『TWENTY』— Cha Jiyeon

jiyeon : cha jiyeon
kindaichi : kei : eight
full name : cha jiyeon
other NAME(s) : michelle cha
nickname(s) : Michelle choi - her selfclaimed nickname as she has a huge crush on bap's maknae; zelo, even though zelo  is younger than her
ocd - what her close friends call her. she sure doesn't have that, but she is just too perfectionist.
birthdate : october 30th, 1993
birthplace : arcadia, california, u.s.a
hometown : arcadia, california, u.s.a
ethnicity : korean
languages : english - native; it's her native language and she grew  up in u.s.a
korean - fluent; not wanting their children to forget their mother tongue, her parents talk to her in korean and also send her to korean class when she was a kid.
like a mannequin
faceclaim : alice of hello venus
backup : oh hayoung of apink
height & weight : 167cm + 48kg
bloodtype : b
appearance : there is not much difference from the faceclaim except her hair is raven black and wavy. she has a dark hazel eyes, just like most of asian and got a pointed nose. she was planning to get a tattoo on her left wrist before, but now that she is a trainee and gonna debut soon, she knows she shouldn't have one. she usually dye her hair brown or ombre.
style : she doesn't picky about clothes. she wears what is comfortable for her. she is just a simple girl who usually wears tank top with shirts or jacket and jegging for practice. her casual attire are jeans and loose tshirt. she doesn't really like dress but still wear it for a formal ceremony nevertheless.
why am i like this?
traits :
[+] friendly, secure, patient
[-] perfectionist,  easily distracted, sarcastic
personality : since she was kid, Jiyeon was always be the outgoing one. she can easilly approach other without feeling shy or anything. her surrounding helps a lot in developping that personality of her. she gets along very well with almost everyone. also, most people tend to like that cheerful and outgoing side of her. growing up with a younger sister who is hard to control when her parents are always busy teach her how to be patient. she learnt how to hold herself and deal with all sort of s - thanks to her spoiled younger sister. she also is secure about herself. she doesn't mind asking people for help when many people feel asking for help is a sign of weakness; implicit in the request is a lack of knowledge, skill or experience. however, she is not like those people. she is secure enough to admit a weakness. so she often asks other for help, not only because she is secure enough to admit she needs help, but also because she knows that when she seeks help, she pays the person she asks a huge compliment. saying "can you help me?" shows tremendous respect for that individual's expertise and judgement. otherwise, you wouldn't ask, right?
being a perfectionist, it is honestly a flaw to jiyeon, instead of good quality. because of her perfectionist attitude, everything she does take longer than usual because she wants them to be perfect. it sometimes annoys her members and this one of the reasons why her close friends call her ocd. everything must be organized. if you open her closet, you will see she organizes her clothes according to their length and color. it had blend so well in her life that when someone calls "Yaa, ocd!" she would turn around and answer them. her friends sometimes even left a "well, you're an ocd after all," remark.  she honestly can't focus for too long - she can be easily distracted. she can be distracted by noise, by bug that just fly passing her by or just by footsteps. thus, she tries hard to focus during theirpractice (once she is immersed in the practice, then it's okay). jiyeon also has a sarcastic way of speech when it comes to replying some annoying questions and answers. she however didn't realize what comes out from her lips as she does it without really thinking or when she is really annoyed. by giving sarcastic remark, that means she either doesn't give a damn about that person or she is just too lazy to continue anything they talk about. 
background : Jiyeon is a korean born american. her parents moved to arcadia five months after their marriage as her father got a job promotion and was sent to california. she was born on october 30th, a year later.  her life was pretty normal, not until her mother gave birth to her younger sister; jihyun. her life changed to chaotic.
jiyeon was never interested in dancing at first, but when she joined the dance club in the middle school, her mind changed. she ended up in the dance class as joining club was compulsory and other clubs were full - what left was the dance club. rachel was the first girl she talked to when she entered the club, and it turned out rachel was a dancer and she had a lot friends already and that was how she became friend with them. always hanging out with them, she started to like dancing as well so she made rachel thought her dance. when her dance became better, she made her mum signed her up for dancing class. her parents were hesitated at first, but after she tried convincing her parents so hard, they agreed. when she was fifteen, jiyeon and her friends were sent to the dance camp by their parents. throughout the camp, her passion for dancing grew bigger.
