she'll stick with ken or ravi.they always had a plan to make hongbin jealous as he always act like he didn't care at all.haeunl really loves to see hongbin's jealous face and team up with ravi and ken to make him jealous.

  whenever haeun miss hongbin,she'll scroll down his pic on Tumblr and even hongbin's derp picture.she loves it the most.hongbin too,since he has many of haeun's pic on his phone,he surely will look at them and smile alone like a mad guy.laughing himself as he recall their memories.

couple name(s)
-eunbin / from both of their names
-tokki and kong / tokki is haeun's nickname meanwhile kong is hongbin's nickname

trivias about the couple
+ both of their family knows that they're dating
+ they often date at haeun's favourite place,her mum's flower shop

+ they often doing light skinship like holding hands and light hugs but never really kiss or heavy skinships with each other
+ when hongbin laughing,he's face can be so..so.ugly so,haeun will take this chance to balckmail him 
+ they often act like in a push and pull relationship
+ they have one not-so-couple item,the bracelet.There are their name on the bracelet,so they keep each others

a song that describes their relationship

i will approach you always
comments i don't know how i manage to done this quickly 0_0. well,it's weekend,so..~ and i don't know if that song describe haeun and hongbin's relationship tho..if you has a suggestion,then tell me ^^ any mistakes,i'll try fix it immadiately

scene request(s)
- they went to weekly idol and hongbin was a mc guest that time.after recording,they had some sweet time without the members knowing
- haeun and hongbin couple photoshoot
- idol interactions
- paper lace's bonding time
- reality shows (hello baby,hello counselor,showtime,one fine day,happy together etc.)
- haeun secretly went to vixx consert and scolded the next day by the manager

song suggestion(s)
= apink - no no no
= two x - ring ma bell

passwordi am a shadow
LAYOUT BY -switzerland


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