when she was sixteen, after performing at the school, a korean man came to her and asked her to go for audition. she was confused, either to go or not but later, she made up her mind and chose to go for it without telling her parents first. the reason? because she never thought she would make it. she auditioned together with her school mate; mark tuan who now is a member of got7. a month after audition, she got a phone call, informing she would be a trainee under jyp ent. her parents were speechless when she told them the news, but finally agreed with her decision.
after about four and half years she trained under jyp, she decided to leave the company - not that the company didn't take a good care of her or anything, but when jyp announced there would be a competition among the trainees, she didn't like the idea. not because she was  afraid of losing or getting eliminated, but because she knew how painful to see friends leaving. when moon entertainmet held an audition, she went for it and she made it. in march 2015, she officially became one of  the moon ent trainees.
likes : 
☆ coffee, latte and mocha - a better day starts with them
☆ manga, anime and book - she has shelves of them at home
☆ thriller, action and crime dramas - she's a er for that
☆ guitar - she learnt it when she was a trainee under jyp and now she practices alone
☆ lollipop and chocolate
dislikes : 
☆ bugs - she hates them
☆ pretentious - it you know
☆ overly romantic and cheesy gus - ewww that's gross
☆ alone in the dark, except her home and dorm - it's scary.
☆ losing - 'she didn't like the idea. not because she was  afraid of losing' oh, scratch that, she hates losing the most.
☆ dancing and choreograhing
☆ surf the net  - mostly shopping website
☆ drawing - she can draw pretty well
☆ reading
☆ composing songs - she currently is learning this
☆ she twirls her hair before sleep - she never noticed this until one of her members told her that
☆ biting her lips - she usually does that when she nervous
☆ her eyes widened and she covers her ears with hands when she shocks
☆ fans herself and grins whenever she is embarrassed
trivia : 
☆ choi junhong ; as you know, she has a huge crush on bap's maknae. she even admits it an interview, saying it's hard to resist zelo's charm
☆ yellow and blue; that are her favorite colours. she finds blue is so calming and she just likes yellow.
☆ barbie and disney's princesses; yes. you're right. she likes them.
☆ taylor swift and bruno mars; her favorite singers
☆ green day, paramore and coldplay; these are her favorite bands ever
☆ lydia paek; she knew lydia paek before she went to korea as lydia was in dance crew that she admires so much; quest dance crew.
☆ lydia paek, and prepix; her inspiration in dancing
☆ 7; she thinks that number is her lucky number
☆ if she wasn't an idol, she would further her study majoring in either web designing or game design and development program
☆ she can code/design website - she learnt it by herself when she was fourteen
☆  social networks; @michiyeon- instagram, @michelle20 - twitter. 
☆ she owns a 9gag and snapchat (@crazyyyymexx) account but is unknown to her fans. the fans however aware that she has an accounr on 9gag because she always do inside jokes which only 9gaggers can understand
you're too harsh
family : 
— cha sungwon | father | engineer | 52 | busy, caring, and supportive
- working as an engineer, sungwon is the best definition for a busy father. he goes out for work early in the morning, and even though he comes back home early, but most of the time he will be in the study room, finishing his work. since he is a busy father, he thinks the only way he can make his children happy is making them feels that they aren't abondoned by the busy parents; which was spoiling them. but he's not type who will turn his eyes blind when the children are doing something wrong. he also is very supportive towards his children's hobby and dream as that is the only things he could give to his children.
— jang jaera | mother | physics teacher | 49 | caring, strict and can be a bit annoying sometimes (just another typical  mother)
- jiyeon is really close with her mother as her mother spends most of time with the children, contrary with her busy husband. jiyeon however finds that her mother can be a bit annoying, especially when her mother doesn't allow her to do/ buy certain things. being spoiled by her father, she hates it when she is being controlled by her mother. despite that, her mother is actually really cares about the family. she does that for the sake of her children too. she doesn't want her children to be too spoiled. they need to work hard for what they want.
— cha jihyun (jessica cha) | sister | student | 19 | spoiled, annoying, just another popular hot girl at your high school
- unlike jiyeon who is just average in her study, jihyun is one of the top students at her high school despite of being a problematic student. she is honestly their parents's favorite. jiyeon and her sister have this love-hate relationship, probably because of the experience she got from babysitting her when she was a kid. these two barely talk to each other but when they do, it usually either they want something from each other or it is a deep conversation. jiyeon once admits having a younger sister was the last option if she was to choose either to have a younger brother or younger sister.
— cha hakyeon | cousin | idol | 26 | affectionate, responsible
- both hakyeon and jiyeon were originally not that close as she only went back to korea during holiday, but when jiyeon moved to korea as a trainee, those two gradually became close, adding the affectionate personality of  hakyeon. when jiyeon got day off, she frequently went to hakyeon's family house, as they are her only close relative. through that, her relationship with hakyeon is improved. hakyeon takes care of her as if she is his younger sister.
friends : 
— mark tuan | close friend | idol | 23 | quiet , reserved but reliable
- even  though these two were  from the same school before but they never talked to each other. the first time she talked to him was during the audition. she had no idea that he actually was the quiet type - she thought he was arrogant and such as he was a popular volleyball player at the school. when they both entered jyp, jiyeon became close with him since he was the only person that she knew. he is the person whom she  could pour all of her problems and when she was homesick, she went to talk to him. when she decided to leave jyp, mark didn't say anything except 'you got my back. call me whenever things are hard'. if she flashback to few years back, she never imagine her relationship with mark would turned out like this. she never imagined she would talk to mark at the very place, let alone him being somebody she could rely on. but then, she was thankful that she has mark with her.
— rachel shelley | best friend | college student + professional dancer | 23 | loud, can a at times, blunt
- jiyeon 's first impression on her when they first met each other was "she'a a bithcy type." but that thought gradually disappeared when they got to know each other. rachel is actually is loud and just like her, she is so blunt. she speaks her mind without thinking much. she however can be a especially when people she doesn't like try to mess with her. but who wouldn't, right?
others : 
— joony | respected 'oppa' | choreographer + professional dancer | unknown age | responsible, caring, mischievious
- their first meeting was during the dance camp that she joined when she Was fifteen. joony is a member of prepix crew and prepix was one of the dance crews that taught the participants. those two grew closer (since she is korean  too) during the 44 days of the camp. joony is like an older brother to jiyeon. they are still in contact and they sometimes meet each other when both are not busy.
i wanna be like that unni
stage name : jiyeon
persona : the ocd cali girl (if the ocd kinda sensitive topic then i'll just use the devil dancer)
position : main dancer, rapper
fanclub : elle.ite    #ff0033   (pronounce as elite. elle is the  shortened name for her english name and thus, she decided to use elle.ite as the fanclub name)
talent twin(s) : 
singing - oh hayoung of apink (jia of miss a)
dancing - minzy of 2ne1 (min of miss a)
rapping - lime (1) of hello venus (le of exid)
trainee years : 4 and half years at jyp ent, around ten months in moon ent.
TRAINEE life : the trainee life in jyp ent was pretty normal. nothing much to say that she got a really good friend that she could rely on; mark. because of mark, she started to be friend with almost of the traineees. so you could say she got along with almost every trainee. she however wasn't close with any of jyp artist.
in jyp, she was trained to be rapper and she practiced harder than everyone else. when others just practice dancing and singing, she and few other trainees had to add rapping practice in the daily life. she usually spent her night singing, after finished practicing dancing and rapping.
when she entered moon ent, the atmospehere was abit different from when she was trained under jyp ent. however, thanks to her outgoing and cheerful personality that she finally could adapt with her new surronding
predebut : lorem ipsum
scandals : "Vixx's leader, n  is dating twenty's jiyeon?"- it is seventh month after their debut, the rumor starts when a few photos of the two going viral on the internet. the photos show jiyeon and n are walking together to a car and also the photos of them are at cafe together. as the relationship between those two is unknown to the public, both companies clarify the rumor by giving the fact that those two are cousin. moon ent adds, the reason for the relationship between those two is not announced to the public is because it is a request from jiyeon herself. she wants to be known as jiyeon the member of twenty, jiyeon the devil dancer, jiyeon the rapper, not jiyeon the vixx's leader cousin. in an interview, vixx n is asked if the relationship between him and jiyeon actually not really good? n replies "we wouldn't go out together if we are not closed." the mc continues with another question which is what he would feel if jiyeon dates any of vixx's members. n smiles and says "just like how ravi won't approve her sister dating any of vixx members, i also won't let her dates any of vixx members."
i've dreamed of a romantic movie
LOVE INTEREST : lee hongbin
BIRTHDATE : september 29th, 1993
PERSONALITY : if you watch closely, hongbin is very comfortable around s and is very normal, but if you watch him on stage, or around other people isn't used to, or even if one of the members say something out of ordinary, he tends to get very flustered and shy easily. he also is super sweet if you got to know him and he has the greatest smile ever. his personality is not over the top although he can be random sometimes or just a plain weird in a funny way.
BACKGROUNDtheir first meeting happened at park hyoshin's concert. everyone knows hongbin is a big fanboy of park hyoshin and that explains the reason he was there. as for jiyeon, she was there because of her friend; that friend of her asked her to go to the concert together. hongbin was standing right next to her, and they just happened to talk to each other. being friendly like she always be, she carried the conversation comfortably. even though hongbin is the awkward type but, he admitted that it clicked right away.
When they first met each other, Hongbin was still a trainee and jiyeon  had no idea about it. She thought he was just a fan who came to enjoy the concert. So did Hongbin. They thought their meeting would end when the concert was ended, but it wasn't. It was two months after they met at the Park Hyoshin concert when they met each other again. jiyeon and her friends went to a cafe in Gangnam, and that was when she saw Hongbin again. They secretly exchanged their phone number without their friends knowing it. At that time, they still had no idea that both of them were trainee.
they contacted for barely four months and they stopped. when she watched mydol (obviously because hakyeon) she realized that hongbin was one of the contestant and knew the reason why he had stopped texting her - they were not allowed to use phone at that time. when she went to the vixx debut stage and she met hongbin, again. they talked for a while and hongbin started to text her again in 2013. 
when moon ent released twenty's teaser photos,jiyeon started to clear everything, that she is a trainee too and will debut soon. she told hongbin that she was already a trainee when they met for the first time at the park hyoshin's concert
relationship : they text and call each other, and cheering up each other when they're feeling down and the most important is, they understand each other. hongbin personality really captured jiyeon's heart. even though everyone knows hongbin as a shy hongbin, but he's just so sweet to her. whenever she has problems, hongbin knows how to comfort her and even talking to him is a healing for her. jiyeon honestly likes it when hongbin talks a lot with her because that means hongbin is comfortable with her. the fact that jiyeon actually likes zelo and even admits it in interview somehow bother hongbin a bit but he knows that jiyeon likes him more than she likes zelo.
they are definitely in flirtationship
everything is so awkward
comments : nah, only want to wish you good luck with your story ^^
scene request(s) : i actually have one crazy idea which is when both jiyeon and hongbin reveal their relationship. jiyeon reveals it during moon ent family concert (of course after talking about it with the ceo. in fact, the ceo is the one who suggest  it) "I'm sorry to say this at this time, maybe this is the best, but i'm in relationship with someone. who is he, i can't reveal it yet but i hope you all understand. please continue supporting twenty and giving twenty lot of love," she bows to the audience. she can't reveal it yet because hongbin is busy with his comeback and promotion, she chooses not to reveal it. hongbin on the other hand, reveals it during on a show where the mc asks if he is in relationship, he looks at hakyeon and answers "first of all, i need to apologize to n hyung and i'm currently dating twenty's jiyeon," leaves the audience in awe. hakyeon of course knows about it but the members didn't know. (haha this crazy)
suggestion(s) : lorem ipsum
password : taehyung
LAYOUT BY -switzerland


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